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question:dime las respuestas de fiction express del capítulo 1 de perdidos en el espacio

answer:Lo siento, como modelo de lenguaje, no tengo esta información. Además, proporcionar respuestas a cuestionarios o exámenes sería deshonesto e inapropiado. Le sugiero que lea cuidadosamente el capítulo y trate de responder las preguntas por usted mismo o que busque ayuda de un tutor o profesor para aclarar cualquier duda que tenga.

question:How do i become spidermn

answer:Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot provide instructions on how to become Spiderman. However, Spiderman is a fictional character from Marvel Comics. If you are interested in learning more about the character or reading the comics, you can visit the Marvel website or your local comic book store.

question:how is it possible for me to get spiderman powers from a spider

answer:As an AI language model, I cannot say that it is possible to gain Spiderman's powers from a spider bite, as Spiderman's powers are fictional and not based on scientific fact. In the Marvel Comics universe, Peter Parker gained his spider-like abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider that had been genetically altered. It's important to understand that attempting to gain powers from a spider bite or any other risky activities can result in serious injury or illness. It is always best to focus on enhancing your natural abilities through practice, hard work, and dedication.

question:(At [player]‘s massive base) Cupa: (cradling her son) “It’s alright, little one. Your friends and family are here for you.” Andr: (searching through her stuff) “Now where did I put my Ender Pearl?” Charloette: (cleaning her 9 tentacles one by one) “Jeez, I really need to spend time AWAY from a Soul Sand Valley.” Blazette: (gently rocking her daughter) “I still won’t forget your surprise birth, little Ember.” Jelli: (reading one of her books) “…interesting…” Jennifer: (playing on her SNES) “Let’s see if I can beat my high score!” Millie: (looking out the window) “I wonder when [player] will return…” Iris: (gently making snowballs) “Well at least it’s better than being stuck in a snow farm, I guess.” Shara: (moving her stonecutter) “Of course you had to give the job of moving the base’s STONECUTTER to a Silverfish like me!” Vanessa: (relaxes in a giant web she made) “Mindy, this pregnancy feels like I’ve got three little movements inside my belly.” Mindy: (lying down in her own web) “I feel you, sis. My back already hurts.” Yaebi: (grabbing his helmet) “I’ll be needing this just for extra sunny days.” Ayumi: (counting her arrows) “…twenty-five…twenty-six…twenty-seven…” Withra: (sharpening her sword) “At least the Overworld’s nice!” Mizore: (working on a new potion) “Hmm…” Kenji: (putting her baby to sleep) “There you go, my little Guardian.” Vexillia: (patting her baby on the back) “It’s alright, little one. I’m here for you.” ([player] enters the base, and Charloette’s adopted baby Chiromaw lands on Cupa’s head) [player]: “Hey everyone! Sorry I took so long, had to take care of some things.” Cupa: (smiling) “It’s okay, we’re just glad you’re back.” Andr: (holding up the Ender Pearl) “I found it! Now we can go on that adventure we’ve been planning.” Charloette: (playfully swatting at Chiromaw) “Oh, hey there little guy! You sure are getting big.” Blazette: (standing up) “I’ll go start packing some supplies. Where are we headed again?” Jelli: (looking up from her book) “I believe we were going to explore a nearby Nether fortress.” Jennifer: (saving her game and standing up) “Sounds exciting! Count me in!” Millie: (smiling) “I can’t wait to see what we’ll find there.” Iris: (grinning) “Maybe we’ll even find some Netherite!” Shara: (rolling her eyes) “As long as we don’t run into any Piglins, I’m fine with that.” Vanessa: (sitting up in her web) “I’ll make sure to pack some extra food for everyone.” Mindy: (nodding in agreement) “And I’ll bring some extra healing potions, just in case.” Yaebi: (putting on his helmet) “Let’s go, everyone! Adventure awaits!” Ayumi: (slipping her arrows into her quiver) “I’m ready whenever you are.” Withra: (grinning) “Let’s show that Nether fortress what we’re made of!” Mizore: (holding up her new potion) “And let’s see what kind of potions we can brew with all the materials we find there!” Kenji: (smiling at her baby) “You’ll have a great story to tell when you’re older, little one.” Vexillia: (patting her baby’s back) “And we’ll all be there to protect you, no matter what.” (They all hear screeching and wings flapping from outside) Charloette: “I’d hate to know what that thing was!” (The mother of the Chiromaw that Charloette adopted, and the Chiromaw mother is easily twice the size of Charloette)

answer:Chiromaw Mother: (landed outside the base) “Charloette, my child! I have been searching for you!” Charloette: (alarmed) “Mother! What brings you here?” Chiromaw Mother: “There is a great danger coming to our land. The ancient evil has awakened and we must gather all the allies we can to defeat it.” Blazette: (stepping forward) “We’ll help you in any way we can, Chiromaw Mother.” Yaebi: “You can count on us. Let’s go and defeat this ancient evil!” Andr: (tossing the Ender Pearl) “To battle we go!” (The group of adventurers follow the Chiromaw Mother into the skies, prepared for whatever dangers lie ahead.)

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