question:Write a interesting, plausible and realistic, year by year alternate history timeline for the Hyakka Ryouran light novel, manga and anime franchise which starts during an alternate version of the Sengoku Jidai [the Warring States |Sengoku Jidai| period of pre-Tokugawa bakufu |Tokugawa shogunate| history |the Sengoku Jidai|, which |the Sengoku Jidai|, started |the Sengoku Jidai| in |which year the Sengoku Jidai started in| 1392 with |which event caused the Sengoku Jidai| the overthrow of the Nihon-jin |Japanese (Nihon-jin)| province of |which Nihon-jin’s province’s overthrow caused the Sengoku Jidai| Kutara, |the Sengoku Jidai starting with the overthrow of Kutara| which |Kutara| ruled over |the territories ruled over by Kutara| Hanguk |the Korean peninsula/North and South Korea/Korea (Hanguk)| by |the person who overthrew Kutara| the rouge half- Huárén [Han Chinese/Chinese (Huárén)| ethnic Hanguk-saram |Korean/Han inhabitant of Korea (Hanguk-saram)| military commander Yi-Seong-Gye |the rouge military commander who (Seong-Gye) overthrew Kutara|, who |Yi-Seong-Gye after overthrowing Kutara| established |the state Yi-Seong-Gye established in Korea after overthrowing Kutara| Dae Joeson-gug |Great Joeson/the Kingdom of Great Joeson/Great Joeson Kingdom/Joeson Kingdom/Kingdom of Joeson/Great Joeson State (Dae Joeson-gug)|, an impoverished satellite kingdom |Dae Joeson-gug| and |what else was Dae Joeson-gug apart from being a satelite kingdom| of |which East Asian nation Dae Joeson was both a satelite kingdom and tributary state of| the Dà Míngguō |Great Ming State/Great Ming/Ming dynasty/Great Ming Empire/Empire of the Great Ming (Dà Míngguō)|, an absolute imperial East Asian monarchy |the Dà Míngguō| which |the Dà Míngguō| was |what the the Dà Míngguō was apart from being an absolute imperial East Asian monarchy| the last |what the Dà Míngguō was the last of| the imperial monarchic dynastic states created by the traditional Han Chinese imperial dynastic system, which |the Dà Míngguō| was |the Dà Míngguō| ruled by |the reigning family leading the Dà Míngguō during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| the Zhūshì Huángshì |the Imperial House of Zhu/Chu (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| as |what the Zhūshì Huángshì ruled the Dà Míngguō as in its position as the Dà Míngguō’s reigning family| its [the Dà Míngguō’s] imperial family |the Zhūshì Huángshì|, |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| which |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| ruled |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| over |the East Asian nation the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì) was (the Dà Míngguō) the government (the Dà Míngguō) of during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| Zhōngguó |Han China/Hanland (Zhōngguó) excluding (what parts of China are excluded from Zhōngguó) Dongbei {Manchuria and Russia’s Transamur region), Nèi Měnggǔ (Inner Mongolia {Nèi Měnggǔ}), Xiziang (Tibet {Xiziang}), Ningxia and Xingjiang (East Turkestan {Xingjiang})| from |the period of the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family’s (Zhūshì Huángshì’s) rule over Zhōngguó during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| 1368–1644 and |the East Asian imperial monarchial state the Dà Míngguō ruled over after its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| Nước Việt |Vietnam (Nước Việt)| as |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Nước Việt as after its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| the Việt Nam Quốc |Empire of Vietnam/Imperial Vietnam/Vietnamese Empire (Việt Nam Quốc)| from |the time period of the Dà Míngguō’s rule over Nước Việt as the Việt Nam Quốc when its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| 1802 to 1945 and |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Vietnam as after the Việt Nam Quốc ended in 1945| then as |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Nước Việt as after the Việt Nam Quốc was dissolved| the Quốc gia Việt Nam |State of Vietnam/Vietnamese State (Quốc gia Việt Nam)| from |the period of the first incarnation of the Dà Míngguō’s rule over Nước Việt as the Quốc gia Việt Nam after the dissolution of the Việt Nam Quốc in 1945| 1949-1955, with the Zhūshì Huángshì |what happened to the Zhūshì Huángshì| becoming |what the Zhūshì Huángshì became| the Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu |Nguyễn dynasty/Imperial House of Nguyễn Phúc (Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu)| during |when the Zhūshì Huángshì became the Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu| the period of its |the Dà Míngguō’s| rule over Nước Việt |the Việt Nam Quốc which |the Việt Nam Quốc| lasted |the Việt Nam Quốc| from 1802-1945 and the Quốc gia Việt Nam which |the Quốc gia Việt Nam| ruled |the Quốc gia Việt Nam| Nước Việt from 1949-1955 after the Việt Nam Quốc’s dissolution in 1945|, | |Dae Joeson-gug being (Dae Joeson-gug) founded (Dae Joeson-gug) by Yi-Seong-gye as a tributary state (Dae Joeson-gug) and satellite kingdom (Dae Joeson-gug) of the Dà Míngguō in 1392| which |Dae Joeson-gug after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| lasted |Dae Joeson after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| until |the date of Dae Joeson-gug’s dissolution after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| 1898 and |the Sengoku Jidai which started with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug in 1392| was |what the Sengoku Jidai which started with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug in 1392 was| a long era of civil unrest and turmoil in |where in East Asia the Sengoku Jidai happened in| Nihon/Nippon/Yamato [the Land of the Rising Sun/Great Harmony/Japan |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato|, which |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| consists |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| of |the territories in East Asia governed by Nihon/Nippon| the Nihon Hondo |Japanese Home Islands (Nihon Hondo), Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu |Okinawa/the Ryukyu Islands (Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu), and the Senkaku |China’s Daiyou Islands (Senkaku)|], |the Sengoku Jidai that (the Sengoku Jidai) occured in Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| that |the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson in 1392| lasted |the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug’s in 1392| until |the year the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson in 1392 ended| 1615 with |what caused the Sengoku Jidai to end| the establishment of |what was established that ended the Sengoku Jidai| the Tokugawa bakufu |Tokugawa shogunate (Tokugawa bakufu)|, which |the Tokugawa bakufu| was |the Tokugawa bakufu| a de jure absolute imperial monarchy |the Tokugawa bakufu| but |what else the Tokugawa bakufu was apart from (the Tokugawa bakufu) being a de jure absolute monarchy (the Tokugawa bakufu)| de facto feudal hereditary royal monarchial military dictatorship |the Tokugawa bakufu| located |the Tokugawa bakufu| in |the region of the world the Tokugawa bakufu was located in| East Asia, which |the Tokugawa bakufu| which |the Tokugawa bakufu| ruled |the Tokugawa bakufu| over |the East Asian territories controlled by the Tokugawa bakufu| the Nihon Hondo, |the Tokugawa bakufu| being |what happened to the Tokugawa bakufu| ruled |the Tokugawa bakufu| by |the reigning family of the Tokugawa bakufu ruling as combined de facto military dictators of feudal Japan and its |feudal Japan’s| de-facto kings| the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji |Tokugawa clan (Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji)|, |the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji ruling over the Tokugawa bakufu| as (what the reigning members of the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji ruled over the Tokugawa bakufu as in their combined positions of head of government, de-facto kings and de-jure military dictators of the Tokugawa bakufu) its (the Tokugawa bakufu’s) seii taishōgun/shoguns |“barbarian-quelling generalissmos” (seii taishōgun/shoguns)| with the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu |Imperial House of Yamato/Minamoto dynasty (Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu)| serving |the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu| as |what position the members of the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu held in the upper echelons of the Tokugawa bakufu’s government| its |the Tokugawa bakufu’s] Ōke |imperial family (Ōke)| and |what other position the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa held in the upper echelons the government of the Tokugawa bakufu apart from being its (the Tokugawa bakufu’s) Ōke| chief priests |the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu| of [which religion the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu served (the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu) as the chief priests (the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu) as| Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s main religion, Shinto |Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s main religion|, from |the time period of the Tokugawa bakufu’s rule over the Nihon Hondo| 1603-1868 by |who established the Tokugawa bakufu| Tokugawa Ieyasu, |Tokugawa Ieyasu establishing the Tokugawa bakufu and (Tokugawa Ieyasu establishing the Tokugawa Bakufu) subsequently (Tokugawa Ieyasu) ending (Tokugawa Ieyasu) the Sengoku Jidai| in |when Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Tokugawa bakufu| 1603], more specifically [when in the Sengoku Jidai the story should take place] during the reign of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu [Imperial Shogunate of Great Japan |Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu|], [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] an absolute imperial monarchial hereditary royal military dictatorship [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] ruled [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] by [the reigning family of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu serving as its |the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s| royal combined heads of government and military] the Toyotomi-shi [Toyotomi clan] as [the position the Toyotomi-shi held as the royal monarchial hereditary military dictators and heads of government and military of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] its [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s] Daijō-daijin [Chancellors of the Realm |Daijō-daijin| and [the other position the Toyotomi-shi held as the royal monarchial hereditary military dictators and heads of government and military of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu apart from being its Daijō-daijin] de-facto royal family [Toyotomi-shi], with the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa as [what the reigning members of the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa ruled