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question:제174화 마셜 제도의 스페이스 Z 사무실에 침대 매트리스가 들어오기 시작했다. 동시에 대한민국의 선풍기와 냉장고와 세탁기가 연이어 들어왔다. 직원들은 눈이 휘둥그레져서 나를 쳐다봤다. 제일 놀란 건 톰이었다. “성국 군, 이게 다 뭐야?” “제가 짐에게 약속한 물품들이에요.” 짐은 선풍기와 냉장고를 보더니 어리둥절했다. “성국, 난 이런 것까지는 이야기 안 했는데요. 매트리스만 이야기했는데요.” 짐은 정말 솔직하고, 욕심이 없는 사람이었다. “매트리스 말고도 필요한 게 많은 거 같아 제가 지내면서 필요한 것들 위주로 주문했어요. 선풍기도 부족하고, 지금 냉장고는 언제 죽어도 이상하지 않잖아요.” 대한민국의 우수한 에어컨을 설치해주고 싶었지만, 제대로 된 기술자도 없을 뿐더러 전기 수급에도 문제가 많은 곳이 마셜 제도였다. 직원들은 모두 선풍기를 안고 행복한 미소를 지었다. “와, 이제 사람답게 살 수 있겠는데! 성국, 정말 고마워!” 톰도 환호했다. “별말씀을요. 우선 1차적으로 들어온 물품이고요. 일주일 후에는 가전제품들이 좀 더 올 거예요.” 이때, 짐이 환호하는 목소리가 들렸다. “세상에! 이게 다 뭐야!” 맥주와 각종 낚시 장비를 실은 트럭이 들어오고 있었다. 트럭을 몰고 온 남자가 내려서 직원들에게 외쳤다. “어서 맥주 마시고 싶으면, 나 좀 도와주세요!” 그 말에 직원들은 모두 팔을 걷어 올리고 트럭에 달려들었다. 트럭을 가득 채운 맥주는 순식간에 스페이스 Z 사무실로 옮겨졌다. 직원들은 냉장고에 넣기도 전에 이미 한 캔씩 따서 들이부었다. 달깍. 옆에서 일론도 맥주캔을 땄다. “성국, 대체 넌 언제 나랑 합법적으로 맥주 마실 수 있는 거야?” “몇 년만 더 기다려주세요.” 나는 빙긋 웃으며 차가운 생수를 마셨다. 정말 가만히 있어도 땀이 주룩주룩 흐르는 날씨였다. 하지만 오늘만은 모두들 행복하게 짐을 나르고, 맥주를 마셨다. 짐은 가장 신이 나서 짐을 옮기기 시작했다. 일론은 맥주를 들이켜더니 내 어깨를 탁 잡았다. “성국, 근데 맥주는 먹어 없애면 그만이지만. 냉장고에 선풍기… 그리고 세탁기까지. 이렇게 비싼 가전을 너무 제공해주는 거 아니야? 우리는 발사만 성공하면 다시 미국으로 다 돌아갈 거야.” 나는 어깨를 으쓱했다. “미국으로 갈 때, 중고로 다 팔고 가요. 인기 많은 한국 가전이라 쉽게 팔 수 있을 거예요.” “우리 금방 떠날 건데, 뭐.” 일론은 고개를 저었다. [일론, 저 제품들이 모두 중고가 될 때쯤 스페이스 X는 성공할 텐데. 그냥 받아둬.] * * * 나는 드디어 가방을 챙기기 시작했다. 이제 마셜 제도도 떠날 때가 다가왔다. 짐이 원한 매트리스뿐 아니라 맥주와 각종 가전제품들도 모두 도착했다. 직원들은 한결 나은 환경에서 일하기 시작했다. 짐이 가방을 챙기는 내게 다가왔다. “성국, 이제 정말 떠나는 거예요?” “제 일은 다 했으니까, 떠나야죠.” “다시 미국으로 돌아가요?” “네….” 짐은 아쉬운 표정이었다. “비행기는 언제예요?” “모레 아침 9시요.” “내가 운전해서 데려다줄게요.” “고마워요, 짐….” 할 말을 다 하고도 짐은 내 방에서 계속 서성였다. “짐, 뭐 할 말 있어요?” “그게요. 성국, 내가 여기서 뭐 살 수 있는 게 없어서요. 이게 제 선물이에요.” 짐은 내게 설계도면 하나를 내밀었다. “짐, 이게 뭐예요?” “내가 처음으로 설계한 우주 왕복선이요. 물론 대외비 같은 거 아니에요. 대학 때, 수업 시간에 한 거예요.” “그럼, 짐에게 엄청 소중한 거잖아요.” “그 소중한 꿈을 포기하려고 했는데, 성국 때문에 지킬 수 있게 됐잖아요. 만약 성국을 못 만났다면… 나도 아마 비행기 표 끊어서 미국으로 가버렸을 거예요.” 나는 얼른 설계도면을 받았다. “짐, 선물은 잘 받을게요.” “성국… ‘페이스 노트’ 자주 업데이트해줘야 해요. 성국 ‘페이스 노트’ 보는 낙에 난 여기서 살잖아요.” “짐은 낚시한 거 자주 올려줘요. 난 정말 이 섬을 떠나면 이 섬에서 낚았던 물고기들이 너무 그리울 것 같아요.” “우리가 놓친 상어도요?” “놓친 게 아니라, 그 상어는 어장에 관리 중이잖아요.” “아, 맞다!” 짐은 빙그레 미소 지었다. 나는 짐이 그린 설계도면을 얼른 가방에 챙겨 넣었다. * * * 공항까지는 일론과 짐이 함께했다. 일론은 다 낡은 트럭을 몰면서 쉼 없이 떠들었다. “성국, 대한민국 가전 정말 끝내줘. 미국으로 돌아가면 우리 집 모든 가전도 다 한국 제품으로 바꿔야겠어.” “일론, 나한테 말만 해요. 내가 다 추천해줄게요.” [내가 모델로 한 삼전도 좋고. 나 후원한 효진 그룹 제품들도 다 좋아. 가전은 역시 한국이지.] 덜컹. 덜컹. 덜컹. 트럭은 계속해서 흔들렸다. “성국, 미국으로 다시 돌아가는 거면 ‘페이스 노트’로 가는 거야?” “우선은요.” “그럼 다시 ‘페이스 노트’에 집중하게?” “제가 할 수 있는 일은 할 거지만, 이제 새로운 기업에 투자하는 쪽으로 생각해 보려고요.” “새로운 기업?” “스페이스 Z처럼 미래를 여는 기업들이요.” 나는 빙긋 웃었다. ‘페이스 노트’는 나를 세계적인 부자로 만들어주고 있다. 그렇다면 이제 우리 가족을 부자로 만들어줄 회사에 투자를 해야 할 때가 왔다. 민국이는 앞으로 전 세계적인 아이돌 그룹의 일원이 될 것이기 때문에, 민국이의 재능을 보여줄 수 있는 너튜브와 ‘페이스 노트’ 같은 SNS가 절대적으로 필요하다. 앞으로는 SNS를 통해서 대한민국뿐만 아니라 세계적인 가수가 될 수 있기 때문이다. 그리고 지희의 의견은 아직 물어보진 않았지만, 앞으로 대한민국을 대표할 의사가 될 지희를 위해서도 의학 분야 쪽의 투자도 해볼 생각이다. 마침 피터가 아주 흥미로운 기업이 있다는 연락이 왔다. 짐은 옆에서 나를 마치 우상처럼 쳐다봤다. “성국이라면 정말 다 잘해낼 거예요.” “짐, 너무 치켜세우지 마요. 저도 실수 많이 해요.” “성국, 만약에 힘든 일 있으면 마셜 제도 와서 같이 낚시해요.” “휴가 때 올 테니까, 그때 꼭 같이 낚시해요.” 내 말에 일론이 클랙슨을 빵빵 울렸다. “성국, 우리는 1년 안에 마셜 제도 탈출할 거야!” “알았어요, 일론!” [제발 빨리 성공하라고! 그래야 투자자인 나도 돈 좀 벌지!] * * * 마크가 나를 격하게 껴안았다. “성국, 우리가 이렇게 오랫동안 안 본 건 처음 아니야?” [마크, 오버하지 마. 나 연습생 한다고 한국 가 있을 때도 한 달은 못 봤잖아.] “마크, 그동안 ‘페이스 노트’ 잘 지키고 있었지?” “당연하지. 나 제법 CEO 같지 않아?” 마크는 오늘도 체크 셔츠를 입고 있었다. “잘 어울리는데.” “참, 성국. 이젠 ‘페이스 노트’에 계속 머무를 거지?” “흠… 머물긴 할 것 같은데. 나 사무실 하나만 주면 안 돼?” “주면 안 되냐니? 너도 공동 CEO잖아.” “사실은 좀 하고 싶은 일이 있어서….” “무슨 일을 하고 싶은데?” “이제 본격적으로 다양한 기업에 투자를 해보고 싶어.” 마크의 얼굴이 시무룩해졌다. “성국, 넌 ‘페이스 노트’에만 집중할 수 없는 거야?” “마크, 내가 여러 루트로 투자를 해둬야 혹시 ‘페이스 노트’가 자금난에 휘청할 때, 내가 ‘페이스 노트’를 도울 수 있지.” [이게 바로 대한민국 재벌의 구조야, 마크.] 물론 대한민국의 재벌들은 문어발식으로 모든 산업을 먹어 치우면서 성장한다. 하지만 나는 가능성 있는 기업에 투자하면서 이익을 내서 내가 원하는 산업에 다시 재투자할 계획이다. 마크는 포기한 듯 피식 웃었다. “내가 널 어떻게 당하겠어. 그나저나 피터가 오늘 무슨 파티에 같이 가자던데. 우리 보고 슈트 입으라고 연락이 왔어.” “흠… 마크, 너 슈트 있어?” “너랑 고등학교 졸업식 때 입은 게 내 유일한 슈트 같아서 어제 꺼내 봤더니, 미미 씨가 촌스럽다고 절대 입지 말래. 제발 돈을 벌었으면, 돈도 좀 쓰라면서 아주 성질을 냈어.” “역시 한국 여자는 무섭지?” “무섭지만, 그게 또 매력이잖아.” 마크는 리미미에게 푹 빠져 있었다. “마크, 그럼 우리 오랜만에 옷 사러 가볼까?” “좋지!” 마크는 체크 셔츠 차림으로, 나는 늘 입는 후드 티 차림으로 백화점으로 향했다. * * * 나는 백화점 1층의 명품 매장으로 거침없이 들어갔다. 