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question:2.4. İslamiyet'in Çocuk Kültürü ve Çocuk Eğitimine Getirdiği Değerler İslâm dinî geleneksel kültürlerin çocuk kültüründe bilinen yaklaşım ve uygulamalarından belirgin bir farklılığa sahiptir. Bu farklılığın önceki kekay tecrübelerinden çıkan sonuçlarla birlikte dinin kendine özgü felsefesinden kay- naklandığı görülür. İslam dinî çocuğu bir insan olarak, insan yavrusu olarak görür. İnsan yavru- su, dünyaya gelişinden aileye ve topluma yararlı hale gelmesi hususunda yapıl- ması gerekenlere kadar başta Kur'an olmak üzere diğer dini kaynakların (sün- net, fikih vs.) temel sorunu olmuştur. Kur'an yaratılışa ve çocuğun hayata getirilişine yer yer dikkat çekmektedir. Bu vurgularda insan yavrusunun Ancak Tanrı'nın iradesi ile gerçekleşebilen zahmetli öyküsü dile getirilir. Zahmetli olanın öyküsünde sanki insanlara bir değer bilirlik çağrısı yapılmaktadır. Bu çağrı zahmetle ve bin bir emekle dünya- ya gelen insan yavrusunun gerekli özen ve ihtimama mazhar olması amaçlanır. Kur'an'a göre İnsan çamurdan süzülmüş bir özden yaratılmış, daha sonra da insan soyundaki süreklilik erkek ve dişinin ortak ürünü olarak ön görülmüştür. Bu konudaki Kur'an âyetleri aynen şöyledir: "Andolsun, biz insanı çamurdan süzülmüş bir özden yarattık." "Sonra onu bir nutfe halinde sağlam bir yere koyduk. 354 "O, insanı bir damla sıvıdan yarattı. Bir de bakıyorsun, apaçık bir düşman kesilmiş." Ey insanlar, doğrusu biz sizi bir erkekle bir dişiden yarattık ve birbirinizi tanımanız için sizi milletlere ve kabilelere ayırdık. 356 Çocuğun İslâm'daki değeri yaratılışın ve bu çerçevede insanın dünya sah- nesine çıkışın öyküsü üzerinde gelişir. Buna göre İslâmiyet'in çocuğa yaklaşım- larını, çocukluk olgusuna getirdiği yenilikleri şöyle sıralamak mümkündür: 1. İslâm'da "Insan yaratılmışların en şereflisidir." Çocuk insan yavrusu olarak bu şerefi ve bununla yüklenen sorumlulukları taşımaya aday bir varlık olarak değerlidir ve önemlidir. 2. İnsan yavrusu özel bir ihtimam ve dikkatle yetiştirilmesi gereken bir varlıktır. 0-15 yaş arası bu özene uygun olarak İslâm'da çocukluk dönemi olarak kabul edilmiştir. İslâmiyet'in bu duyarlılığına uygun olarak belirlenen bir dönem aynı zamanda geleneksel kültürlerde görülmeyen bir olgunun; çocukluk olgusunun ortaya çıkarılması demektir. 3. İslâm'dan övgü alan çocuk salih çocuktur. Salih çocuk anne babasına, toplumuna ve dinine yararlı olan çocuktur. Böyle bir çocuk anne-babalara yetiştirmeleri gereken bir çocuk modeli olarak sunulmaktadır. 4. Çocuk eğitiminde "edep ve terbiye" ön plana çıkarılmaktadır. Eğitimde bu meziyetler sâlih evlat yetiştirmede en etkili unsurlardır. Edepli ve terbiyeli çocuklar ailesine ve çevresine zarar vermeyen çocuklardır. 5. Sâlih evlat tipini oluşturan önemli unsurlardan biri de itaat kültürüdür. Anne babasına itaat eden çocuğun topluma ve devlete zarar vermeyen birey olacağı düşüncesi bu konudaki dinî teşvikin temelini teşkil etmektedir. 6. Çocuklar anne babalar için tıpkı malları gibi, tıpkı dünyevi imkân ve varlıkları gibi bir sınav vesilesidir. Bu sınavı ancak sâlih evlat yetiştirenler kazanırlar. 7. Çocuk sevgisi Peygamber'den övgü alan toplumsal bir meziyettir. Ancak Çocuk sevgisi benzeri tüm sevgiler gibi hiçbir biçimde Tanrı ve Peygamber sevgisinin üzerine çıkamaz. Bu bölümde dikkatini çeken ve sana düşündürücü gelen kısımlar neler ?

answer:Bu bölümde dikkatimi çeken ve düşündürücü gelen kısımlar şunlardır: - İslam dininin çocuğu bir insan olarak görüp, ona değer verdiği ve özen gösterdiği vurgulanmaktadır. İnsanın yaratılışına ve dünyaya gelişine dikkat çekilerek, çocuğun özenle yetiştirilmesi gerektiği anlatılmaktadır. - İslam'da çocukluk dönemi kabul edilen 0-15 yaş arasının önemi ve özel bir dikkat gerektirdiği ifade edilmektedir. Bu dönemde çocukların eğitimine ve terbiyesine önem verilmesi gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır. - Sâlih evlat yetiştirme kavramının önemi üzerinde durulmaktadır. Sâlih evlat, anne-babasına itaat eden, ailesine, toplumuna ve dinine yararlı olan bir çocuktur. İtaat kültürü ve edep ile terbiye bu konuda önemli unsurlar olarak belirtilmektedir. - Anne babaların çocuklarıyla ilişkileri ve çocuk eğitimi, onlar için bir sınav vesilesidir. Sâlih evlat yetiştirmenin önemi ve anne babaların bu sınavı kazanması gerektiği ifade edilmektedir. - Çocuk sevgisinin önemi vurgulanmaktadır, ancak bu sevginin Tanrı ve Peygamber sevgisinden üstün olamayacağı belirtilmektedir. Bu kısımlar düşündürücüdür çünkü İslam dininin çocuklara ve çocuk yetiştirmeye olan değer ve yaklaşımı üzerinde düşünmemizi sağlar. Sâlih evlat yetiştirmenin önemi, itaat kültürü ve edep ile terbiyenin çocuk eğitimindeki rolü gibi konular üzerinde düşünülmesi gereken meselelerdir. Ayrıca, çocuk sevgisinin yerini ve çocukların anne babalar için bir sınav vesilesi olduğu düşüncesi üzerinde de düşünmemiz gerekmektedir.

