question:Please output appropriate code for "FILL YOUR CODE HERE". +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | State | Major outputs | Next State | Next state transition condition | Notes | | +---------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+------+ | | | | | ARVALID | RREADY | AWVALID | WVALID | done | | | | +-------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | IDLE | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | RREQ | (DMA_CMD.start is written as 1) and (DMA_LEN.byte_len!=0) | On moving out, | | | | | | | | | | - Copy DMA_SRC to SRC_ADDR. | | | | | | | | | | - Copy DMA_DST to DST_ADDR | | | | | | | | | | - Copy DMA_LEN to the internal counter | +-------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | RREQ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | RDATA | ARREADY=1 | On moving out, | | | | | | | | | | - Increment ARADDR by 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ARLEN = (cnt>=64) ? 'hF : cnt[5:2]-4'h1 | +-------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | RDATA | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | WREQ | (RVALID=1) & (RLAST) | Push data to FIFO | | | | | | | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | RDATA | (RVALID) & (!RLAST) | Push data to FIFO | +-------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | WREQ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | WDATA | AWREADY=1 | On moving out, | | | | | AWLEN=(cnt>=64) ? 'hF : cnt[5:2]-4'h1 | | | | | - Increment AWADDR by 4 | | | | | | | | | | - Decrement the internal counter by 4 | +-------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | WDATA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | RREQ | (WREADY=1) (!WLAST) & (counter!=0) | Pop data from FIFO | | | | | | WLAST=(wcnt=='d0) | | | | Decrement wcnt | | | | | | | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | IDLE | (WREADY=1) (WLAST) & (counter==0) | Pop data from FIFO | +-------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ <<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> module DMAC_CFG ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // _n means active low // AMBA APB interface input wire psel_i, input wire penable_i, input wire [11:0] paddr_i, input wire pwrite_i, input wire [31:0] pwdata_i, output reg pready_o, output reg [31:0] prdata_o, output reg pslverr_o, // configuration registers output reg [31:0] src_addr_o, output reg [31:0] dst_addr_o, output reg [15:0] byte_len_o, output wire start_o, input wire done_i ); // Configuration register to read/write reg [31:0] src_addr; reg [31:0] dst_addr; reg [15:0] byte_len; //---------------------------------------------------------- // Write //---------------------------------------------------------- // an APB write occurs when PSEL & PENABLE & PWRITE // clk : __--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__-- // psel : ___--------_____________________________ // penable : _______----_____________________________ // pwrite : ___--------_____________________________ // wren : _______----_____________________________ // // DMA start command must be asserted when APB writes 1 to the DMA_CMD // register // clk : __--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__-- // psel : ___--------_____________________________ // penable : _______----_____________________________ // pwrite : ___--------_____________________________ // paddr : |DMA_CMD| // pwdata : | 1 | // start : _______----_____________________________ wire wren = psel_i & penable_i & pwrite_i; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst_n) begin src_addr <= 32'd0; dst_addr <= 32'd0; byte_len <= 16'd0; end else if (wren) begin case (paddr_i) 'h100: src_addr <= pwdata_i[31:0]; 'h104: dst_addr <= pwdata_i[31:0]; 'h108: byte_len <= pwdata_i[15:0]; endcase end end wire start = wren & (paddr_i=='h10C) & pwdata_i[0]; //---------------------------------------------------------- // READ //---------------------------------------------------------- // an APB read occurs when PSEL & PENABLE & !PWRITE // To make read data a direct output from register, // this code shall buffer the muxed read data into a register // in the SETUP cycle (PSEL & !PENABLE) // clk : __--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__-- // psel : ___--------_____________________________ // penable : _______----_____________________________ // pwrite : ________________________________________ // reg update : ___----_________________________________ // prdata : |DATA reg [31:0] rdata; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst_n) begin rdata <= 32'd0; end else if (psel_i & !penable_i & !pwrite_i) begin // in the setup