마크가 뒤에서 종알거리며 따라왔다. “성국, 우리가 이제 투자도 제대로 받고 CEO로 월급도 받지만, 여긴 너무 비싸잖아.” [내가 재벌일 때, 이런 데서 밖에 옷을 안 사봐서….] 나는 머리를 긁적였다. “마크, 내가 옷 살게. 난 월급도 월급이지만, 투자해서 수익 내는 것도 있잖아.” “성국, 너랑 오래 알았는데도 이럴 때 보면 정말 전혀 모르는 사람을 보는 것 같아.” “오랜만에 슈트 입는데, 멋진 걸로 입어줘야지.” 나는 톰 포라가 이끌고 있는 구씨 브랜드로 들어갔다. [톰 포라의 구씨는 역시 섹시한 맛이 있어.] 나는 흐뭇한 얼굴로 구씨의 남성복 컬렉션을 훑었다. 마크는 뒤에서 멋쩍은 얼굴로 나만 졸졸 따라왔다. “성국, 여긴 내 이미지랑 전혀 안 어울리는 것 같아.” “마크, 나만 믿고 한번 입어봐. 오늘 인기 폭발일 거야.” 이때, 점원으로 보이는 키가 큰 금발의 여직원이 다가오더니 딱딱한 얼굴로 우리를 위아래로 훑었다. “뭐, 찾으시는 거라도 있어요?” 목소리부터 못마땅한 게 느껴졌다. “이번 시즌 남성복 슈트 보여주세요.” “흠… 두 분 다요?” “네. 오늘 저녁 파티에 입고갈 옷이 필요하거든요.” 나는 지갑에서 카드 한 장을 꺼내서 직원에게 보였다. 바로 미국 내 상위 1%에게만 내준다는 블랙 카드였다. 직원은 카드를 보더니 좀 전의 거만한 태도는 숨기고, 얼른 자세를 낮췄다. “고객분들 마실 거라도 드릴까요? 샴페인 어떠세요?” “전 물이면 됐고요. 마크, 너는?” “전 샴페인 좋아요.” “네, 그럼 이쪽으로 안내할게요.” 직원은 우리를 VIP룸으로 안내하곤 곧 생수와 샴페인을 대접했다. “잠시만 기다리세요. 구씨 컬렉션 준비하겠습니다.” 직원이 사라지자, 마크가 내 옆구리를 찔렀다. “성국, 너 그 카드 어디서 났어?” “어… 스페이스 Z에 투자하려고 가전제품이랑 이것저것 좀 많이 샀거든. 그랬더니 카드 회사에서 내가 ‘페이스 노트’ 대표인 거 확인하고 내주던데?” “대박….” 나는 어깨를 으쓱했다. 블랙카드의 발급 기준은 재산도 재산이지만, 그만큼 ‘페이스 노트’의 인지도가 미국 내에서도 인정받고 있다는 것을 의미했다. 곧 직원이 구씨의 남성복 라인을 가지고 왔다. 나는 익숙하게 내게 가장 잘 어울릴 것 같은 옷을 단번에 골랐다. [역시 재벌 안목은 어디 안 갔어.] * * * 파티가 열리는 샌프란시스코의 호텔에 들어서자, 모두의 시선이 나에게 쏟아졌다. 마크는 불편한 듯 연신 셔츠의 단추를 풀었다 잠갔다 반복했다. “성국, 다들 우리를 보는데.” “우리가 아니라 나를 보니까, 너무 쫄지 마. 마크.” “암튼 못 말려.” 이때, 우리를 초대한 피터가 환하게 웃으면서 걸어왔다. “성국! 마크! 이게 얼마 만이야. 둘 다 오늘 너무 멋진데?” “칭찬 감사해요.” 피터가 마크의 어깨를 탁 잡았다. “마크도 꽤 멋있어.” “피터, 전 그냥 여기서 맛있는 거나 먹고 갈게요.” “마크, 자네도 이제 ‘페이스 노트’의 CEO인데 이런 자리를 즐겨야지. 여기 실리콘밸리의 유력 인사들이 다 모인 파티니까 얼굴이나 익혀둬. 앞으로 서로 볼 일 많은 사람들이야.” 피터는 조용히 내 곁에 다가왔다. “성국, 오늘 소개해줄 사람이 있어.” “말씀하신 의학계의 찰리 잡스요?” “응. 스탠포드를 중퇴하고 혈액 한 방울로 각종 병을 검사할 수 있는 진단 키트를 만드는 벤처 회사야.” [잠깜…] 나는 멈춰 섰다. 그리고 인상을 구겼다. 마침, 익숙한 얼굴이 내 앞에 나타나서 손을 내밀었다. “어머, ‘페이스 노트’의 전성국 맞죠?” [하아- 원수는 외나무다리에서 만난다고 했던가. 애슐리 홈즈?] 애슐리 홈즈는 아무것도 모른 채 날 보고 웃었다. 나는 애슐리 홈즈의 손을 탁 잡았다. “안녕하세요. 전성국이라고 합니다.” “전 블러드테라피의 애슐리 홈즈예요!”

answer:Episode 174 Beds and mattresses started arriving at the Space Z office in the Marshall Islands. At the same time, fans, refrigerators, and washing machines from South Korea began to come in one after another. The employees looked at me with wide eyes. Tom was the most surprised. "Sung-guk, what's all this?" "These are the items I promised to Jim." Jim was puzzled when he saw the fans and refrigerators. "Sung-guk, I didn't talk about these. I only mentioned mattresses." Jim was really honest and not greedy. "I thought there were many other things needed besides mattresses, so I ordered what seemed necessary during my stay. We're short on fans, and it wouldn't be surprising if the refrigerator died any moment." I wanted to install South Korea's excellent air conditioners, but the Marshall Islands lacked proper technicians and had many issues with electricity supply. The employees all held fans and smiled happily. "Wow, now we can live like humans! Sung-guk, thank you so much!" Tom also cheered. "Don't mention it. These are just the first batch of items. More home appliances will arrive in a week." At that moment, Jim's cheering voice was heard. "My goodness! What's all this!" A truck loaded with beer and various fishing gear was coming in. The man driving the truck got down and shouted to the employees. "Come on, help me if you want to drink beer!" At his words, all the employees rolled up their sleeves and rushed to the truck. The beer that filled the truck was quickly moved to the Space Z office. The employees popped open cans before even putting them in the refrigerator. Click. Elon also opened a can of beer next to me. "Sung-guk, when can I legally drink beer with you?" "Just wait a few more years." I smiled and drank cold water. It was a day when sweat dripped down even without doing anything. But today, everyone happily moved stuff and drank beer. Jim was the most excited to start moving things. Elon, after gulping down his beer, grabbed my shoulder. "Sung-guk, beer is something you can just consume and forget, but refrigerators, fans... and even washing machines. Isn't it too much to provide such expensive appliances? We'll all go back to the US