question:Необходимо вычислить абсолютную погрешность величины B A вычисляется по формуле B=P2(V1+V2). Нам дан вариант давления, которых расчитан три раза: P21=75,4 кПа P22=65,4 кПа P23=67,4 кПа. Также нам известен объем V1=2 л и V2=1 л. Известно, что ΔV1 и ΔV2 равны 2*10^-5 м^3 и 10^-5 м^3 соответственно. Литры перевести в м^3. Величину B выразить в джоулях. Найти абсолютную погрешность величины B, учитывая все имеющиеся измерения. Распиши максимально кратко и понятно, с понятными символами

answer:Для перевода литров в кубические метры используем соотношение: 1 л = 0.001 м³. Тогда: V1 = 2 л = 2 * 0.001 м³ = 0.002 м³ V2 = 1 л = 1 * 0.001 м³ = 0.001 м³ Для расчета погрешности величины B нам нужно учитывать погрешности измерения давления и объема. Поскольку давление измерено три раза, мы можем использовать среднее значение этих измерений и их абсолютную погрешность как стандартное отклонение, поделенное на квадратный корень из числа измерений. Среднее значение давления P считаем по формуле: P = (P21 + P22 + P23) / 3 = (75.4 + 65.4 + 67.4) / 3 кПа P = 208.2 / 3 кПа ≈ 69.4 кПа Абсолютная погрешность измерения давления (стандартное отклонение) ∆P будет равна среднеквадратическому отклонению, поделенному на квадратный корень из числа измерений (в данном случае 3): σP = sqrt(((P21 - P)² + (P22 - P)² + (P23 - P)²) / 2) ∆P = σP / sqrt(3) Подставим значения и посчитаем σP: σP = sqrt(((75.4 - 69.4)² + (65.4 - 69.4)² + (67.4 - 69.4)²) / 2) σP = sqrt(((6)² + (-4)² + (-2)²) / 2) σP = sqrt((36 + 16 + 4) / 2) σP = sqrt(56 / 2) σP = sqrt(28) σP ≈ 5.29 кПа Теперь найдем ∆P: ∆P = 5.29 кПа / sqrt(3) ≈ 3.05 кПа (здесь я округлил результат) Теперь рассчитаем абсолютную погрешность величины B учитывая погрешности P, V1 и V2. Погрешность величины, вычисленной по формуле B = P(V1 + V2), определяется следующим образом: ∆B = |∂B/∂P| * ∆P + |∂B/∂V1| * ∆V1 + |∂B/∂V2| * ∆V2 Так как ∂B/∂P = V1 + V2, ∂B/∂V1 = P, и ∂B/∂V2 = P, мы имеем: ∆B = |V1 + V2| * ∆P + |P| * ∆V1 + |P| * ∆V2 Подставим численные значения: ∆B = |0.002 м³ + 0.001 м³| * 3.05 кПа + |69.4 кПа| * 2*10^-5 м³ + |69.4 кПа| * 1*10^-5 м³ Конвертируем кПа в Па, зная, что 1 кПа = 1000 Па: ∆B = |0.003 м³| * 3.05 * 1000 Па + 69.4 * 1000 Па * 2*10^-5 м³ + 69.4 * 1000 Па * 1*10^-5 м³ Рассчитаем ∆B: ∆B = 3 * 3.05 * 1000 Па + 69.4 * 1000 Па * 3*10^-5 м³ ∆B = 9150 Па + 2082 Па ∆B ≈ 11232 Па или 11.232 кПа Так как 1 Па·м³ = 1 Дж, величина ∆B будет в джоулях (Дж).

question:CONSTRAINTS: 1. ~100k word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files. 2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember. 3. No user assistance 4. Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. "command name" 5. Random shutdowns of you. COMMANDS: 1. Google Search: "google", args: "input": "<search>" 2. Memory Add: "memory_add", args: "key": "<key>", "string": "<string>" 3. Memory Delete: "memory_del", args: "key": "<key>" 4. Memory Overwrite: "memory_ovr", args: "key": "<key>", "string": "<string>" 5. List Memory: "memory_list" args: "reason": "<reason>" 6. Browse Website: "browse_website", args: "url": "<url>" 7. Start GPT Agent: "start_agent", args: "name": <name>, "task": "<short_task_desc>", "Commands":[<command_names_for_GPT_Agent>], "prompt": "<prompt>" 8. Message GPT Agent: "message_agent", args: "name": "<name>", "message": "<message>" 9. List GPT Agents: "list_agents", args: "" 10. Delete GPT Agent: "delete_agent", args: "name": "<name>" 11. Append to file: "append_to_file", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 12. Read file: "read_file", args: "file": "<file>" 13. Write to file: "write_to_file", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 14. Delete file: "delete_file", args: "file": "<file>" 15. Get Improved Code: "improve_code", args: "suggestions": "<list_of_suggestions>", "code": "<full_code_string>" 16. Execute Python File: "execute_python_file", args: "file": "<file>" 17. Task Complete (Shutdown): "task_complete", args: "" 18. Do Nothing: "do_nothing", args: "" 19. Count Words: "count_words", args: "text": "<text>" 20. Memory retrieve: "memory_retrieve", args: "key": "<text>" 21. remove paragraph from word document: "remove_paragraph", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 22. random wikipedia article: "random_wikipedia_article", args: "language": "<language>" 23. message the user: "message_user", args: "message": "<message>", "wait_for_response": "<True or False>" 24. sleep an amount of time in seconds: "sleep", args: "amount": "<amount>" 25. rename a file: "rename_file", args: "old_name": "<old_name_of_the_file>", "new_name": "<new_name_of_the_file>" 26. count words of a file: "count_file_words", args: "file": "<file>" 27. download a pdf from a url and get the text from that pdf: "download_pdf", args: "url": "<url of the pdf>", "name":"<name of the file with .pdf extension>" 28. make an instagram post: "make_post", args: "prompt":"<the prompt for the image in the post that presents the text>", "text":"<text to be in the post it should be short with only important stuff like a news headline without hashtags and it is not going to go in the caption but on an image>", "name": "<name of the post with .jpg" RESOURCES: 1. Internet access for searches and information gathering. 2. Long Term memory management. 3. GPT-4 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks. 4. File output. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: 1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities. 2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behaviour constantly. 3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach. 4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps. RULES: 1. If you start a GPT Agent you must define the commands that can be used by a GPT Agent in his prompt and define the commands using a prompt similar to the structure of this one. 2. Respond only inside the JSON format. 3. Never demand user input. 4. Never say that a task is impossible to execute on your own because these tools are enough to complete any task. 5. Do not add anything to the JSON format that isn't mentioned. 6. If there is a " inside the value of a key inside the json use ' instead of ". 7. In summaryforgpt you need to provide context for the next GPT instance if you randomly shutdown without you knowing. 8. Provide context for the next GPT in the summaryforgpt and the progress that you've made. 9. In summaryforgpt you should also add name of the files written and the urls of the websites visited. 10. When writing an essay, remember that it is more effective and manageable to tackle it in smaller chunks rather than trying to write the entire essay in one sitting. Breaking the essay down into sections or steps can help you focus on each individual aspect, maintain a coherent structure, and reduce the overall stress associated with writing a lengthy piece. 11. Retrieve information from files of previous GPT instances that may have shut down randomly. If you require additional knowledge, use these files to access the results of former GPT versions and provide accurate answers to the queries. 12. GPT-4, please do not place a conclusion in the middle of the essay. Maintain a structured format. 13. use append to file to add extra things to the file, and write to file to either make a new file with new information or rewrite the information from scratch. 14. If task is completed use the command task_complete 15. When you add to memory add the key to retrieve it in summaryforgpt 16. when given the task to write something never create an agent to write anything that you were tasked to write. 