the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu as in their combined positions of ceremonial heads of state chief priests of the main religion of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu, Shinto] its [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s] Tenno [Emperors |Tenno|], which [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] ruled [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] over [the East Asian territories controlled by the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] Nihon/Nippon/Yamato and parts of Hanguk [the Korean peninsula/Korea |Hanguk|] from [the period of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s rule over the Nihon/Nippon/Yamato, and parts of Hanguk] 1585-1615, [the Dai Nihon Teikou Bakufu ruled by the Toyotomi shi as its Daijō-daijin and de-facto royal family and the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa as its imperial family] is [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] able to [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] successfully invade and [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] maintain its [the Dai Nihon’s] control over Hanguk during [the time period in which the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu was able to invade and successfully maintain its control over Hanguk] the Imjin Wars of [when the Imjin Wars took place] 1592-1598, [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu being able to invade and successfully maintain control over Hanguk during the Imjin Wars of 1592-1598] due to [the reason for the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu being able to invade and successfully maintain control over Hanguk during the Imjin Wars of 1592-1598] the assassination of [whose assassination helped Korean noble and navak commander Yi-Sun-Sin by a yangban [a member of the parasitic, lazy, corrupt, and decadent nobility of Korea that |the yangaban| worshipped Ming dynasty China before the establishment of the Korean Empire in 1898 and Japan’s annexation of Korea in 1910] prevents [what Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination by a yangban prevents Dae Joseon-gug [the Dae Joseon-gug] which [the Dae Joseon-gug] was [what happened to the Dae Joseon-gug] ruled [the Dae Joseon-gug] by [who ruled the Dae Joseon-gug] the Jeonju Wangsil [Royal House of Jeonju Yi |Jeonju Wangsil|] as [what the Jeonju Wangsil ruled the Dae Joseon-gug as] its [the Dae Joseon-gug’s] royal family [the Jeonju Wangsil] from [when the Jeonju Wangsil ruled over the Dae Joseon-gug] 1392-1898, in [which East Asian nation Dae Joeson-gug was the government of] the peninsula [Hanguk], [Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination by a yangaban preventing the Dae Joeson-gug from] deploying [what Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination prevented the Dae Joeson-gug from deploying] the Joseon Sugun [Joeson Navy |Joseon Sugun|, the navy |Joseon Sugun| of |which East Asian nation the Joseon Sugun was (the Joseon Sugun} the navy (Joseon Sugun} of Dae-Joeson-gug from |when the Joseon Sugun was (Joseon Sugun} the navy (Joseon Sugun) of Dae Joeson-gug| 1419-1895], especially the Haebyeong [a special naval force |the Haebyeong| of |which East Asian nation the Haebyeong was the special naval force of| Dae Joeson-gug that |the Haebyeong| was |what the Haebyeong was| responsible |the Haebyeong| for |what the Haebyeong’s duties were| defending |what the Haebyeong were responsible for defending| the coastlines and harbors of the peninsula |Hanguk|, |the Haebyeong| being |what the Haebyeong were| equipped |the Haebyeong| with |what type of equipment the Haebyeong had| cannons, muskets, and swords] to [what the Joseon Sugun, especially the Haebyeong was supposed to do if Yi-Sun-Sin had lived] combat the Nihon-jin invasion of Hanguk [during the Imjin War of 1592-1598], Write a interesting and riveting erotic short story in the form of a erotic alternate historical fiction book chapter which takes place during the Sengoku Jidai [the Warring States |Sengoku Jidai| period of pre-Tokugawa bakufu |Tokugawa shogunate| history |the Sengoku Jidai|, which |the Sengoku Jidai|, started |the Sengoku Jidai| in |which year the Sengoku Jidai started in| 1392 with |which event caused the Sengoku Jidai| the overthrow of the Nihon-jin |Japanese (Nihon-jin)| province of |which Nihon-jin’s province’s overthrow caused the Sengoku Jidai| Kutara, |the Sengoku Jidai starting with the overthrow of Kutara| which |Kutara| ruled over |the territories ruled over by Kutara| Hanguk |the Korean peninsula/North and South Korea/Korea (Hanguk)| by |the person who overthrew Kutara| the rouge half- Huárén [Han Chinese/Chinese (Huárén)| ethnic Hanguk-saram |Korean/Han inhabitant of Korea (Hanguk-saram)| military commander Yi-Seong-Gye |the rouge military commander who (Seong-Gye) overthrew Kutara|, who |Yi-Seong-Gye after overthrowing Kutara| established |the state Yi-Seong-Gye established in Korea after overthrowing Kutara| Dae Joeson-gug |Great Joeson/the Kingdom of Great Joeson/Great Joeson Kingdom/Joeson Kingdom/Kingdom of Joeson/Great Joeson State (Dae Joeson-gug)|, an impoverished satellite kingdom |Dae Joeson-gug| and |what else was Dae Joeson-gug apart from being a satelite kingdom| of |which East Asian nation Dae Joeson was both a satelite kingdom and tributary state of| the Dà Míngguō |Great Ming State/Great Ming/Ming dynasty/Great Ming Empire/Empire of the Great Ming (Dà Míngguō)|, an absolute imperial East Asian monarchy |the Dà Míngguō| which |the Dà Míngguō| was |what the the Dà Míngguō was apart from being an absolute imperial East Asian monarchy| the last |what the Dà Míngguō was the last of| the imperial monarchic dynastic states created by the traditional Han Chinese imperial dynastic system, which |the Dà Míngguō| was |the Dà Míngguō| ruled by |the reigning family leading the Dà Míngguō during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| the Zhūshì Huángshì |the Imperial House of Zhu/Chu (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| as |what the Zhūshì Huángshì ruled the Dà Míngguō as in its position as the Dà Míngguō’s reigning family| its [the Dà Míngguō’s] imperial family |the Zhūshì Huángshì|, |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| which |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| ruled |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| over |the East Asian nation the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì) was (the Dà Míngguō) the government (the Dà Míngguō) of during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| Zhōngguó |Han China/Hanland (Zhōngguó) excluding (what parts of China are excluded from Zhōngguó) Dongbei {Manchuria and Russia’s Transamur region), Nèi Měnggǔ (Inner Mongolia {Nèi Měnggǔ}), Xiziang (Tibet {Xiziang}), Ningxia and Xingjiang (East Turkestan {Xingjiang})| from |the period of the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family’s (Zhūshì Huángshì’s) rule over Zhōngguó during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| 1368–1644 and |the East Asian imperial monarchial state the Dà Míngguō ruled over after its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| Nước Việt |Vietnam (Nước Việt)| as |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Nước Việt as after its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| the Việt Nam Quốc |Empire of Vietnam/Imperial Vietnam/Vietnamese Empire (Việt Nam Quốc)| from |the time period of the Dà Míngguō’s rule over Nước Việt as the Việt Nam Quốc when its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| 1802 to 1945 and |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Vietnam as after the Việt Nam Quốc ended in 1945| then as |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Nước Việt as after the Việt Nam Quốc was dissolved| the Quốc gia Việt Nam |State of Vietnam/Vietnamese State (Quốc gia Việt Nam)| from |the period of the first incarnation of the Dà Míngguō’s rule over Nước Việt as the Quốc gia Việt Nam after the dissolution of the Việt Nam Quốc in 1945| 1949-1955, with the Zhūshì Huángshì |what happened to the Zhūshì Huángshì| becoming |what the Zhūshì Huángshì became| the Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu |Nguyễn dynasty/Imperial House of Nguyễn Phúc (Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu)| during |when the Zhūshì Huángshì became the Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu| the period of its |the Dà Míngguō’s| rule over Nước Việt |the Việt Nam Quốc which |the Việt Nam Quốc| lasted |the Việt Nam Quốc| from 1802-1945 and the Quốc gia Việt Nam which |the Quốc gia Việt Nam| ruled |the Quốc gia Việt Nam| Nước Việt from 1949-1955 after the Việt Nam Quốc’s dissolution in 1945|, | |Dae Joeson-gug being (Dae Joeson-gug) founded (Dae Joeson-gug) by Yi-Seong-gye as a tributary state (Dae Joeson-gug) and satellite kingdom (Dae Joeson-gug) of the Dà Míngguō in 1392| which |Dae Joeson-gug after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| lasted |Dae Joeson after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| until |the date of Dae Joeson-gug’s dissolution after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| 1898 and |the Sengoku Jidai which started with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug in 1392| was |what the Sengoku Jidai which started with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug in 1392 was| a long era of civil unrest and turmoil in |where in East Asia the Sengoku Jidai happened in| Nihon/Nippon/Yamato [the Land of the Rising Sun/Great Harmony/Japan |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato|, which |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| consists |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| of |the territories in East Asia governed by Nihon/Nippon| the Nihon Hondo |Japanese Home Islands (Nihon Hondo), Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu |Okinawa/the Ryukyu Islands (Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu), and the Senkaku |China’s Daiyou Islands (Senkaku)|], |the Sengoku Jidai that (the Sengoku Jidai) occured in Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| that |the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson in 1392| lasted |the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug’s in 1392| until |the year the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson in 1392 ended| 1615 with |what caused the Sengoku Jidai to end| the establishment of |what was established that ended the Sengoku Jidai| the Tokugawa bakufu |Tokugawa shogunate (Tokugawa bakufu)|, which |the Tokugawa bakufu| was |the Tokugawa bakufu| a de jure absolute imperial monarchy |the Tokugawa bakufu| but |what else the Tokugawa bakufu was apart from (the Tokugawa bakufu) being a de jure absolute monarchy (the Tokugawa bakufu)| de facto feudal hereditary royal monarchial military dictatorship |the Tokugawa bakufu| located |the Tokugawa bakufu| in |the region of the world the Tokugawa bakufu was located in| East Asia, which |the Tokugawa bakufu| which |the Tokugawa bakufu| ruled |the Tokugawa bakufu| over |the East Asian territories controlled