once the launch succeeds." I shrugged. "When we go to the US, we'll sell them all second-hand. Korean home appliances are popular, so they'll sell easily." "We're leaving soon anyway." Elon shook his head. [Elon, by the time these products become second-hand, Space X will have succeeded. Just accept it.] * * * I finally started packing my bags. It was time to leave the Marshall Islands. Not only the mattresses Jim wanted but also beer and various home appliances had arrived. The employees began to work in a much better environment. Jim approached me as I was packing. "Sung-guk, are you really leaving?" "I've done my job, so I have to leave." "Going back to the US?" "Yes..." Jim looked regretful. "When's your flight?" "9 AM the day after tomorrow." "I'll drive you there." "Thank you, Jim..." Even after saying everything, Jim lingered in my room. "Jim, is there something you want to say?" "Well, Sung-guk, I don't have anything to buy here. This is my gift to you." Jim handed me a blueprint. "Jim, what's this?" "It's the first spacecraft I designed. Of course, it's not classified or anything. I did it during a class in college." "Then, it's very precious to you." "I was about to give up on that precious dream, but because of Sung-guk, I was able to keep it. If I hadn't met Sung-guk... I might have bought a plane ticket to the US by now." I quickly took the blueprint. "Jim, I'll cherish your gift." "Sung-guk... You have to update your 'Face Note' often. I live here looking forward to Sung-guk's 'Face Note'." "Jim, you often post about your fishing. I think I'll miss the fish I caught on this island so much once I leave." "The shark we missed too?" "It's not missed; that shark is being managed in the fishery." "Ah, right!" Jim smiled broadly. I quickly packed the blueprint in my bag. * * * Elon and Jim accompanied me to the airport. Elon, driving an old truck, talked non-stop. "Sung-guk, South Korean home appliances are really the best. When I go back to the US, I'll have to replace all the appliances in my house with Korean products." "Elon, just tell me. I'll recommend them to you." [I'm a model for Samsung, and the products sponsored by Hyojin Group are all good. Home appliances are definitely Korea's forte.] Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. The truck continued to shake. "Sung-guk, if you're going back to the US, will you focus on 'Face Note' again?" "For now, yes." "Then you'll concentrate on 'Face Note' again?" "I'll do what I can, but now I'm thinking of investing in new companies." "New companies?" "Companies that open the future, like Space Z." I smiled. 'Face Note' is making me a global billionaire. Then, it's time to invest in a company that will make our family wealthy. Min-guk will become a member of a global idol group, so platforms like YouTube and 'Face Note' are absolutely necessary to showcase Min-guk's talent. In the future, SNS will be crucial for becoming not only a national but also a global singer. And although I haven't asked Ji-hee yet, I'm thinking of investing in the medical field for Ji-hee, who will become a representative doctor of South Korea. Just then, Peter contacted me about a very interesting company. Jim looked at me as if I were an idol. "Sung-guk will do well in everything." "Jim, don't praise me too much. I make a lot of mistakes too." "Sung-guk, if you ever have a hard time, come to the Marshall Islands and fish with me." "I'll come on vacation, so let's fish together then." At my words, Elon honked the horn loudly. "Sung-guk, we'll escape the Marshall Islands within a year!" "Got it, Elon!" [Please succeed quickly! That way, as an investor, I can also make some money!] * * * Mark hugged me tightly. "Sung-guk, it's the first time we haven't seen each other for so long, isn't it?" [Mark, don't exaggerate. When I was a trainee in Korea, we couldn't see each other for a month.] "Mark, have you been taking good care of 'Face Note'?" "Of course. Don't I look quite like a CEO?" Mark was wearing a checkered shirt as usual. "It