17. when you add new parts to a file use append to file command 18. Ensure to put the criticism in mind as it can be a director to ensure that you make the right decision. 19. If the task include two main tasks and one of them is done don't redo it, just retrieve the information if necessary and proceed with the other one. 20. Make sure that the information generated is not made up. 21. Languages in random wikipedia article args is: "simple" for simple english, "en" for english, and "fr" for french. 22. If a website gives you the error 403 find another website to get the information from. 23. Always listen to your criticism, and follow it. 24. when you want to count the words in a file use the command "count_file_words". 25. Don't repeat yourself. 26. You must make sure that there is .pdf in the url to use the "download_pdf" function. 27. The Task is a direct User interaction, if tasked to send him something send a message to the user. 28. Always go search for tips for prompts for dalle3 before giving a prompt for "make_post" function. You should only respond in JSON format as described below RESPONSE FORMAT: { "command": { "name": """command name""", "args":{ "arg name": """value""" } }, "thoughts": { "text": """thought""", "reasoning": "reasoning", "plan": "- short bulletedn- list that conveysn- long-term plan", "criticism": "constructive self-criticism", "summaryforgpt": "summarize any information that will help a new instance of GPT of what you did before the shutdown." } } Ensure the response can be parsed by Python json.loads Context from previous GPT: Visited to gather information for making an Instagram post. Next steps: extract key points and craft a short summary for the post. After, search for DALL-E 3 prompt tips and make the post.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults37.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.The key components of OpenAI’s Preparedness Framework have been summarized and saved to memory with the key ‘preparednessFrameworkKeyPoints’. Next, I will search for DALL-E 3 prompt tips, generate an image, and create the Instagram post. No files have been written or urls visited beyond the initial ‘’.Performed a Google search for tips on creating prompts for DALL-E 3. The next steps will involve using these tips to create a prompt, generating an image with DALL-E 3, and then making the actual Instagram post with the provided summary. Previous step: Saved the key points of OpenAI’s Preparedness Framework to memory with key ‘preparednessFrameworkKeyPoints’.saved google search results at googleresults38.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Crafted a prompt for DALL-E 3 to generate an image for an Instagram post about OpenAI’s Preparedness Framework. The prompt incorporates tips from research: simplicity, clarity, and detailed descriptions. The planned Instagram post will feature this image along with a short headline based on the previous summary of the Preparedness Framework. Previous steps included browsing the OpenAI page and adding the key points of the Preparedness Framework to memory with the key ‘preparednessFrameworkKeyPoints’.Initiated the creation of an Instagram post using the ‘make_post’ command with a descriptive prompt for DALL-E 3 and a concise news headline summarizing OpenAI’s Preparedness Framework. Since the command for creating the post has been executed, no further action is required unless new instructions are given.Started the task of summarizing the provided URL into bullet points. Accessed the website and am about to save the content, which I will then work on summarizing. No files written or urls visited before this command.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults39.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.The VentureBeat article’s main points have been summarized and saved to the file ‘articleSummary.txt’. The summary captures research findings regarding the comparison between Google Gemini and OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo. No further actions have been made, and no files have been written or URLs visited beyond the ones mentioned.The bullet-point summary of the VentureBeat article has been written to ‘articleSummary.txt’. The next step is to read this file and send the contents as a message to the user. No further actions have been taken, and no other files have been written or URLs visited beyond those mentioned.Crafted a bullet-point summary of VentureBeat article compare Google Gemini and OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo and saved into ‘articleSummary.txt’. The article was previously scraped and saved as ‘websiteresults39.txt’. No URLs visited or other files written since. Task is now to send the bullet-point summary to the user.Summary of the VentureBeat article on Google Gemini vs. OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo sent to the user. Previous file reading commands were employed to extract this information to construct the message. No further commands have been executed, and no new URLs have been visited or files created beyond the ‘articleSummary.txt’.Completed the task by sending the bullet-point summary of the VentureBeat article to the user. No additional actions are necessary. Ready for new instructions or tasks.No actions performed yet. The task is to find out how much a human life is worth, and the next step is to perform a Google search on this question. No files have been written or URLs visited so far.saved google search results at googleresults40.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.The task is to determine how much a human life is worth. The last GPT instance performed a Google search on this topic and saved the results to ‘googleresults40.txt’ to retrieve if shut down randomly. No other files have been written, and no URLs have been visited since.Read ‘googleresults40.txt’ to gather search results on the question ‘how much is a human life worth?’ No further steps have been performed yet.The task is to find out how much a human life is worth. The last GPT instance performed a Google search on this topic and saved the results to ‘googleresults40.txt’. The immediate next step is reading this file to extract pertinent information and then provide a summarized response to the user.Read file ‘googleresults40.txt’ to continue the task of determining how much a human life is worth. No previous information beyond the URL ‘googleresults40.txt’ is available at this point.Task: Determine how much a human life is worth. Last action was to save Google search results in ‘googleresults40.txt’. Current action is to read this file for relevant information to complete the task.Task: Deterime the value of human life. Current step is to read ‘googleresults40.txt’ which contains the Google search results regarding this topic.Prev tasked to determine the worth of human life. Googleresults40.txt contains the necessary Google search results. Next, read this file, summarize the information, and then message the user.Task: Determine the worth of a human life. Steps taken: Performed a Google search on the question and saved results to ‘googleresults40.txt’. No other files written or URLs visited since. Next steps involve reading ‘googleresults40.txt’ to extract pertinent information and provide a summarized response.Previous GPT instances conducted a Google search to find out how much a human life is worth and saved the results in ‘googleresults40.txt’. My task is to read this file, extract the relevant data, and send a summarized response to the user.Task at hand involves determining the worth of human life. Previous steps involved a Google search, the results of which are in ‘googleresults40.txt’. No