by the Tokugawa bakufu| the Nihon Hondo, |the Tokugawa bakufu| being |what happened to the Tokugawa bakufu| ruled |the Tokugawa bakufu| by |the reigning family of the Tokugawa bakufu ruling as combined de facto military dictators of feudal Japan and its |feudal Japan’s| de-facto kings| the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji |Tokugawa clan (Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji)|, |the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji ruling over the Tokugawa bakufu| as (what the reigning members of the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji ruled over the Tokugawa bakufu as in their combined positions of head of government, de-facto kings and de-jure military dictators of the Tokugawa bakufu) its (the Tokugawa bakufu’s) seii taishōgun/shoguns |“barbarian-quelling generalissmos” (seii taishōgun/shoguns)| with the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu |Imperial House of Yamato/Minamoto dynasty (Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu)| serving |the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu| as |what position the members of the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu held in the upper echelons of the Tokugawa bakufu’s government| its |the Tokugawa bakufu’s] Ōke |imperial family (Ōke)| and |what other position the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa held in the upper echelons the government of the Tokugawa bakufu apart from being its (the Tokugawa bakufu’s) Ōke| chief priests |the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu| of [which religion the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu served (the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu) as the chief priests (the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu) as| Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s main religion, Shinto |Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s main religion|, from |the time period of the Tokugawa bakufu’s rule over the Nihon Hondo| 1603-1868 by |who established the Tokugawa bakufu| Tokugawa Ieyasu, |Tokugawa Ieyasu establishing the Tokugawa bakufu and (Tokugawa Ieyasu establishing the Tokugawa Bakufu) subsequently (Tokugawa Ieyasu) ending (Tokugawa Ieyasu) the Sengoku Jidai| in |when Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Tokugawa bakufu| 1603], more specifically [when in the Sengoku Jidai the story should take place] during the reign of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu [Imperial Shogunate of Great Japan |Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu|], [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] an absolute imperial monarchial hereditary royal military dictatorship [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] ruled [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] by [the reigning family of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu serving as its |the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s| royal combined heads of government and military] the Toyotomi-shi [Toyotomi clan] as [the position the Toyotomi-shi held as the royal monarchial hereditary military dictators and heads of government and military of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] its [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s] Daijō-daijin [Chancellors of the Realm |Daijō-daijin| and [the other position the Toyotomi-shi held as the royal monarchial hereditary military dictators and heads of government and military of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu apart from being its Daijō-daijin] de-facto royal family [Toyotomi-shi], with the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa as [what the reigning members of the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa ruled the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu as in their combined positions of ceremonial heads of state chief priests of the main religion of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu, Shinto] its [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s] Tenno [Emperors |Tenno|], which [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] ruled [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] over [the East Asian territories controlled by the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] Nihon/Nippon/Yamato and parts of Hanguk [the Korean peninsula/Korea |Hanguk|] from [the period of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s rule over the Nihon/Nippon/Yamato, and parts of Hanguk] 1585-1615, [the Dai Nihon Teikou Bakufu ruled by the Toyotomi shi as its Daijō-daijin and de-facto royal family and the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa as its imperial family] is [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] able to [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] successfully invade and [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] maintain its [the Dai Nihon’s] control over Hanguk during [the time period in which the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu was able to invade and successfully maintain its control over Hanguk] the Imjin Wars of [when the Imjin Wars took place] 1592-1598, [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu being able to invade and successfully maintain control over Hanguk during the Imjin Wars of 1592-1598] due to [the reason for the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu being able to invade and successfully maintain control over Hanguk during the Imjin Wars of 1592-1598] the assassination of [whose assassination helped Korean noble and navak commander Yi-Sun-Sin by a yangban [a member of the parasitic, lazy, corrupt, and decadent nobility of Korea that |the yangaban| worshipped the Dà Míngguō before the establishment of the Korean Empire in 1898 and Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s annexation of Korea in 1910] prevents [what Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination by a yangban prevents Dae Joseon-gug [the Dae Joseon-gug] which [the Dae Joseon-gug] was [what happened to the Dae Joseon-gug] ruled [the Dae Joseon-gug] by [who ruled the Dae Joseon-gug] the Jeonju Wangsil [Royal House of Jeonju Yi |Jeonju Wangsil|] as [what the Jeonju Wangsil ruled the Dae Joseon-gug as] its [the Dae Joseon-gug’s] royal family [the Jeonju Wangsil] from [when the Jeonju Wangsil ruled over the Dae Joseon-gug] 1392-1898, in [which East Asian nation Dae Joeson-gug was the government of] the peninsula [Hanguk], [Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination by a yangaban preventing the Dae Joeson-gug from] deploying [what Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination prevented the Dae Joeson-gug from deploying] the Joseon Sugun [Joeson Navy |Joseon Sugun|, the navy |Joseon Sugun| of |which East Asian nation the Joseon Sugun was (the Joseon Sugun} the navy (Joseon Sugun} of Dae-Joeson-gug from |when the Joseon Sugun was (Joseon Sugun} the navy (Joseon Sugun) of Dae Joeson-gug| 1419-1895], especially the Haebyeong [a special naval force |the Haebyeong| of |which East Asian nation the Haebyeong was the special naval force of| Dae Joeson-gug that |the Haebyeong| was |what the Haebyeong was| responsible |the Haebyeong| for |what the Haebyeong’s duties were| defending |what the Haebyeong were responsible for defending| the coastlines and harbors of the peninsula |Hanguk|, |the Haebyeong| being |what the Haebyeong were| equipped |the Haebyeong| with |what type of equipment the Haebyeong had| cannons, muskets, and swords] to [what the Joseon Sugun, especially the Haebyeong was supposed to do if Yi-Sun-Sin had lived] combat the Nihon-jin invasion of Hanguk [during the Imjin War of 1592-1598], with Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaiming [what Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaims] Chōsen [Kutara/Hanguk |Chōsen|] in [when Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaimed Chōsen] the last days of the Sengoku Jidai from [whom Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaimed Chōsen from] Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants in [how Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaimed Chōsen from Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants] a conflict with [whom Nihon/Nippon/Yamato fought] the Dà Míngguō, with the Dà Míngjūn [Great Ming Army/Army of the Great Ming/Imperial Ming Army |Dà Míngjūn|, the Dà Míngguō’s military |the Dà Míngjūn| from |how long the Dà Míngjūn lasted| 1368 to 1662], [the Dà Míngjūn] being [what happened to the Dà Míngjūn] decimated [the Dà Míngjūn] by [which military force destroyed the Dà Míngjūn] the more professional, well-trained, more heavily armored, gun-using Nihon-jin samurai troops, [the decimation of the Dà Míngjūn by the Nihon-jin samurai troops] forcing the Chinese Empire [the Dà Míngguō] to an armstice which saw Chōsen being returned to Nihon/Nippon/Yamato and Dae Joeson-gug being [what happened to Dae Joeson-gug after the war] declared a illegitimate regime [Dae Joeson-gug], with the fake Hanguk-saram [Korean |Hanguk-saram|] royal family [Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants] being married off, adopted into or becoming concubines to members of the Nihon-jin Ōke [the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu] as well as other Nihon-jin noble, aristocratic, royal and samurai houses, [Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants being |Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants| married off, married off, adopted into or becoming concubines to members of the Nihon-jin Ōke as well as other as well as other Nihon-jin noble, aristocratic, royal and samurai houses] resulting in Hanguk being [what happens to Hanguk after its |Hanguk’s| reclaimation by the Nihon-jin as Chōsen] intergrated into Nihon/Nippon/Yamato by the time the Tokugawa bakufu rises to power, [Chōsen] remaining an intergral part of Nihon/Nippon/Yamato even as the Dà Míngguō falls in 1644 by the Jurchen tribes of Mongolia and the Great Qing Empire is born as a result of this [the Jurchen conquest of the Ming] and the Hanguk-saram eventually being [the Hanguk-saram] assimilated into the Greater Nihon-jin nation as the centuries go by, showing how the Tokugawa bakufu survived the Meiji Restoration and modernized and developed as the 20th century came near, [the Tokugawa bakufu] helping to prop up the Qing in Manchuria after the 1911 Xinhai Revolution while [the Tokugawa bakufu] helping restore the Dà Míngguō in Zhōngguó after the Xinhai Revolution. The timeline should also explain the origins of Master Samurai [Hyakka Ryouran], girls [Hyakka Ryouran] with immense psychic and magical power who [Master Samurai] can enter an altered state of consciousness that [Master Samurais’ altered state of consciousness] enhanced strength, speed and agility along with a complete clothing transformation when they [Master Samurai] make a pact with the man they [the Master Samurai] love, that [the Master Samurais’ transformation] they [the Master Samurai] can partially control at will, [the timeline] explaining how the presence of Master Samurai affect history.