cycle in the APB state diagram case (paddr_i) 'h0: rdata <= 32'h0001_2024; 'h100: rdata <= src_addr; 'h104: rdata <= dst_addr; 'h108: rdata <= {16'd0, byte_len}; 'h110: rdata <= {31'd0, done_i}; default: rdata <= 32'd0; endcase end end // output assignments assign pready_o = 1'b1; assign prdata_o = rdata; assign pslverr_o = 1'b0; assign src_addr_o = src_addr; assign dst_addr_o = dst_addr; assign byte_len_o = byte_len; assign start_o = start; endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> module DMAC_ENGINE ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // _n means active low // configuration registers input wire [31:0] src_addr_i, input wire [31:0] dst_addr_i, input wire [15:0] byte_len_i, input wire start_i, output wire done_o, // AMBA AXI interface (AW channel) output wire [3:0] awid_o, output wire [31:0] awaddr_o, output wire [3:0] awlen_o, output wire [2:0] awsize_o, output wire [1:0] awburst_o, output wire awvalid_o, input wire awready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (W channel) output wire [3:0] wid_o, output wire [31:0] wdata_o, output wire [3:0] wstrb_o, output wire wlast_o, output wire wvalid_o, input wire wready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (B channel) input wire [3:0] bid_i, input wire [1:0] bresp_i, input wire bvalid_i, output wire bready_o, // AMBA AXI interface (AR channel) output wire [3:0] arid_o, output wire [31:0] araddr_o, output wire [3:0] arlen_o, output wire [2:0] arsize_o, output wire [1:0] arburst_o, output wire arvalid_o, input wire arready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (R channel) input wire [3:0] rid_i, input wire [31:0] rdata_i, input wire [1:0] rresp_i, input wire rlast_i, input wire rvalid_i, output wire rready_o ); // mnemonics for state values localparam S_IDLE = 3'd0, S_RREQ = 3'd1, S_RDATA = 3'd2, S_WREQ = 3'd3, S_WDATA = 3'd4; reg [2:0] state, state_n; reg [31:0] src_addr, src_addr_n; reg [31:0] dst_addr, dst_addr_n; reg [15:0] cnt, cnt_n; reg [3:0] wcnt, wcnt_n; reg arvalid, rready, awvalid, wvalid, wlast, done; wire fifo_full, fifo_empty; reg fifo_wren, fifo_rden; wire [31:0] fifo_rdata; // it's desirable to code registers in a simple way always_ff @(posedge clk) if (!rst_n) begin state <= S_IDLE; src_addr <= 32'd0; dst_addr <= 32'd0; cnt <= 16'd0; wcnt <= 4'd0; end else begin state <= state_n; src_addr <= src_addr_n; dst_addr <= dst_addr_n; cnt <= cnt_n; wcnt <= wcnt_n; end // this block programs output values and next register values // based on states. always_comb begin // ********************** // ********************** // FILL YOUR CODE HERE // ********************** // ********************** end DMAC_FIFO u_fifo ( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), .full_o (fifo_full), .wren_i (fifo_wren), .wdata_i (rdata_i), .empty_o (fifo_empty), .rden_i (fifo_rden), .rdata_o (fifo_rdata) ); // Output assigments assign done_o = done; assign awid_o = 4'd0; assign awaddr_o = dst_addr; assign awlen_o = (cnt >= 'd64) ? 4'hF: cnt[5:2]-4'h1; assign awsize_o = 3'b010; // 4 bytes per transfer assign awburst_o = 2'b01; // incremental assign awvalid_o = awvalid; assign wid_o = 4'd0; assign wdata_o = fifo_rdata; assign wstrb_o = 4'b1111; // all bytes within 4 byte are valid assign wlast_o = wlast; assign wvalid_o = wvalid; assign bready_o = 1'b1; assign arvalid_o = arvalid; assign araddr_o = src_addr; assign arid_o = 4'd0; assign arlen_o = (cnt >= 'd64) ? 4'hF: cnt[5:2]-4'h1; assign arsize_o = 3'b010; // 4 bytes per transfer assign arburst_o = 2'b01; // incremental assign arvalid_o = arvalid; assign rready_o = rready & !fifo_full; endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> module DMAC_FIFO #( parameter DEPTH_LG2 = 4, parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, output wire full_o, input wire wren_i, input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata_i, output wire empty_o, input wire rden_i, output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rdata_o ); localparam FIFO_DEPTH = (1<<DEPTH_LG2); reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data[FIFO_DEPTH]; reg full, full_n, empty, empty_n; reg [DEPTH_LG2:0] wrptr, wrptr_n, rdptr, rdptr_n; // reset entries to all 0s always_ff @(posedge clk) if (!rst_n) begin full <= 1'b0; empty <= 1'b1; // empty after as reset wrptr <= {(DEPTH_LG2+1){1'b0}}; rdptr <= {(DEPTH_LG2+1){1'b0}}; for (int i=0; i<FIFO_DEPTH; i++) begin data[i] <= {DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}}; end end else begin full <= full_n; empty <= empty_n; wrptr <= wrptr_n; rdptr <= rdptr_n; if (wren_i) begin data[wrptr[DEPTH_LG2-1:0]] <= wdata_i; end end always_comb begin wrptr_n = wrptr; rdptr_n = rdptr; if (wren_i) begin wrptr_n = wrptr + 'd1; end if (rden_i) begin rdptr_n = rdptr + 'd1; end empty_n = (wrptr_n == rdptr_n); full_n = (wrptr_n[DEPTH_LG2]!