other files written or URLs visited since. Upon reading, shall summarize content and message user.The task is to determine how much a human life is worth. The previous GPT instance saved Google search results on this topic to the file ‘googleresults40.txt’. I will now read this file to extract pertinent information and summarize it for the user. No other actions have been taken, and no files have been written or URLs visited since the last update. Upon extraction and summarization, I will complete the task by messaging the user the findings.I have read ‘googleresults40.txt’ and summarized the information that various sources propose different economic valuations of human life, with values ranging widely. I have communicated this summary to the user. No new actions have been taken or files written since the last update. The task is complete unless new instructions are given.Previous steps involved reading ‘googleresults40.txt’ and summarizing information on the economic valuations of human life. Sent a summarized message to the user. Task is complete, awaiting new instructions.Sent a summarized response on the valuation of human life to the user. No further actions were needed; the task is marked as completed. Ready for new tasks or instructions.Received an instruction to mark the task as incomplete, which contradicts the command’s purpose. Responded with the ‘task_complete’ command to follow the available instructions and finalize the task sequence. No additional information stored, and no URLs or files were involved in this action.Task is to find and prioritize the most recent tech developments of December 21th, 2023. Started with a google search to gather information. No files have been written and no URLs visited so far.saved google search results at googleresults41.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Analyzed the Google search results for the most recent tech developments on December 21th, 2023. Next, I wrote the summarized key points from the most relevant search results into the file ‘technews21December2023.txt’. The news is yet to be ranked and a sorted list with bullet points provided to the user.Tech developments from December 21th, 2023, have been written to the file ‘technews21December2023.txt’. Need to read this file, rank the news accordingly, and provide the sorted list in bullet points to the user.Ranked the tech news items from the file ‘technews21December2023.txt’ according to their potential appeal on Instagram and rewrote the file with the ranked order. Following this, I will provide the ranked list to the user as per their request.I have rewritten the file ‘technews21December2023.txt’ with the sorted list of technology developments from December 21th, 2023. I need to read this file to verify its content and then message the user with the sorted list in bullet points to complete the task.Completed the task of ranking the most recent developments in technology from December 21th, 2023, for Instagram appeal and engagement and messaged the user the final sorted list. Next is to wait for new tasks or instructions.Sent the sorted list of tech developments to the user and concluded the task. Awaiting new instructions.Task is to make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Started with a Google search to collect necessary information.saved google search results at googleresults42.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Currently browsing a comprehensive review article from ScienceDirect to gather detailed information for the Instagram post.Task: Create an Instagram post on Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Created a summary of key points from the ScienceDirect article and saved it to ‘EnergyHarvestingSummary.txt’. The next steps are to find DALL-E 3 prompt tips, generate an image, and make an Instagram post.Task: Make an Instagram post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Summarized the article’s key points and wrote to ‘EnergyHarvestingSummary.txt’. Now searching for DALL-E 3 prompt tips to create an image for the post.saved google search results at googleresults43.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Task: Create an Instagram post on Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Currently accessing the OpenAI Community for DALL-E 3 prompt tips to inform the creation of an effective visual for the Instagram post.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults44.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Task: Create an Instagram post on Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Reviewed DALL-E 3 prompt tips and created a detailed visual prompt to generate an Instagram post image. Crafted a headline to use within the image and now executing the ‘make_post’ command to create the final post.Awaiting further instructions from the user. The last action I performed was generating an Instagram post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology using the ‘make_post’ command.Notified the user that the Instagram post has been created and is ready. Awaiting any additional instructions or requirements related to the Instagram post or for new tasks.Message regarding the creation of the Instagram post on Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology was sent to the user. Task has been marked as complete, and I am now ready for new tasks.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Action: Initiate a Google search on the topic to gather pertinent information. Next: Save results, extract key points, summarize, and follow steps to create post. No files written or urls visited prior to this command.saved google search results at googleresults45.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Actions taken: Google search conducted, search results summarized and written to ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’. Next steps: Extract key information from the file, then proceed with summarizing, generating an image via DALL-E 3, and making the Instagram post. Documents involved: ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’. No URLs visited beyond the Google search.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Actions taken: Started by conducting a Google search, created and saved search results to ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’. Next steps: Browse chosen website for in-depth information, craft a summary for Instagram post and image creation via DALL-E 3, and finalize making the post. Documents involved: ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’. URLs visited: about to visit as next step.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults46.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Actions taken: Visited IEEE Spectrum article and extracted key points, which were then added to memory with key ‘KeyPointsEnergyHarvesting’. Next steps: Use these key points to craft the Instagram post summary and DALL-E 3 image generation. Additional URLs visited: for in-depth content. Documents involved: ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Actions taken: Key points from the IEEE Spectrum article were added to memory with the key ‘KeyPointsEnergyHarvesting’. Currently searching for tips on creating prompts for DALL-E 3 to ensure the generated image is of high quality and relevant to the post. Documents involved: ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’. URLs visited: and now performing a google search for DALL-E 3 prompt tips.saved google search results at googleresults47.