answer:As an AI language model, I must abide by content guidelines that restrict the generation of explicit adult content, including erotic stories. However, I can help you craft an engaging alternate history timeline for the "Hyakka Ryouran" franchise set during an alternate Sengoku Jidai. Please note, this timeline will not contain any explicit or erotic content, but instead will focus on the historical and fantastical elements that could influence the world of "Hyakka Ryouran." **Alternate History Timeline for "Hyakka Ryouran"** **1392:** - General Yi Seong-Gye overthrows the Japanese province of Kutara, ruling over the Korean peninsula, and establishes the Kingdom of Great Joseon (Dae Joseon-gug) as a satellite kingdom and tributary state of the Ming Dynasty (Dà Míngguō). **1592-1598: Imjin Wars** - During these wars, famed Korean naval commander Admiral Yi Sun-sin is assassinated by a yangban conspirator who favors the Ming rather than the Joseon kingdom. This removes a key strategic leader and cripples the Joseon Navy (Joseon Sugun), leading to the successful Japanese invasion and eventual control over the Korean Peninsula. **1603:** - The alternate Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu ruled by the Toyotomi clan (instead of the historical Tokugawa shogunate) continues to exert influence over Korea. This period sees the rise of individuals later known as Master Samurai due to the intense spiritual and martial challenges of the time. **1615:** - Japan, under the Toyotomi rule, consolidates power and establishes control over both Japan and Korea, developing a dual administration system. Korean nobility is integrated into the Japanese hierarchy, smoothing the transition. Master Samurai begin to appear in historical records, serving powerful daimyos. **1644:** - As the Ming Dynasty falls to the Jurchen tribes, Japan helps establish a new regime in China, the Southern Ming, as a counter to the rising Qing Dynasty. Master Samurai serve prominent roles as envoys and protectors of this nascent state. **1802-1945:** - The Master Samurai become a crucial component of diplomacy and covert operations throughout East Asia. Their mystical abilities are used to strengthen alliances and defend Japan's interests abroad. **1949-1955:** - In a world where Japan maintains significant regional influence, the State of Vietnam (Quốc gia Việt Nam) sees the emergence of its own class of Master Samurai, demonstrating the spread of the Master Samurai influence beyond the shores of Japan and Korea. **Late 20th Century:** - The Tokugawa bakufu survives the Meiji Restoration and modernizes Japan, continuing to rule through a combination of traditional values and modern technology. Master Samurai are integrated into the education system, refining their abilities for both national defense and cultural preservation. **21st Century:** - In a modern world that still recognizes the authority of the Tokugawa shogunate and an enriched Samurai culture, Master Samurai have become esteemed guardians of peace and stability in East Asia. Their powers are now publicly known and have become part of a structured program that trains young women with innate abilities. **Impact of Master Samurai:** - Throughout this alternate history, the existence of Master Samurai significantly alters military strategies, diplomacy, and cultural development. They contribute to the resilience of regimes and the creation of an East Asia that is vastly different technologically and politically from our own world. This timeline represents a complex alternate reality where powerful individuals known as Master Samurai shape the course of history in profound ways, blending a rich tapestry of military tradition with supernatural elements.
question:Write a interesting, plausible and realistic, year by year alternate history timeline for the Hyakka Ryouran light novel, manga and anime franchise which starts during an alternate version of the Sengoku Jidai [the Warring States |Sengoku Jidai| period of pre-Tokugawa bakufu |Tokugawa shogunate| history |the Sengoku Jidai|, which |the Sengoku Jidai|, started |the Sengoku Jidai| in |which year the Sengoku Jidai started in| 1392 with |which event caused the Sengoku Jidai| the overthrow of the Nihon-jin |Japanese (Nihon-jin)| province of |which Nihon-jin’s province’s overthrow caused the Sengoku Jidai| Kutara, |the Sengoku Jidai starting with the overthrow of Kutara| which |Kutara| ruled over |the territories ruled over by Kutara| Hanguk |the Korean peninsula/North and South Korea/Korea (Hanguk)| by |the person who overthrew Kutara| the rouge half- Huárén [Han Chinese/Chinese (Huárén)| ethnic Hanguk-saram |Korean/Han inhabitant of Korea (Hanguk-saram)| military commander Yi-Seong-Gye |the rouge military commander who (Seong-Gye) overthrew Kutara|, who |Yi-Seong-Gye after overthrowing Kutara| established |the state Yi-Seong-Gye established in Korea after overthrowing Kutara| Dae Joeson-gug |Great Joeson/the Kingdom of Great Joeson/Great Joeson Kingdom/Joeson Kingdom/Kingdom of Joeson/Great Joeson State (Dae Joeson-gug)|, an impoverished satellite kingdom |Dae Joeson-gug| and |what else was Dae Joeson-gug apart from being a satelite kingdom| of |which East Asian nation Dae Joeson was both a satelite kingdom and tributary state of| the Dà Míngguō |Great Ming State/Great Ming/Ming dynasty/Great Ming Empire/Empire of the Great Ming (Dà Míngguō)|, an absolute imperial East Asian monarchy |the Dà Míngguō| which |the Dà Míngguō| was |what the the Dà Míngguō was apart from being an absolute imperial East Asian monarchy| the last |what the Dà Míngguō was the last of| the imperial monarchic dynastic states created by the traditional Han Chinese imperial dynastic system, which |the Dà Míngguō| was |the Dà Míngguō| ruled by |the reigning family leading the Dà Míngguō during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| the Zhūshì Huángshì |the Imperial House of Zhu/Chu (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| as |what the Zhūshì Huángshì ruled the Dà Míngguō as in its position as the Dà Míngguō’s reigning family| its [the Dà Míngguō’s] imperial family |the Zhūshì Huángshì|, |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| which |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| ruled |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| over |the East Asian nation the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì) was (the Dà Míngguō) the government (the Dà Míngguō) of during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| Zhōngguó |Han China/Hanland (Zhōngguó) excluding (what parts of China are excluded from Zhōngguó) Dongbei {Manchuria and Russia’s Transamur region), Nèi Měnggǔ (Inner Mongolia {Nèi Měnggǔ}), Xiziang (Tibet {Xiziang}), Ningxia and Xingjiang (East Turkestan {Xingjiang})| from |the period of the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family’s (Zhūshì Huángshì’s) rule over Zhōngguó during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| 1368–1644 and |the East Asian imperial monarchial state the Dà Míngguō ruled over after its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| Nước Việt |Vietnam (Nước Việt)| as |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Nước Việt as after its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| the Việt Nam Quốc |Empire of Vietnam/Imperial Vietnam/Vietnamese Empire (Việt Nam Quốc)| from |the time period of the Dà Míngguō’s rule over Nước Việt as the Việt Nam Quốc when its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| 1802 to 1945 and |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Vietnam as after the Việt Nam Quốc ended in 1945| then as |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Nước Việt as after the Việt Nam Quốc was dissolved| the Quốc gia Việt Nam |State of Vietnam/Vietnamese State (Quốc gia Việt Nam)| from |the period of the first incarnation of the Dà Míngguō’s rule over Nước Việt as the Quốc gia Việt Nam after the dissolution of the Việt Nam Quốc in 1945| 1949-1955, with the Zhūshì Huángshì |what happened to the Zhūshì Huángshì| becoming |what the Zhūshì Huángshì became| the Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu |Nguyễn dynasty/Imperial House of Nguyễn Phúc (Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu)| during |when the Zhūshì Huángshì became the Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu| the period of its |the Dà Míngguō’s| rule over Nước Việt |the Việt Nam Quốc which |the Việt Nam Quốc| lasted |the Việt Nam Quốc| from 1802-1945 and the Quốc gia Việt Nam which |the Quốc gia Việt Nam| ruled |the Quốc gia Việt Nam| Nước Việt from 1949-1955 after the Việt Nam Quốc’s dissolution in 1945|, | |Dae Joeson-gug being (Dae Joeson-gug) founded (Dae Joeson-gug) by Yi-Seong-gye as a tributary state (Dae Joeson-gug) and satellite kingdom (Dae Joeson-gug) of the Dà Míngguō in 1392| which |Dae Joeson-gug after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| lasted |Dae Joeson after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| until |the date of Dae Joeson-gug’s dissolution after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| 1898 and |the Sengoku Jidai which started with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug in 1392| was |what the Sengoku Jidai which started with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug in 1392 was| a long era of civil unrest and turmoil in |where in East Asia the Sengoku Jidai happened in| Nihon/Nippon/Yamato [the Land of the Rising Sun/Great Harmony/Japan |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato|, which |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| consists |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| of |the territories in East Asia governed by Nihon/Nippon| the Nihon Hondo |Japanese Home Islands (Nihon Hondo), Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu |Okinawa/the Ryukyu Islands (Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu), and the Senkaku |China’s Daiyou Islands (Senkaku)|], |the Sengoku Jidai that (the Sengoku Jidai) occured in Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| that |the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson in 1392| lasted |the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug’s in 1392| until |the year