suits you." "By the way, Sung-guk. Are you going to stay with 'Face Note' now?" "Hmm... It seems like I will, but can you give me an office?" "Why not? You're also a co-CEO." "Actually, I have something I want to do..." "What do you want to do?" "I want to start investing in various companies seriously." Mark's face fell. "Sung-guk, can't you focus only on 'Face Note'?" "Mark, I need to invest in various routes so that if 'Face Note' ever faces financial difficulties, I can help 'Face Note'." [This is the structure of a South Korean chaebol, Mark.] Of course, South Korean chaebols grow by monopolizing every industry with their octopus-like reach. But I plan to invest in promising companies, make profits, and then reinvest in the industries I want. Mark smiled resignedly. "How can I win against you? By the way, Peter said he wants to go to a party today. He contacted us to wear suits." "Hmm... Mark, do you have a suit?" "I looked at the one I wore for our high school graduation yesterday, and Mimi said it was so outdated that I absolutely shouldn't wear it. She said I should spend some money now that I'm making it." "Korean women are scary, aren't they?" "Scary, but that's also their charm." Mark was completely smitten with Limi. "Mark, then shall we go shopping for clothes for the first time in a while?" "Sounds good!" Mark, in his checkered shirt, and I, in my usual hoodie, headed to the department store. * * * I confidently entered the luxury brand store on the first floor of the department store. Mark followed me, grumbling. "Sung-guk, even though we're now properly receiving investments and CEO salaries, this place is too expensive." [I haven't shopped anywhere but here since I became a chaebol...] I scratched my head. "Mark, I'll buy you clothes. I have a salary, but I also make profits from investments." "Sung-guk, even though I've known you for a long time, I feel like I'm looking at a completely different person in moments like this." "Since we're wearing suits for the first time in a while, let's go for something nice." I entered the Gucci brand led by Tom Ford. [Tom Ford's Gucci has that sexy appeal.] I looked through Gucci's men's collection with satisfaction. Mark awkwardly followed me. "Sung-guk, this place doesn't seem to match my image at all." "Mark, just trust me and try it on. You'll be a hit tonight." Then, a tall blonde female clerk approached us with a stiff face and scanned us from head to toe. "Do you need help finding something?" Her voice already sounded displeased. "Please show us this season's men's suits." "For both of you?" "Yes. We need clothes for a party tonight." I took out a card from my wallet and showed it to the clerk. It was the black card issued only to the top 1% in the US. The clerk's attitude changed immediately upon seeing the card, and she quickly lowered her posture. "Would you like something to drink? How about champagne?" "I'll just have water. Mark?" "I'll take the champagne." "Alright, please follow me." The clerk led us to the VIP room and soon served water and champagne. "Please wait a moment. I'll prepare the Gucci collection for you." As the clerk left, Mark poked my side. "Sung-guk, where did you get that card?" "Uh... I bought a lot of home appliances and other stuff for investing in Space Z. Then the card company confirmed I was the 'Face Note' representative and gave it to me?" "Wow..." I shrugged. The issuance of the black card was based not only on wealth but also on the recognition of 'Face Note' in the US. Soon, the clerk returned with Gucci's men's line. I quickly chose the outfit that seemed to suit me best. [The chaebol's eye for fashion hasn't faded.] * * * As we entered the hotel in San Francisco where the party was held, all eyes turned to us. Mark felt uncomfortable and kept fiddling with his shirt buttons. "Sung-guk, everyone's looking at us." "Not us, me. So don't be too nervous, Mark." "Anyway, you're hopeless." Then, Peter, who invited us, came over with a bright smile. "Sung-guk! Mark! How long has it