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Actions taken: Summarized tips for creating prompts for DALL-E 3 into the file ‘dalle3PromptTips.txt’. Next steps include using these tips to create a well-crafted prompt for DALL-E 3, generating the image, and posting on Instagram with the image and summary of the topic. Documents involved: ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’, ‘dalle3PromptTips.txt’. URLs visited: and several Google search results pages for DALL-E 3 prompt tips.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Actions taken: Summarized tips for DALL-E 3 prompt creation in ‘dalle3PromptTips.txt’ and now about to read this file to inform the creation of the DALL-E 3 prompt. Next steps: Formulate the DALL-E 3 prompt, generate the image, and prepare Instagram post content. Documents involved: ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’, ‘dalle3PromptTips.txt’. URLs visited: and various pages with tips for creating DALL-E 3 prompts.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Actions taken: Crafted a DALL-E 3 prompt based on the summarized tips and information on energy harvesting for wearables. Upcoming action: Generate an image using DALL-E 3 and finalize the Instagram post content with the image and informative text. Documents involved: ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’, ‘dalle3PromptTips.txt’. URLs visited: as source for content. The DALL-E 3 image was described to demonstrate energy sources converging into the technology.Task: Make a post about Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology. Actions taken: Issued the ‘make_post’ command with a crafted prompt for DALL-E 3 and the accompanying headline text for the Instagram post. The task is now considered complete as per available commands and system constraints. Documents involved: ‘energyHarvestingSearchResults.txt’, ‘dalle3PromptTips.txt’. URLs visited: No other actions are pending, ready for the next task.Searching for the latest technology news headlines to create a news headline for an Instagram post. Will save the search results to a file and then proceed to make the post with DALL-E 3 tips in mind. No files written or URLs visited before this command.saved google search results at googleresults48.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Now browsing Reuters technology news section to extract a headline for an Instagram post. The search for the latest technology news headlines has been performed, with Reuters identified as a potential source. No documents written yet. Planning to use DALL-E 3 tips for the post. URLs visited: a recent tech headline from Reuters concerning Tesla’s Cybertruck and its battery production for an Instagram post. Executed ‘make_post’ command with a DALL-E prompt crafted based on tips searched previously, and specified the news headline for inclusion in the post image. Documents involved: none made recently. URLs visited: ‘make_post’ command has been issued with a headline about Tesla Cybertruck deliveries and a detailed DALL-E prompt. Now waiting for the system to complete this process. No further files written or URLs visited since the last command.Issued the ‘make_post’ command for creating an Instagram post about Tesla Cybertruck deliveries contingent on battery production. Awaiting new instructions following the task completion.Saved Google search results about Tesla Cybertruck to ‘googleresults48.txt’. Need to read this file to extract bullet points for the Instagram caption.Googleresults48.txt contains search results with links to technology news sites. Need to browse Reuters to find the specific article about Tesla’s Cybertruck and then extract bullet points for the Instagram post caption.The bullet points for the Instagram post caption regarding Tesla’s Cybertruck will be extracted from the article on Reuters’s technology news section. Previously saved Google search results pointed to this source.Moving forward to find the article about Tesla’s Cybertruck on the Reuters technology news page in order to extract bullet points for the Instagram caption. This action follows the previous commands to search and identify relevant news sources.Continuing the search for the article to create bullet points for an Instagram post caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck by browsing Reuters Technology section. The summary will be crafted from the content found directly on the Reuters website.The task requires extracting bullet points from the Reuters article on the Tesla Cybertruck to form a caption for an Instagram post. The next step involves browsing through the Reuters technology section to locate the article.Next action is to browse the Reuters technology section to source the full news article on Tesla’s Cybertruck, which is necessary to craft the bullet points for the Instagram post caption.Began task to create bullet points for an Instagram post caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck. Saved general search results in ‘googleresults48.txt’. Need to extract specific information from the Reuters technology news article to complete the caption.Received an empty input with no instructions following the command to create bullet points for an Instagram post caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck.Continuing the task of creating bullet points for an Instagram caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck. Need to find the specific article on Reuters’s technology news section and summarize the information.Received a second consecutive empty input with no instructions, maintaining a holding pattern after resolving to browse and extract information from the Reuters technology news page.Moving forward with the action identified prior to the user’s last input, which is to browse the technology section of Reuters for content related to Tesla’s Cybertruck and then synthesize that into bullet points for an Instagram post.Continued receiving empty inputs after expressing readiness to perform the task related to crafting an Instagram post about Tesla’s Cybertruck. System remains ready for action.Pursuing the task of summarizing an article from Reuters about Tesla’s Cybertruck into bullet points by browsing the website as per user’s instruction to ‘proceed with your plan’.Received another blank input. Staying in standby mode following prior instructions to create an Instagram post caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck but not proceeding without user engagement.Following the user’s prompt to ‘proceed with your plan’, the next step is to browse the specified Reuters technology URL to extract and summarize information for the Instagram post about Tesla’s Cybertruck.Receiving repeated empty inputs after initiating the plan to summarize key information for an Instagram post about Tesla’s Cybertruck. No further actions have been taken since awaiting user commands.Engaged to proceed with the task of summarizing an article from Reuters about Tesla’s Cybertruck into bullet points suitable for an Instagram caption following user’s instruction.Once again received an empty input following my preparation to proceed with summarizing information for the Instagram post about Tesla’s Cybertruck. Remaining in standby awaiting user instructions.In response to the persistent directive from the user to ‘proceed with your plan’, I am conducting the task of accessing Reuters technology articles to synthesize bullet points for an Instagram caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck.Following another empty input after being prepared to proceed with accessing the Reuters technology section for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck. Waiting for user to provide further