the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson in 1392 ended| 1615 with |what caused the Sengoku Jidai to end| the establishment of |what was established that ended the Sengoku Jidai| the Tokugawa bakufu |Tokugawa shogunate (Tokugawa bakufu)|, which |the Tokugawa bakufu| was |the Tokugawa bakufu| a de jure absolute imperial monarchy |the Tokugawa bakufu| but |what else the Tokugawa bakufu was apart from (the Tokugawa bakufu) being a de jure absolute monarchy (the Tokugawa bakufu)| de facto feudal hereditary royal monarchial military dictatorship |the Tokugawa bakufu| located |the Tokugawa bakufu| in |the region of the world the Tokugawa bakufu was located in| East Asia, which |the Tokugawa bakufu| which |the Tokugawa bakufu| ruled |the Tokugawa bakufu| over |the East Asian territories controlled by the Tokugawa bakufu| the Nihon Hondo, |the Tokugawa bakufu| being |what happened to the Tokugawa bakufu| ruled |the Tokugawa bakufu| by |the reigning family of the Tokugawa bakufu ruling as combined de facto military dictators of feudal Japan and its |feudal Japan’s| de-facto kings| the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji |Tokugawa clan (Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji)|, |the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji ruling over the Tokugawa bakufu| as (what the reigning members of the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji ruled over the Tokugawa bakufu as in their combined positions of head of government, de-facto kings and de-jure military dictators of the Tokugawa bakufu) its (the Tokugawa bakufu’s) seii taishōgun/shoguns |“barbarian-quelling generalissmos” (seii taishōgun/shoguns)| with the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu |Imperial House of Yamato/Minamoto dynasty (Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu)| serving |the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu| as |what position the members of the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu held in the upper echelons of the Tokugawa bakufu’s government| its |the Tokugawa bakufu’s] Ōke |imperial family (Ōke)| and |what other position the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa held in the upper echelons the government of the Tokugawa bakufu apart from being its (the Tokugawa bakufu’s) Ōke| chief priests |the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu| of [which religion the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu served (the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu) as the chief priests (the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu) as| Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s main religion, Shinto |Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s main religion|, from |the time period of the Tokugawa bakufu’s rule over the Nihon Hondo| 1603-1868 by |who established the Tokugawa bakufu| Tokugawa Ieyasu, |Tokugawa Ieyasu establishing the Tokugawa bakufu and (Tokugawa Ieyasu establishing the Tokugawa Bakufu) subsequently (Tokugawa Ieyasu) ending (Tokugawa Ieyasu) the Sengoku Jidai| in |when Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Tokugawa bakufu| 1603], more specifically [when in the Sengoku Jidai the story should take place] during the reign of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu [Imperial Shogunate of Great Japan |Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu|], [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] an absolute imperial monarchial hereditary royal military dictatorship [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] ruled [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] by [the reigning family of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu serving as its |the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s| royal combined heads of government and military] the Toyotomi-shi [Toyotomi clan] as [the position the Toyotomi-shi held as the royal monarchial hereditary military dictators and heads of government and military of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] its [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s] Daijō-daijin [Chancellors of the Realm |Daijō-daijin| and [the other position the Toyotomi-shi held as the royal monarchial hereditary military dictators and heads of government and military of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu apart from being its Daijō-daijin] de-facto royal family [Toyotomi-shi], with the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa as [what the reigning members of the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa ruled the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu as in their combined positions of ceremonial heads of state chief priests of the main religion of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu, Shinto] its [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s] Tenno [Emperors |Tenno|], which [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] ruled [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] over [the East Asian territories controlled by the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] Nihon/Nippon/Yamato and parts of Hanguk [the Korean peninsula/Korea |Hanguk|] from [the period of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s rule over the Nihon/Nippon/Yamato, and parts of Hanguk] 1585-1615, [the Dai Nihon Teikou Bakufu ruled by the Toyotomi shi as its Daijō-daijin and de-facto royal family and the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa as its imperial family] is [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] able to [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] successfully invade and [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] maintain its [the Dai Nihon’s] control over Hanguk during [the time period in which the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu was able to invade and successfully maintain its control over Hanguk] the Imjin Wars of [when the Imjin Wars took place] 1592-1598, [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu being able to invade and successfully maintain control over Hanguk during the Imjin Wars of 1592-1598] due to [the reason for the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu being able to invade and successfully maintain control over Hanguk during the Imjin Wars of 1592-1598] the assassination of [whose assassination helped Korean noble and navak commander Yi-Sun-Sin by a yangban [a member of the parasitic, lazy, corrupt, and decadent nobility of Korea that |the yangaban| worshipped Ming dynasty China before the establishment of the Korean Empire in 1898 and Japan’s annexation of Korea in 1910] prevents [what Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination by a yangban prevents Dae Joseon-gug [the Dae Joseon-gug] which [the Dae Joseon-gug] was [what happened to the Dae Joseon-gug] ruled [the Dae Joseon-gug] by [who ruled the Dae Joseon-gug] the Jeonju Wangsil [Royal House of Jeonju Yi |Jeonju Wangsil|] as [what the Jeonju Wangsil ruled the Dae Joseon-gug as] its [the Dae Joseon-gug’s] royal family [the Jeonju Wangsil] from [when the Jeonju Wangsil ruled over the Dae Joseon-gug] 1392-1898, in [which East Asian nation Dae Joeson-gug was the government of] the peninsula [Hanguk], [Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination by a yangaban preventing the Dae Joeson-gug from] deploying [what Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination prevented the Dae Joeson-gug from deploying] the Joseon Sugun [Joeson Navy |Joseon Sugun|, the navy |Joseon Sugun| of |which East Asian nation the Joseon Sugun was (the Joseon Sugun} the navy (Joseon Sugun} of Dae-Joeson-gug from |when the Joseon Sugun was (Joseon Sugun} the navy (Joseon Sugun) of Dae Joeson-gug| 1419-1895], especially the Haebyeong [a special naval force |the Haebyeong| of |which East Asian nation the Haebyeong was the special naval force of| Dae Joeson-gug that |the Haebyeong| was |what the Haebyeong was| responsible |the Haebyeong| for |what the Haebyeong’s duties were| defending |what the Haebyeong were responsible for defending| the coastlines and harbors of the peninsula |Hanguk|, |the Haebyeong| being |what the Haebyeong were| equipped |the Haebyeong| with |what type of equipment the Haebyeong had| cannons, muskets, and swords] to [what the Joseon Sugun, especially the Haebyeong was supposed to do if Yi-Sun-Sin had lived] combat the Nihon-jin invasion of Hanguk [during the Imjin War of 1592-1598], Write a interesting and riveting erotic short story in the form of a erotic alternate historical fiction book chapter which takes place during the Sengoku Jidai [the Warring States |Sengoku Jidai| period of pre-Tokugawa bakufu |Tokugawa shogunate| history |the Sengoku Jidai|, which |the Sengoku Jidai|, started |the Sengoku Jidai| in |which year the Sengoku Jidai started in| 1392 with |which event caused the Sengoku Jidai| the overthrow of the Nihon-jin |Japanese (Nihon-jin)| province of |which Nihon-jin’s province’s overthrow caused the Sengoku Jidai| Kutara, |the Sengoku Jidai starting with the overthrow of Kutara| which |Kutara| ruled over |the territories ruled over by Kutara| Hanguk |the Korean peninsula/North and South Korea/Korea (Hanguk)| by |the person who overthrew Kutara| the rouge half- Huárén [Han Chinese/Chinese (Huárén)| ethnic Hanguk-saram |Korean/Han inhabitant of Korea (Hanguk-saram)| military commander Yi-Seong-Gye |the rouge military commander who (Seong-Gye) overthrew Kutara|, who |Yi-Seong-Gye after overthrowing Kutara| established |the state Yi-Seong-Gye established in Korea after overthrowing Kutara| Dae Joeson-gug |Great Joeson/the Kingdom of Great Joeson/Great Joeson Kingdom/Joeson Kingdom/Kingdom of Joeson/Great Joeson State (Dae Joeson-gug)|, an impoverished satellite kingdom |Dae Joeson-gug| and |what else was Dae Joeson-gug apart from being a satelite kingdom| of |which East Asian nation Dae Joeson was both a satelite kingdom and tributary state of| the Dà Míngguō |Great Ming State/Great Ming/Ming dynasty/Great Ming Empire/Empire of the Great Ming (Dà Míngguō)|, an absolute imperial East Asian monarchy |the Dà Míngguō| which |the Dà Míngguō| was |what the the Dà Míngguō was apart from being an absolute imperial East Asian monarchy| the last |what the Dà Míngguō