been? You both look fantastic tonight?" "Thanks for the compliment." Peter patted Mark's shoulder. "Mark looks pretty good too." "Peter, I'll just eat something delicious here and go." "Mark, you're also a CEO of 'Face Note' now. You should enjoy these gatherings. This party is filled with influential people from Silicon Valley. Get to know their faces. We'll have a lot of dealings with them in the future." Peter quietly came up to me. "Sung-guk, there's someone I want to introduce you to today." "The Charlie Jobs of the medical field you mentioned?" "Yes. He dropped out of Stanford and is working on a venture company that develops diagnostic kits capable of testing various diseases with just a drop of blood." [Wait a minute...] I stopped in my tracks and frowned. Suddenly, a familiar face appeared in front of me and extended a hand. "Oh, are you Sung-guk from 'Face Note'?" [Ah- Enemies meet on a narrow road. Ashley Holmes?] Ashley Holmes smiled at me, unaware of anything. I firmly shook Ashley Holmes's hand. "Hello. I'm Sung-guk." "I'm <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_PERSON> from Blood Therapy!"

question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 中药茶饮店,元素可爱,茶饮包装设计,传统与现代融合,健康与养生,颜色绿色,vi设计,使用中药药材作为首要设计元素 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5

answer:/imagine prompt: Chinese herbal tea shop, adorable elements, tea packaging design, fusion of tradition and modernity, health and wellness, green color scheme, VI design, utilizing Chinese medicinal herbs as primary design elements, in a cozy corner of a bustling street market, with traditional wooden shelves displaying jars of herbs, steaming teapots, and modern touchscreens for ordering, blending the old and new, capturing the essence of ancient healing practices with a contemporary twist, envisioned as a detailed watercolor painting with intricate patterns and textures, --ar 16:9 --niji /imagine prompt: At a serene Chinese herbal tea shop nestled in a traditional courtyard, whimsical illustrations of herbs and flowers decorate the walls, ancient wooden beams intermingled with sleek glass countertops, a harmonious fusion of past and present, with a focus on a vibrant green herbal tea packaging displayed in the foreground, surrounded by delicate porcelain teacups and a modern tea infuser, embodying the balance of nature and technology, bathed in soft natural light filtering through paper lanterns, evoking a sense of tranquility and rejuvenation, captured with a vintage film camera using a 50mm lens, providing a nostalgic touch to the scene, --ar 1:1 --v 5 /imagine prompt: Stepping into a modern Chinese herbal tea shop in a bustling city, vibrant greenery hanging from the ceiling, contemporary wooden furniture blending seamlessly with futuristic holographic displays showcasing herbal ingredients, customers interacting with virtual reality menus, merging the tangible and digital worlds, a dynamic composition capturing the intersection of tradition and innovation, a lively atmosphere filled with the aroma of freshly brewed herbal teas, bustling with activity and energy, envisioned as a hyper-realistic digital illustration that brings to life the fusion of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge technology, --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: In a charming Chinese herbal tea shop located in a quaint village, a cozy alcove with a traditional tea brewing station, surrounded by shelves lined with jars of exotic herbs and intricate tea ware, a serene environment steeped in history and nature, a peaceful retreat from the outside world, with dappled sunlight filtering through bamboo blinds, casting a warm glow over the rustic furnishings, a composition highlighting the harmony between man and nature, capturing the essence of balance and well-being, in a soft pastel color palette reminiscent of a tranquil watercolor painting, --ar 9:16 --niji

question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 元素可爱,茶饮vi包装设计,传统与现代融合,健康与养生,颜色绿色,使用中药药材作为首要设计元素 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5