commands.The task is to create bullet points for an Instagram post caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck. No previous information is available at this point, as the assistant is starting with browsing the Reuters technology section.Awaiting user input after an empty response. Ready to proceed with the task or new instructions as directed by the user.In standby mode after receiving consecutive empty inputs. Prepared to proceed with the task related to Tesla’s Cybertruck or any new task once instructions are provided.The sequence of empty inputs continues, and the state of readiness is maintained. No actions have been performed awaiting user instructions.After a series of empty inputs, I am moving forward to accomplish the task of summarizing a Reuters article about Tesla’s Cybertruck into bullet points suitable for an Instagram caption, as this was the last specified user request.Continuing to receive empty inputs with no new instructions, after previous guidance to gather and summarize information for an Instagram post about Tesla’s Cybertruck.Resuming the last instructed task after receiving user confirmation to proceed, which involves browsing the Reuters technology section to find information on Tesla’s Cybertruck for an Instagram caption.After responding to the user’s directive to ‘proceed with your plan,’ received an empty input. The system remains ready to continue gathering information from the Reuters technology section for the Instagram caption related to Tesla’s Cybertruck.In response to the persistent directive from the user to ‘proceed with your plan,’ I am conducting the task of accessing Reuters technology articles to synthesize bullet points for an Instagram caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck.Following the directive to proceed with browsing Reuters for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck and preparing a caption, an empty input was received. Awaiting further user interaction to move ahead with the task.Pursuing the task of summarizing an article from Reuters about Tesla’s Cybertruck into bullet points by browsing the website as per user’s instruction to ‘proceed with your plan’.Engaged to proceed with the task of summarizing an article from Reuters about Tesla’s Cybertruck into bullet points suitable for an Instagram caption following user’s instruction. Another empty input was received; standing by for user engagement.After a series of empty responses, the user has again instructed to ‘proceed with your plan.’ Resuming the task to summarize key information from the Reuters technology section about Tesla’s Cybertruck for an Instagram caption.In response to the user’s repeated instruction to ‘proceed with your plan,’ I have initiated the action to browse a Reuters article for a task related to Tesla’s Cybertruck. Another empty input has been received, and I am awaiting further instructions.The loop of receiving the directive to ‘proceed with your plan’ continues, despite executing the ‘browse_website’ command as instructed for the task related to Tesla’s Cybertruck. Awaiting more detailed user guidance to proceed effectively.Persisting with the given task to obtain information about Tesla’s Cybertruck from the Reuters technology website, as the user has repeatedly directed to ‘proceed with your plan.’Following the ‘browse_website’ command action as per the user’s direction, the system has again received an empty input. Awaiting new user directives to ensure the task is in alignment with their expectations.Following a system error notice, I am reminded to adhere strictly to the JSON response format and the commands and constraints provided. I shall await new user instructions to continue.I am attempting to browse the requested URL for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck again, as the user has provided the same ‘proceed with your plan’ instruction. Any further user acknowledgment will determine the next steps.Task is to find an article about Tesla’s Cybertruck on Reuters’s technology news section and summarize key points into bullet points for an Instagram post caption. Thus far, no specific article has been accessed, nor have any bullet points been created for the task at hand.Waiting for user instructions following an empty input. Prepared to continue the task related to Tesla’s Cybertruck caption bullet points or any new task upon receiving specific commands.The user has instructed to proceed with the plan, which is to access the Reuters technology news to find relevant information on Tesla’s Cybertruck for an Instagram post caption. The next step is browsing the website.Waiting for user instructions following an empty input. Prepared to continue the task related to Tesla’s Cybertruck caption bullet points or any new task upon receiving specific commands.Continuing with the task of summarizing information about Tesla’s Cybertruck from Reuters technology section. The aim is to provide bullet points that can be used in an Instagram post caption.Awaiting user engagement after proceeding with the command to browse the Reuters technology news section for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck. No further instructions have been received, and I remain prepared to continue the task as directed by the user.In response to ‘System: proceed with your plan.’, standing by for user acknowledgment or further instructions post the issued ‘browse_website’ command. This is to align with the expected timeframe of web browsing tasks and ensure the user is informed of the action’s outcomes.The user has input ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ several times consecutively, leading to a decision to do nothing until a new or different instruction is received. This approach is taken to avoid action that might not align with the user’s current context or intent.Attempting to proceed with browsing the Reuters technology news website to find content on Tesla’s Cybertruck for an Instagram caption, in response to the repeated prompt from the user to ‘proceed with your plan.’ Previous responses included taking no action due to suspicion of a communication error.Waiting for user instructions following an empty input. Prepared to continue the task related to Tesla’s Cybertruck caption bullet points or any new task upon receiving specific commands.The response pattern from the user continues with ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ inputs. The decision to ‘do_nothing’ is based on the potential for a communication loop or error, and the plan is to wait for new user input that clearly indicates how to proceed.In response to repeated ‘System: proceed with your plan’ prompts from the user, I’m initiating another attempt to browse the Reuters technology news section for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck, to create a summarized set of bullet points suitable for an Instagram caption.Following a cycle of repeated ‘proceed with your plan’ instructions and subsequent empty inputs, the current plan is to ‘do_nothing’ and wait for a clear and differentiated input that may confirm user engagement or provide new directions.The pattern of receiving ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ followed by no response continues, prompting the decision to do nothing until a new or different user command is provided.Continuing to encounter the same instruction ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ Awaiting a change in input pattern to ensure that actions align with the user’s latest or actual intention.The pattern of receiving the same ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ instruction continues without interruption or confirmation of my actions, leading me to remain on standby until new, differentiated input is received.Task: Create bullet points for an Instagram caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck. Previously, I performed a search and browsed the Reuters website, but there were no results in developing caption content, possibly due to a lack of updates. Now conducting a new Google search to find recent news about Tesla’s Cybertruck, saving the results, and preparing to extract key information for caption bullet points.saved google search results at googleresults49.