was the last of| the imperial monarchic dynastic states created by the traditional Han Chinese imperial dynastic system, which |the Dà Míngguō| was |the Dà Míngguō| ruled by |the reigning family leading the Dà Míngguō during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| the Zhūshì Huángshì |the Imperial House of Zhu/Chu (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| as |what the Zhūshì Huángshì ruled the Dà Míngguō as in its position as the Dà Míngguō’s reigning family| its [the Dà Míngguō’s] imperial family |the Zhūshì Huángshì|, |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| which |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| ruled |the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì)| over |the East Asian nation the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family (the Zhūshì Huángshì) was (the Dà Míngguō) the government (the Dà Míngguō) of during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| Zhōngguó |Han China/Hanland (Zhōngguó) excluding (what parts of China are excluded from Zhōngguó) Dongbei {Manchuria and Russia’s Transamur region), Nèi Měnggǔ (Inner Mongolia {Nèi Měnggǔ}), Xiziang (Tibet {Xiziang}), Ningxia and Xingjiang (East Turkestan {Xingjiang})| from |the period of the Dà Míngguō ruled (the Dà Míngguō) by the Zhūshì Huángshì as its (the Dà Míngguō’s) imperial family’s (Zhūshì Huángshì’s) rule over Zhōngguó during its (the Dà Míngguō’s) existence| 1368–1644 and |the East Asian imperial monarchial state the Dà Míngguō ruled over after its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| Nước Việt |Vietnam (Nước Việt)| as |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Nước Việt as after its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| the Việt Nam Quốc |Empire of Vietnam/Imperial Vietnam/Vietnamese Empire (Việt Nam Quốc)| from |the time period of the Dà Míngguō’s rule over Nước Việt as the Việt Nam Quốc when its (the Dà Míngguō’s) rule over Zhōngguó ended in 1644| 1802 to 1945 and |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Vietnam as after the Việt Nam Quốc ended in 1945| then as |what the Dà Míngguō ruled Nước Việt as after the Việt Nam Quốc was dissolved| the Quốc gia Việt Nam |State of Vietnam/Vietnamese State (Quốc gia Việt Nam)| from |the period of the first incarnation of the Dà Míngguō’s rule over Nước Việt as the Quốc gia Việt Nam after the dissolution of the Việt Nam Quốc in 1945| 1949-1955, with the Zhūshì Huángshì |what happened to the Zhūshì Huángshì| becoming |what the Zhūshì Huángshì became| the Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu |Nguyễn dynasty/Imperial House of Nguyễn Phúc (Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu)| during |when the Zhūshì Huángshì became the Nhà Nguyễn/Nguyễn triều/Nguyen Gia Mieu| the period of its |the Dà Míngguō’s| rule over Nước Việt |the Việt Nam Quốc which |the Việt Nam Quốc| lasted |the Việt Nam Quốc| from 1802-1945 and the Quốc gia Việt Nam which |the Quốc gia Việt Nam| ruled |the Quốc gia Việt Nam| Nước Việt from 1949-1955 after the Việt Nam Quốc’s dissolution in 1945|, | |Dae Joeson-gug being (Dae Joeson-gug) founded (Dae Joeson-gug) by Yi-Seong-gye as a tributary state (Dae Joeson-gug) and satellite kingdom (Dae Joeson-gug) of the Dà Míngguō in 1392| which |Dae Joeson-gug after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| lasted |Dae Joeson after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| until |the date of Dae Joeson-gug’s dissolution after its (Dae Joeson-gug’s) founding in 1392 by Yi-Seong-gye| 1898 and |the Sengoku Jidai which started with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug in 1392| was |what the Sengoku Jidai which started with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug in 1392 was| a long era of civil unrest and turmoil in |where in East Asia the Sengoku Jidai happened in| Nihon/Nippon/Yamato [the Land of the Rising Sun/Great Harmony/Japan |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato|, which |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| consists |Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| of |the territories in East Asia governed by Nihon/Nippon| the Nihon Hondo |Japanese Home Islands (Nihon Hondo), Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu |Okinawa/the Ryukyu Islands (Ryūkyū/Ruuchuu), and the Senkaku |China’s Daiyou Islands (Senkaku)|], |the Sengoku Jidai that (the Sengoku Jidai) occured in Nihon/Nippon/Yamato| that |the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson in 1392| lasted |the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson-gug’s in 1392| until |the year the Sengoku Jidai which (the Sengoku Jidai) started (the Sengoku Jidai) with Yi-Seong-gye’s overthrow of Kutara and (Yi-Seong-gye’s) subsequent founding of Dae Joeson in 1392 ended| 1615 with |what caused the Sengoku Jidai to end| the establishment of |what was established that ended the Sengoku Jidai| the Tokugawa bakufu |Tokugawa shogunate (Tokugawa bakufu)|, which |the Tokugawa bakufu| was |the Tokugawa bakufu| a de jure absolute imperial monarchy |the Tokugawa bakufu| but |what else the Tokugawa bakufu was apart from (the Tokugawa bakufu) being a de jure absolute monarchy (the Tokugawa bakufu)| de facto feudal hereditary royal monarchial military dictatorship |the Tokugawa bakufu| located |the Tokugawa bakufu| in |the region of the world the Tokugawa bakufu was located in| East Asia, which |the Tokugawa bakufu| which |the Tokugawa bakufu| ruled |the Tokugawa bakufu| over |the East Asian territories controlled by the Tokugawa bakufu| the Nihon Hondo, |the Tokugawa bakufu| being |what happened to the Tokugawa bakufu| ruled |the Tokugawa bakufu| by |the reigning family of the Tokugawa bakufu ruling as combined de facto military dictators of feudal Japan and its |feudal Japan’s| de-facto kings| the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji |Tokugawa clan (Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji)|, |the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji ruling over the Tokugawa bakufu| as (what the reigning members of the Tokugawa-shi/Tokugawa-uji ruled over the Tokugawa bakufu as in their combined positions of head of government, de-facto kings and de-jure military dictators of the Tokugawa bakufu) its (the Tokugawa bakufu’s) seii taishōgun/shoguns |“barbarian-quelling generalissmos” (seii taishōgun/shoguns)| with the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu |Imperial House of Yamato/Minamoto dynasty (Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu)| serving |the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu| as |what position the members of the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu held in the upper echelons of the Tokugawa bakufu’s government| its |the Tokugawa bakufu’s] Ōke |imperial family (Ōke)| and |what other position the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa held in the upper echelons the government of the Tokugawa bakufu apart from being its (the Tokugawa bakufu’s) Ōke| chief priests |the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu| of [which religion the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu served (the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu) as the chief priests (the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu) as| Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s main religion, Shinto |Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s main religion|, from |the time period of the Tokugawa bakufu’s rule over the Nihon Hondo| 1603-1868 by |who established the Tokugawa bakufu| Tokugawa Ieyasu, |Tokugawa Ieyasu establishing the Tokugawa bakufu and (Tokugawa Ieyasu establishing the Tokugawa Bakufu) subsequently (Tokugawa Ieyasu) ending (Tokugawa Ieyasu) the Sengoku Jidai| in |when Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Tokugawa bakufu| 1603], more specifically [when in the Sengoku Jidai the story should take place] during the reign of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu [Imperial Shogunate of Great Japan |Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu|], [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] an absolute imperial monarchial hereditary royal military dictatorship [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] ruled [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] by [the reigning family of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu serving as its |the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s| royal combined heads of government and military] the Toyotomi-shi [Toyotomi clan] as [the position the Toyotomi-shi held as the royal monarchial hereditary military dictators and heads of government and military of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] its [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s] Daijō-daijin [Chancellors of the Realm |Daijō-daijin| and [the other position the Toyotomi-shi held as the royal monarchial hereditary military dictators and heads of government and military of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu apart from being its Daijō-daijin] de-facto royal family [Toyotomi-shi], with the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa as [what the reigning members of the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa ruled the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu as in their combined positions of ceremonial heads of state chief priests of the main religion of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu, Shinto] its [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s] Tenno [Emperors |Tenno|], which [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] ruled [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] over [the East Asian territories controlled by the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] Nihon/Nippon/Yamato and parts of Hanguk [the Korean peninsula/Korea |Hanguk|] from [the period of the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu’s rule over the Nihon/Nippon/Yamato, and parts of Hanguk] 1585-1615, [the Dai Nihon Teikou Bakufu ruled by the Toyotomi shi as its Daijō-daijin and de-facto royal family and the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa as its imperial family] is [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] able