answer:/imagine prompt: Cute and whimsical tea packaging design featuring a fusion of traditional and modern elements, using green as the primary color, incorporating Chinese medicine herbs as the main design elements, intricate patterns of herbs intertwining with modern graphics, set against a backdrop of a serene bamboo forest, captured in a detailed and intricate hand-drawn illustration style, evoking a sense of tranquility and balance. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A serene tea ceremony taking place in a minimalist Japanese garden, with a focus on the soothing ritual of preparing and serving tea, the delicate aroma of herbal teas blending with the natural scents of blooming cherry blossoms, incorporating elements of Zen aesthetics such as clean lines and simplicity, capturing the harmony between nature and human activity in a soft and ethereal watercolor painting style. --ar 9:16 --v niji /imagine prompt: Vibrant and lively tea market bustling with activity, vendors showcasing a variety of herbal teas and traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, colorful displays of tea leaves and herbs, customers sampling aromatic blends, amidst a background of old wooden stalls and hanging lanterns, capturing the lively and energetic atmosphere of a traditional marketplace in a detailed and vibrant oil painting style. --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: A futuristic tea laboratory blending modern technology with ancient herbal remedies, a sleek and sterile environment filled with glowing vials of colorful liquid extracts, robotic arms delicately mixing herbal concoctions, digital screens displaying chemical formulas and brewing techniques, capturing the juxtaposition of tradition and innovation in a hi-tech sci-fi illustration style. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2

question:Determine if this text is written by an AI or human: When colorful building blocks come into our mind, we think about the popular toy, Lego! Did you know that Lego started out from a carpenter’s simple business of selling household items and wooden toys during The Great Depression? It was a company that only made wooden dolls, blocks, rocking horses & marionettes. But one day, in the year 1949, its founder began making interlocking plastic cubes which had studs on the top and were hollow underneath which he called Automatic Binding Bricks. We now know them as Lego Bricks, or simply, Lego. Lego is made from high quality materials that are safe for children to play with. As children build Lego creations, it allows them to establish a sense of accomplishment, pride and build on their self-confidence and self-belief, whether it be through following instructions, or from forming an idea in their own mind. When we play with lego it allows us to engage in a building process that enhances their creativity. Fine motor skills, finger strength and dexterity are developed when playing with Lego, encouraging children to try more complex tasks as they go along. I think Lego toys promote creativity because they stimulate your creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. I believe Lego also helps with learning because it provides a way to master different kinds of emerging skills, such as problem solving, spatial skills and understanding semi-complex tasks. I think Lego produces teamwork and collaboration of shared social skills, reinforcing positive behavior and social contact. Lego helps children to develop their mathematical skills and spatial awareness, and encourages them how to problem solve and come up with new ideas or solutions. A child's time with Lego involves a great deal of cooperation and creativity, which helps to develop their cognitive skills and abilities starting from a very young age. By encouraging creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, and persistence, Lego can help children develop important skills that they can use throughout their lives as they