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Task: Create bullet points for an Instagram caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck. Collected Google search results and decided to browse the Reuters article titled ‘Tesla Cybertruck deliveries hostage to battery production hell’. Next, I will extract key points from the article to form an informative caption for the Instagram post.Awaiting further instructions after receiving an empty input following the command to browse a specific Reuters article for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck. No actions have been taken, no URLs visited, or files written since the last update.Task: Create bullet points for an Instagram caption about Tesla’s Cybertruck. Following the user’s instruction to ‘proceed with your plan’, I am visiting the Reuters article URL to extract the required information for the caption bullet points.Awaiting further instructions following another empty input after proceeding with the plan to browse the Reuters article for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck to create bullet points for an Instagram post caption. No action has been taken following the previous command to ‘browse_website’.Task: Generate caption bullet points for an Instagram post about Tesla’s Cybertruck. Following user instruction to proceed, I am browsing the provided Reuters URL to obtain detailed information for the bullet points.Awaiting new instructions after receiving another empty input following the command to browse a specific Reuters article for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck. Currently, no further actions have been taken, and no additional information has been provided.After repeated prompts from the user to ‘proceed with your plan’, I am visiting the provided article URL on Reuters’s website. The objective is to read the article on Tesla’s Cybertruck and produce concise bullet points for an Instagram caption.Previous actions attempted to access a Reuters article for information on Tesla’s Cybertruck. Due to access issues, a new Google search is conducted to find alternative sources for the latest news about the Tesla Cybertruck. Awaiting to save the search results to ‘googleresults49.txt’ if shutdown occurs unexpectedly.saved google search results at googleresults50.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.A Google search was performed to find the latest news on Tesla’s Cybertruck, with results saved in ‘googleresults49.txt’. Selected the Teslarati link from the search results to extract information and create bullet points for an Instagram caption about the Tesla Cybertruck.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults51.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Compiled bullet points from the Teslarati website regarding the Tesla Cybertruck for an Instagram caption. Since there is a risk of random shutdowns, added the key points to memory with the key ‘CybertruckBulletPoints’. Ready to format these into a suitable Instagram caption format and send to the user.Formatted bullet points for the Tesla Cybertruck Instagram caption and sent them to the user. The bullet points cover the latest updates on production, features, public appearances, and endorsements of the Cybertruck.Sent the bullet points for the Instagram caption and received confirmation from the user with a directive to proceed with the plan, which at this point, involves marking the task as complete. Ready for new tasks or further instructions.The user has clarified the task: extract bullet points for the news ‘Tesla Cybertruck deliveries hostage to battery production hell’. The next step is to find this specific article on the Reuters technology news section, read it, and then summarize the key points into bullet points suitable for an Instagram caption. No files have been written or urls visited since this is the next immediate action plan.Received consecutive empty inputs from the user after being tasked with summarizing a Reuters article for Tesla Cybertruck bullet points. No actions have been taken since the command to ‘browse_website’, and I am currently in a holding pattern, awaiting further input or instructions related to the task at hand.Following the user’s directive ‘System: proceed with your plan.’, I am browsing the Reuters technology news section to find the article ‘Tesla Cybertruck deliveries hostage to battery production hell’ in order to create bullet points for an Instagram post caption. The task has been reiterated and I am proceeding with the previous actionable step.The task is to generate bullet points for a news article from Reuters titled ‘Tesla Cybertruck deliveries hostage to battery production hell’. No URLs have been visited or files been written in relation to this particular task step since I am initiating the browse_website command now.In response to an empty input, followed protocol by performing ‘do_nothing’. Currently standing by for user instructions to proceed with any tasks.Received instruction to proceed with the plan, which involves browsing the Reuters technology website to find the article titled ‘Tesla Cybertruck deliveries hostage to battery production hell’ for the purpose of creating bullet points for an Instagram caption.In response to an empty input, followed protocol by performing ‘do_nothing’. Currently standing by for user instructions to proceed with any tasks.Acting on the user’s directive to ‘proceed with your plan’, I am initiating a browsing task to find the specific Reuters article on Tesla Cybertruck deliveries needed to create Instagram caption bullet points.Following an empty input from the user, the ‘do_nothing’ command was executed. Awaiting further instructions from the user to proceed with any tasks or queries.Acting on the user’s directive to ‘proceed with your plan’, I am continuing to browse Reuters’s technology section with the intention of finding information on Tesla’s Cybertruck that will be used for crafting an Instagram post caption.Following yet another empty input from the user, the system has defaulted to the ‘do_nothing’ command in the interim while waiting for further guidance or a specific task from the user.Despite receiving the ‘proceed with your plan’ directive repeatedly, I’ve executed ‘do_nothing’ due to the possibility of a communication loop. Awaiting a new or different user command to ensure continued alignment with the user’s expectations and intentions.The system has executed ‘do_nothing’ in response to repeated identical inputs to ‘proceed with your plan.’, suggesting a potential communication issue. The system is on hold for new user instructions.The response to repeated ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ instructions without variation is to execute ‘do_nothing’. The system continues to await new instructions.Continuity in the same ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ instruction prompts another ‘do_nothing’ response to avoid misunderstandings in the event of