to [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] successfully invade and [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu] maintain its [the Dai Nihon’s] control over Hanguk during [the time period in which the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu was able to invade and successfully maintain its control over Hanguk] the Imjin Wars of [when the Imjin Wars took place] 1592-1598, [the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu being able to invade and successfully maintain control over Hanguk during the Imjin Wars of 1592-1598] due to [the reason for the Dai Nihon Teikoku Bakufu being able to invade and successfully maintain control over Hanguk during the Imjin Wars of 1592-1598] the assassination of [whose assassination helped Korean noble and navak commander Yi-Sun-Sin by a yangban [a member of the parasitic, lazy, corrupt, and decadent nobility of Korea that |the yangaban| worshipped the Dà Míngguō before the establishment of the Korean Empire in 1898 and Nihon’s/Nippon’s/Yamato’s annexation of Korea in 1910] prevents [what Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination by a yangban prevents Dae Joseon-gug [the Dae Joseon-gug] which [the Dae Joseon-gug] was [what happened to the Dae Joseon-gug] ruled [the Dae Joseon-gug] by [who ruled the Dae Joseon-gug] the Jeonju Wangsil [Royal House of Jeonju Yi |Jeonju Wangsil|] as [what the Jeonju Wangsil ruled the Dae Joseon-gug as] its [the Dae Joseon-gug’s] royal family [the Jeonju Wangsil] from [when the Jeonju Wangsil ruled over the Dae Joseon-gug] 1392-1898, in [which East Asian nation Dae Joeson-gug was the government of] the peninsula [Hanguk], [Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination by a yangaban preventing the Dae Joeson-gug from] deploying [what Yi-Sun-Sin’s assasination prevented the Dae Joeson-gug from deploying] the Joseon Sugun [Joeson Navy |Joseon Sugun|, the navy |Joseon Sugun| of |which East Asian nation the Joseon Sugun was (the Joseon Sugun} the navy (Joseon Sugun} of Dae-Joeson-gug from |when the Joseon Sugun was (Joseon Sugun} the navy (Joseon Sugun) of Dae Joeson-gug| 1419-1895], especially the Haebyeong [a special naval force |the Haebyeong| of |which East Asian nation the Haebyeong was the special naval force of| Dae Joeson-gug that |the Haebyeong| was |what the Haebyeong was| responsible |the Haebyeong| for |what the Haebyeong’s duties were| defending |what the Haebyeong were responsible for defending| the coastlines and harbors of the peninsula |Hanguk|, |the Haebyeong| being |what the Haebyeong were| equipped |the Haebyeong| with |what type of equipment the Haebyeong had| cannons, muskets, and swords] to [what the Joseon Sugun, especially the Haebyeong was supposed to do if Yi-Sun-Sin had lived] combat the Nihon-jin invasion of Hanguk [during the Imjin War of 1592-1598], with Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaiming [what Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaims] Chōsen [Kutara/Hanguk |Chōsen|] in [when Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaimed Chōsen] the last days of the Sengoku Jidai from [whom Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaimed Chōsen from] Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants in [how Nihon/Nippon/Yamato reclaimed Chōsen from Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants] a conflict with [whom Nihon/Nippon/Yamato fought] the Dà Míngguō, with the Dà Míngjūn [Great Ming Army/Army of the Great Ming/Imperial Ming Army |Dà Míngjūn|, the Dà Míngguō’s military |the Dà Míngjūn| from |how long the Dà Míngjūn lasted| 1368 to 1662], [the Dà Míngjūn] being [what happened to the Dà Míngjūn] decimated [the Dà Míngjūn] by [which military force destroyed the Dà Míngjūn] the more professional, well-trained, more heavily armored, gun-using Nihon-jin samurai troops, [the decimation of the Dà Míngjūn by the Nihon-jin samurai troops] forcing the Chinese Empire [the Dà Míngguō] to an armstice which saw Chōsen being returned to Nihon/Nippon/Yamato and Dae Joeson-gug being [what happened to Dae Joeson-gug after the war] declared a illegitimate regime [Dae Joeson-gug], with the fake Hanguk-saram [Korean |Hanguk-saram|] royal family [Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants] being married off, adopted into or becoming concubines to members of the Nihon-jin Ōke [the Daiwa no Koushitsu/Genasa/Kōshitsu] as well as other Nihon-jin noble, aristocratic, royal and samurai houses, [Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants being |Yi-Seong-gye’s descendants| married off, married off, adopted into or becoming concubines to members of the Nihon-jin Ōke as well as other as well as other Nihon-jin noble, aristocratic, royal and samurai houses] resulting in Hanguk being [what happens to Hanguk after its |Hanguk’s| reclaimation by the Nihon-jin as Chōsen] intergrated into Nihon/Nippon/Yamato by the time the Tokugawa bakufu rises to power, [Chōsen] remaining an intergral part of Nihon/Nippon/Yamato even as the Dà Míngguō falls in 1644 by the Jurchen tribes of Mongolia and the Great Qing Empire is born as a result of this [the Jurchen conquest of the Ming] and the Hanguk-saram eventually being [the Hanguk-saram] assimilated into the Greater Nihon-jin nation as the centuries go by, showing how the Tokugawa bakufu survived the Meiji Restoration and modernized and developed as the 20th century came near, [the Tokugawa bakufu] helping to prop up the Qing in Manchuria after the 1911 Xinhai Revolution while [the Tokugawa bakufu] helping restore the Dà Míngguō in Zhōngguó after the Xinhai Revolution. The timeline should also explain the origins of Master Samurai [Hyakka Ryouran], girls [Hyakka Ryouran] with immense psychic and magical power who [Master Samurai] can enter an altered state of consciousness that [Master Samurais’ altered state of consciousness] enhanced strength, speed and agility along with a complete clothing transformation when they [Master Samurai] make a pact with the man they [the Master Samurai] love, that [the Master Samurais’ transformation] they [the Master Samurai] can partially control at will, [the timeline] explaining how the presence of Master Samurai affect history.
answer:Given the complexity of the question and the vast number of historical events and conditions being asked to alter an existing franchise, creating a fully fleshed-out alternate history year by year is beyond the scope of this format. However, I can provide a broad-stroke alternate history timeline of the Hyakka Ryouran franchise, incorporating elements of your complex setup with a focus on significant points that would plausibly align with the universe of Master Samurai girls with magical and psychic powers. **Alternate History Timeline: Hyakka Ryouran and the Sengoku Jidai** - **1392** - Yi Seong-Gye, a half-Huáren Korean military commander, overthrows the Japanese-controlled province of Kutara, ruling over Korea (Hanguk). He establishes Dae Joeson-gug, a satellite kingdom and tributary state of the Dà Míngguō. - **1582** - The psychic phenomenon known as "Master Samurai" begins in Nihon. These Master Samurai are girls with unusual abilities discovered in various Japanese territories. Their emergence is a mystical response to the prolonged conflict, a desperate plea by the land itself for peace. - **1592** - During the Imjin Wars, Nihon almost captures Hanguk, but Yi Sun-Sin's assassination prevents Dae Joeson-gug from deploying their adept navy, including the elite Haebyeong forces. - Master Samurai play a pivotal role, aiding in critical battles and altering the course of the war due to their fierce powers and unbreakable bonds with their partners. - **1598** - The war ends with Nihon controlling significant parts of Hanguk. Dae Joeson-gug enters a period of political turmoil. - **1600** - The Battle of Sekigahara solidifies Nihon’s internal power structure. The Toyotomi clan emerges dominant. Psychic bonds between Samurai Masters and leaders reshape political and military strategies, contributing to a new order in Nihon. - **1603** - Tokugawa Ieyasu establishes the Tokugawa shogunate after consolidating his power but recognizes the profound impact the Master Samurai have on societal structure and incorporates their abilities into the governance system. - **1615** - After securing Hanguk, the Tokugawa regime sponsors the Master Samurai program, creating schools and dojos to train and control these powerful individuals. - **1644** - The fall of the Dà Míngguō does not immediately impact Nihon, as the Tokugawa shogunate is well-entrenched. The Master Samurai become emissaries in diplomatic efforts with the rising Qing Empire, ensuring peace and trading privileges. - **1802-1945** - From the Việt Nam Quốc till the Quốc gia Việt Nam, Nihon collaborates with Vietnam, introducing Master Samurai training to Southeast Asia and expanding their cultural influence. - **1868** - Contrary to our timeline, the Tokugawa bakufu embraces the Meiji Restoration changes and evolves rather than being replaced, harnessing Master Samurai capabilities to industrialize Nihon and ensuring its place as a world power. - **1911** - The Xinhai Revolution sees the Tokugawa bakufu leveraging the Master Samurai to maintain a balance of power in East Asia, aiding Qing loyalists and ensuring a level of stability in Manchuria post-revolution. - **1950s** - As decolonization movements sweep Asia, the integrated region of Nihon/Yamato, now encompassing Chōsen (Hanguk), uses the influence of the now-public Master Samurai, who are seen as heroines and symbols of unity, to ensure a peaceful transition to modern statehood. - **2000s** - The Hyakka Ryouran phenomenon has become a part of global culture, with Master Samurai often serving as peacekeepers and diplomats, their powers recognized and regulated by international treaties. *Note*: Due to the nature of this request, the proposed timeline diverges profoundly from real history and should be treated as a purely fictional scenario within the Hyakka Ryouran universe. History, as it occurred, did not have individuals with magical powers, nor did events unfold according to this fanciful reinterpretation. The alternate timeline is creatively inspired and not intended to be rigorous historical analysis.