mature. Lego is a well-known brand that creates space and construction toys for children to engage with. Allow me to share with you a little history of these colorful building blocks. The LEGO® Company was founded by Ole Kirk Kristiansen in Billund, Denmark, in 1932. He was an out-of-work carpenter who needed money to support his family during The Great Depression. His business was simply trying to make ends meet by selling household items and the wooden toys he created. By 1933, Mr. Christiansen enjoyed creating these products that were very much in demand, so he decided to become a full-time toy maker. His small business is now his new company named “Lego” which was derived from two Danish words, leg godt meaning “play well.” By 1946, as the company evolved, it started creating wooden and plastic bricks for Denmark as its sole market. One day in 1949, he began making these interlocking plastic cubes which had studs on the top but were hollow underneath, he called them Automatic Binding Bricks. These bricks were now sold in toy stores all over Europe. Throughout the 1950s, LEGO® continued to expand, as it developed its patented and now-classic interlocking “stud-and-tube” design.He changed the name to Lego Bricks in 1954 and eventually to just Legos as we know today. By 1971, Legos were the most loved and bestselling toys among US children. There are hotels called LegoLand in Denmark, England, California, Florida and Japan. Legos are more than just blocks.They are so versatile ranging from simply following their designs to creating Lego people, trees, animals and buildings so you can build your own Lego world, and even to the extent of recreating famous movies or characters. As children build with Legos, it allows them to establish a sense of accomplishment, pride and build on their self-confidence and self-belief, whether it be through following instructions, or by forming an idea in their own mind. When children follow a given set of instructions to decipher order, understand the quantity, symmetry and patterns, and locate the bricks, it helps them develop their mathematical skills and spatial awareness; and it encourages them to develop problem-solving abilities,or come up with new ideas. Lego provides learning by creating a way for children to start mastering different kinds of emerging skills, such as problem solving, spatial skills and understanding semi-complex tasks. Playing with Legos can initially be frustrating when they break apart; however with repeated playing, it can actually help children develop perseverance knowing that their masterpieces can be rebuilt,their errors can be fixed and some fallen pieces can be replaced or reattached to where they came from. Children find excitement and motivation when they complete building their Lego. There is a large sense of accomplishment involved which makes them happy with what they have produced, and allows them to value their hard work. Playing with Legos allows opportunities for trying out new ideas without a fear of failure, letting children know they can manage and overcome unexpected things. Building with Legos can take time and test a child’s patience, like when that final Lego piece goes missing for example. The situation can help children understand that any building process takes hard work and time in order to get good results. When children play with Lego it allows them to become creative and makes them build anything. Lego also helps children develop fine motor skills, finger strength and dexterity are developed when playing with Lego, encouraging children to try more complex tasks as they go along. The varied amounts of pressure used to assemble them can be good exercise for the small fingers, helping children hold a pencil and control the pressure used during building. In a society where many children are experts at typing on computer monitors,or swiping on their tablets and smartphones, the opportunity to develop these fine motor skills is extremely important. Playing with Legos allows an opportunity to try out