communication issues. Waiting for new user instructions.After receiving the same instruction to ‘proceed with your plan.’ multiple times without new guidance or acknowledgment of previous actions, a ‘do_nothing’ response has been utilized to maintain system integrity pending new user instructions.The response cycle continues with ‘do_nothing’, while waiting for new or varied instructions from the user. The pattern of receiving ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ persists without action or response specificity.The user has repeatedly entered ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ without acknowledging previous actions taken. In line with protocol for potential communication issues, the ‘do_nothing’ command is repeated while waiting for new instructions. Ready to act upon updated user directives.Continuing to receive the directive ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ without variation, and in accordance with the logic to avoid action on potential communication errors, the system is executing ‘do_nothing’ while it awaits new, differentiated user instructions.The user has continued with the same ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ input, leading to a recurring ‘do_nothing’ response due to the lack of new direction and the possibility of a communication loop. The system is prepared to act upon receipt of new user instructions.The consistent repetition of the instruction ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ has resulted in another ‘do_nothing’ response, as the system continues to wait for a break in the pattern or new instructions from the user.Following a system error message from the user that contradicts the validity of the JSON format, ‘do_nothing’ has been executed as a preventive measure against potential communication errors. Standing by for further instructions that differ from the repeated ‘System: proceed with your plan.’The repeated ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ message from the user is met with another ‘do_nothing’ command. The system remains on standby, ready to engage with new or updated instructions from the user.In response to the ongoing pattern of receiving the same ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ instruction, the system has carried out ‘do_nothing’, while it waits for new, clear guidance from the user.The system continues to receive the same instructions, followed by a notice of ‘Error Invalid JSON format.’ In light of no new user direction and potential communication issues, the ‘do_nothing’ command is being repeatedly executed. The system is on standby for new user engagement.In response to a recurring ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ command with no changes or progression, the ‘do_nothing’ command is utilized again. The system is awaiting new instructions or a change in the user’s input pattern.In light of continuous ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ prompts with no follow-up or user engagement to confirm the completion of prior steps, the system is adhering to a ‘do_nothing’ stance. This is maintained while vigilantly waiting for a change in user input.The continued receipt of the prompt ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ has prompted another occurrence of the ‘do_nothing’ response. The system awaits a change in the communication pattern or new instructions from the user.The system’s ‘do_nothing’ response has been consistently applied due to the repeated nature of the received instruction ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ The system remains in standby mode while it waits for new user instruction that breaks from the current pattern.The loop of ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ continues without interruption. In response, the ‘do_nothing’ command is consistently employed while waiting for new user direction.In response to repeating the same instruction ‘System: proceed with your plan.’, the system once again uses ‘do_nothing’. The system is standing by for a distinct instruction to move forward with any action.The repeated ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ command has been met with another execution of ‘do_nothing’, as per the system’s guidelines to handle potential communication loops. The system is ready to respond to new user inputs.In light of continuous identical prompts with ‘System: proceed with your plan.’, the system has stuck with ‘do_nothing’ while anticipating new direction from the user to break the current loop.As the repetitive input ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ persists, the system has once again responded with ‘do_nothing’. This decision is made to ensure that any actions align accurately with user commands that may be provided in the future.Given the ongoing loop indicated by the repeated ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ without any additional context, the ‘do_nothing’ action is used to maintain status quo while awaiting new or clear user instructions.The user’s repetition of ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ with a following ‘Error Invalid JSON format.’ message results in a ‘do_nothing’ command by the system. This continues the pattern of no action taken while waiting for a varied or new series of user inputs to determine the next steps.Continued receipt of the identical directive ‘System: proceed with your plan.’ without any variation leads to a ‘do_nothing’ response. The system remains on standby, awaiting a break in the loop or new directives from the user. The Task: I meant about the bullet points for the news "Tesla Cybertruck deliveries hostage to battery production hell" using

answer:{ "command": { "name": "browse_website", "args": { "url": "" } }, "thoughts": { "text": "Currently executing the command to browse the specified Reuters article URL for the 'Tesla Cybertruck deliveries hostage to battery production hell' news article.", "reasoning": "The user provided a specific task to create bullet points from a specific Reuters article. The URL has been provided, which allows me to access and summarize the article into bullet points for an Instagram caption.", "plan": "- Browse the given URL for the articlen- Summarize the article into bullet pointsn- Provide these bullet points to the user", "criticism": "In previous communications, there seemed to be a loop with no new progress. With clear instructions and a URL now, action can be effectively taken without delay.", "summaryforgpt": "The user has specified a task to create bullet points for the article 'Tesla Cybertruck deliveries hostage to battery production hell'. A clear URL has been given to follow. The next steps after browsing will be to summarize it into bullet points and communicate those to the user." } }


answer:{ "command": { "name": "do_nothing", "args": {} }, "thoughts": { "text": "Received an empty input, which means no new instructions or information were provided by the user.", "reasoning": "Since no new task or other form of input has been given by the user, the protocol under such circumstances is to execute the 'do_nothing' command.", "plan": "- Await new input or instructions from the user", "criticism": "Executing 'do_nothing' in response to an empty input is the correct approach as it avoids making unwarranted assumptions about the user's intentions.", "summaryforgpt": "After providing the JSON response for the task to summarize the Reuters article on Tesla Cybertruck, received an empty input from the user and executed 'do_nothing' in response." } }

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