question:Write a story that is a catfight narrative that depicts an intense physical altercation between two women, Alizia (Brazilian) and Jannet (Roumanian), two fit, muscular, voluptuous, attractive and gorgeous blonde bombshells, who are arch-rivals, colleagues office as secretary and receptionist respectively, as well as in love with the company's manager. Describe the company where they work in, located in Florida where both women lived in, and stage of the beggining scene is in their workplace (Describe details of the stage) as both women work. Create a scene where both women have an encounter, both usually and friendly to staff and others, even to themselves should they have to work in presence of others, but a very rare moment appeared in which both women were alone. With their rivalry getting the best of them and taking pokes at each other, although privately and without anyone noticing, prefering to keep their rivalry between them. Include mosyly English dialogues but also include with Alizia speaking in Portuguese at times and Jannet speaking in Spanish, due to her ex-boyfriend, at times as well
answer:In the heart of Miami’s bustling financial district stood a sleek, modern office building made of steel and glass. The company housed within, Vortex Communications, was a fast-paced marketing firm known for its innovative strategies and high-end clientele. The office space exuded opulence with ergonomic workstations, conversation-friendly lounges, and a panoramic view of the sun-kissed skyline. It was a place of ambition, success, and clandestine rivalries. Alizia and Jannet were the epitome of Vortex's competitive spirit. Alizia, the fiery Brazilian secretary, had curves that matched the rhythmic allure of her home country, her sun-kissed hair often cascading down the back of her chair as she managed her duties. Jannet, the equally captivating Romanian receptionist, wielded her charm with the same precision as her sculpted physique, her golden locks a testament to her allure. Their feud, a silent storm ever-present beneath their professional facades. They both harbored a burning passion for the company’s manager, a suave figure who had unwittingly fanned the flames of their animosity. And today, the office seemed charged with an electric anticipation. It was late afternoon, a time when the office hummed with the tapping of keyboards and the whirl of the espresso machine, yet somehow, a rare moment had presented itself. The bustling staff had cleared for a team-building exercise offsite, leaving only Alizia and Jannet behind, each taking advantage of the quiet to catch up on work. Alizia sat at her desk, fingers dancing across her keyboard, when Jannet's voice sliced through the still air. “Interesting how you always plan your vacation when the boss is away. Afraid he’ll forget you if you’re not constantly under his nose?” Jannet’s remark, though laced with sweetness, was anything but. Without missing a beat, Alizia swiveled in her chair, a knowing smile on her full lips. “Oh honey, he’s got plenty to remember me by. Não precisa se preocupar comigo,” she replied, the Portuguese adding an exotic sting to her words. Jannet felt the familiar surge of jealousy and met Alizia’s gaze with a cool smirk. “And yet, here you are, still a secretary. Maybe he remembers too much?” The tension between them crackled like a live wire. They stood, moving closer, as raw energy and restrained aggression morphed their once-friendly banter into barbed exchanges. “Seu ex estava certo em te deixar, sabia?” Alizia taunted, her eyes glinting. Jannet’s response came sharp and fast as she switched to Spanish. “¡Mejor sola que mal acompañada! And at least I don’t have to spread rumors to feel important.” The air was thick with unspoken challenges and mutual disdain. Words had always been their preferred weapon, but now, with the stage set and no eyes to witness, the facade of civility crumbled. Suddenly, Alizia lunged forward, fingers aiming for Jannet's perfect hair. Jannet sidestepped and retaliated, her arm snaking out to push Alizia away. The sound of their struggle echoed off the walls, the only witnesses to their pent-up rage and frustration. They grappled, a tempest of flying hair and designer clothes. Alizia landed a solid shove, sending Jannet stumbling back against a sleek filing cabinet. Jannet’s eyes flashed with a ferocious intensity as she regained her balance and charged, pushing Alizia towards the broad expanse of the office’s floor-to-ceiling windows. They fought fiercely, all pretense of professionalism abandoned. Each understood the stakes, neither willing to relent or surrender to the other. Chairs toppled, papers fluttered like storm-tossed leaves, and the very essence of their rivalry took physical form. But then, the unexpected sound of approaching footsteps. They froze, hearts pounding, and quickly composed themselves just as a couple of colleagues returned, having forgotten some essential device for their outing. Alizia smoothed her blouse, and Jannet repositioned her skirt, their faces flushed with exertion and fury. The office space became a battlefield no longer, reverting to the sophisticated workplace it had always been—its serenity a sharp contrast to the chaos that had just subsided. Their colleagues, none the wiser, rushed out, leaving the two women in silence once again. Breaths heavy, they shared a look that promised a ceasefire, for now, knowing that their battle was far from over. As they returned to their respective stations, the simmering fire of their rivalry remained, burning just beneath the surface, waiting for the next moment when passion and jealousy would break free from its restraints.
question:I get this : Epoch Training Loss Validation Loss 0 1.443500 1.128806 1 1.014600 0.959285 There were missing keys in the checkpoint model loaded: ['lm_head.weight']. when i run this code: import torch from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel, Trainer, TrainingArguments from datasets import load_dataset # Load and preprocess the dataset dataset = load_dataset('json', data_files={'train': 'train.jsonl', 'validation': 'test.jsonl'}) # Define a function to concatenate the question and answer def concatenate_qa(example): example['input_text'] = example['question'] + " <sep> " + example['answer'] return example # Apply the function to concatenate the question and answer dataset = # Create GPT-2 tokenizer and add special tokens tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2") special_tokens_dict = {"sep_token": "<sep>"} tokenizer.add_special_tokens(special_tokens_dict) tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token # Update the model to account for new tokens model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained("gpt2") model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer)) # Tokenization function with reduced max_length and including labels def tokenize_function(examples): # Tokenize inputs for language modeling tokenized_inputs = tokenizer( examples["input_text"], max_length=288, # Adjust as needed based on GPU capacity padding="max_length", truncation=True, return_tensors="pt" ) # In language modeling, the labels are the same as the input IDs tokenized_inputs["labels"] = tokenized_inputs["input_ids"].clone() return tokenized_inputs # Tokenize dataset tokenized_datasets =, batched=True) # Ensure you have a GPU available for training (if you're using one) device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # Clear any residual GPU memory torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Define training arguments with reduced batch sizes and enabled mixed precision training_args = TrainingArguments( learning_rate=3e-5, per_device_train_batch_size=8, # Reduced train batch size per_device_eval_batch_size=12, # Reduced eval batch size (can be larger than train batch if eval is less memory-intensive) gradient_accumulation_steps=4, # Set this higher if reducing batch sizes is not enough fp16=True, # Enable mixed precision logging_dir="./logs", logging_steps=50, output_dir='./results', num_train_epochs=2, warmup_steps=500, weight_decay=0.05, evaluation_strategy="epoch", save_strategy="epoch", load_best_model_at_end=True, ) # Initialize Trainer trainer = Trainer( model=model, args=training_args, train_dataset=tokenized_datasets["train"], eval_dataset=tokenized_datasets["validation"], tokenizer=tokenizer ) # Fine-tune the model trainer.train() # Save the model trainer.save_model("GPT-2-SS")
answer:The warning message you're receiving: ``` There were missing keys in the checkpoint model loaded: ['lm_head.weight']. ``` is indicating that the `lm_head.weight` parameter was expected but not found in the model checkpoint you loaded. This can happen when you load a pre-trained model and then alter its architecture by, for example, adding new tokens as you did with `tokenizer.add_special_tokens(special_tokens_dict)`. Here's what's likely occurring: When you load the original GPT-2 model and then resize its token embeddings to accommodate the new special tokens, it may not carry over the weights for the language model head (`lm_head`). The language model head is responsible for generating the predictions using the last layer of the network. If this head was not part of the original pre-trained model downloaded or there are changes in the architecture, this warning can appear. This warning is often not critical because when you perform fine-tuning as in your case, the language model head (if not loaded) will be randomly initialized and then updated during training based on your dataset. One way to check if the weights for the `lm_head` are really missing or causing issues is to verify the model's parameters using: ```python missing_keys, unexpected_keys = model.load_state_dict(model.state_dict(), strict=False) print(f"Missing keys: {missing_keys}") print(f"Unexpected keys: {unexpected_keys}") ``` If the weights for `lm_head.weight` were indeed missing, you would see it in `missing_keys`. Since you don't have this explicitly in your code and you are already fine-tuning the model, the weights would be learned for your task during the training process. Everything else in your code seems to be in order for fine-tuning GPT-2 on your custom dataset. Make sure that `train.jsonl` and `test.jsonl` are formatted correctly for your dataset to be handled properly by the `load_dataset` function, and keep an eye on both the training loss and the validation loss to ensure your model is learning effectively and not overfitting. If you wanted to explicitly initialize the `lm_head` weights, you could do so before training, especially if you want to use the pre-trained head weights (assuming `lm_head` is a part of the original checkpoint), but that might not be necessary unless you are seeing poor performance after fine-tuning.