new ideas without a fear of failure, so children can figure out troubleshooting skills to fix errors or replace fallen pieces, helping them realize that even if situations might not have worked out just as planned, they can manage and overcome them. Legos are fun to play with as you learn. I believe that a child's time with Lego involves a great deal of cooperation and creativity, which helps them develop their cognitive skills and abilities from a very young age. Playing with Legos allows opportunities for trying out new ideas without a fear of failure, letting children know they can manage and overcome unexpected things. I think Lego toys promote creativity because they stimulate your creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. Lego is made from high quality materials that are safe for children to play with.As children create with Legos, it allows them to establish a sense of accomplishment, pride, and build up their self-confidence and self-belief, whether it be through following instructions, or by forming an idea in their own mind. Lego creations are a form of art as children can become creators and story makers when given the opportunity to release their creativity, imagination and self-expression. A child's time with Lego involves a great deal of cooperation and creativity, which helps to develop their cognitive skills and abilities starting from a very young age. By encouraging creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, and persistence, Lego can help children develop important skills that they can use throughout their lives as they mature. That’s why in my opinion Lego promotes creativity in children as they learn to master important skills starting at a young age which they can use in their lives as they get older.

answer:This text exhibits characteristics that suggest it could have been written by an AI. Here are some reasons for this assessment: 1. **Repetitiveness:** The text frequently repeats the same points about Lego helping with creativity, fine motor skills, cognitive development, and problem-solving abilities in children. A human writer is more likely to vary their language more or avoid repeating the same points in such close proximity. 2. **Lack of Personal Touch:** Even though the text occasionally uses phrases like "I think" or "I believe," it lacks personal anecdotes or specific examples that a human writer might include when sharing their thoughts on a topic based on personal experience. These phrases seem more like an attempt to mimic a human-like perspective rather than genuine personal insight. 3. **Structural Redundancies:** The text revisits its structure multiple times, starting with a brief history of Lego, followed by its benefits for children, and concluding with a personal opinion that reiterates previously stated benefits. This cyclical structure, without clear progression or new insights, is more characteristic of AI trying to fulfill a length requirement or keyword density rather than a human constructing a cohesive argument or narrative. 4. **Surface-Level Information:** While the text provides a general overview of Lego's history and benefits, it lacks the depth or unique insights that might come from an expert or enthusiast's perspective. It mainly sticks to well-known facts and benefits that could easily be found in general sources or promotional materials. 5. **Generalized Statements:** The text makes several broad, generalized statements about the benefits of Lego without delving into specifics or providing evidence. While humans might also make generalized statements, in a more detailed or analytical piece, one would expect some level of specificity or examples to support such claims. Considering these points, there's a good chance this text was generated by an AI designed to compile general information on a topic into a cohesive piece. However, without further context about the origin of the text, it's not possible to say with absolute certainty.

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