=rdptr_n[DEPTH_LG2]) &(wrptr_n[DEPTH_LG2-1:0]==rdptr_n[DEPTH_LG2-1:0]); end // synthesis translate_off always @(posedge clk) begin if (full_o & wren_i) begin display("FIFO overflow"); @(posedge clk); finish; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (empty_o & rden_i) begin display("FIFO underflow"); @(posedge clk); finish; end end // synthesis translate_on assign full_o = full; assign empty_o = empty; assign rdata_o = data[rdptr[DEPTH_LG2-1:0]]; endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> module DMAC_TOP ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // _n means active low // AMBA APB interface input wire psel_i, input wire penable_i, input wire [11:0] paddr_i, input wire pwrite_i, input wire [31:0] pwdata_i, output reg pready_o, output reg [31:0] prdata_o, output reg pslverr_o, // AMBA AXI interface (AW channel) output wire [3:0] awid_o, output wire [31:0] awaddr_o, output wire [3:0] awlen_o, output wire [2:0] awsize_o, output wire [1:0] awburst_o, output wire awvalid_o, input wire awready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (AW channel) output wire [3:0] wid_o, output wire [31:0] wdata_o, output wire [3:0] wstrb_o, output wire wlast_o, output wire wvalid_o, input wire wready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (B channel) input wire [3:0] bid_i, input wire [1:0] bresp_i, input wire bvalid_i, output wire bready_o, // AMBA AXI interface (AR channel) output wire [3:0] arid_o, output wire [31:0] araddr_o, output wire [3:0] arlen_o, output wire [2:0] arsize_o, output wire [1:0] arburst_o, output wire arvalid_o, input wire arready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (R channel) input wire [3:0] rid_i, input wire [31:0] rdata_i, input wire [1:0] rresp_i, input wire rlast_i, input wire rvalid_i, output wire rready_o ); wire [31:0] src_addr; wire [31:0] dst_addr; wire [15:0] byte_len; wire start; wire done; DMAC_CFG u_cfg( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), // AMBA APB interface .psel_i (psel_i), .penable_i (penable_i), .paddr_i (paddr_i), .pwrite_i (pwrite_i), .pwdata_i (pwdata_i), .pready_o (pready_o), .prdata_o (prdata_o), .pslverr_o (pslverr_o), .src_addr_o (src_addr), .dst_addr_o (dst_addr), .byte_len_o (byte_len), .start_o (start), .done_i (done) ); DMAC_ENGINE u_engine( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), // configuration registers .src_addr_i (src_addr), .dst_addr_i (dst_addr), .byte_len_i (byte_len), .start_i (start), .done_o (done), // AMBA AXI interface (AW channel) .awid_o (awid_o), .awaddr_o (awaddr_o), .awlen_o (awlen_o), .awsize_o (awsize_o), .awburst_o (awburst_o), .awvalid_o (awvalid_o), .awready_i (awready_i), // AMBA AXI interface (W channel) .wid_o (wid_o), .wdata_o (wdata_o), .wstrb_o (wstrb_o), .wlast_o (wlast_o), .wvalid_o (wvalid_o), .wready_i (wready_i), // AMBA AXI interface (B channel) .bid_i (bid_i), .bresp_i (bresp_i), .bvalid_i (bvalid_i), .bready_o (bready_o), // AMBA AXI interface (AR channel) .arid_o (arid_o), .araddr_o (araddr_o), .arlen_o (arlen_o), .arsize_o (arsize_o), .arburst_o (arburst_o), .arvalid_o (arvalid_o), .arready_i (arready_i), // AMBA AXI interface (R channel) .rid_i (rid_i), .rdata_i (rdata_i), .rresp_i (rresp_i), .rlast_i (rlast_i), .rvalid_i (rvalid_i), .rready_o (rready_o) ); endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/filelist.f>>> -sverilog LAB_PATH/RTL/ -sverilog LAB_PATH/RTL/ -sverilog LAB_PATH/RTL/ -sverilog LAB_PATH/RTL/ <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/filelist.f>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> `include "../TB/AXI_TYPEDEF.svh" interface AXI_AW_CH #( parameter ADDR_WIDTH = `AXI_ADDR_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic awvalid; logic awready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] awid; logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] awaddr; logic [3:0] awlen; logic [2:0] awsize; logic [1:0] awburst; endinterface interface AXI_W_CH #( parameter DATA_WIDTH = `AXI_DATA_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic wvalid; logic wready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] wid; logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata; logic [DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] wstrb; logic wlast; endinterface interface AXI_B_CH #( parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic bvalid; logic bready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] bid; logic [1:0] bresp; endinterface interface AXI_AR_CH #( parameter ADDR_WIDTH = `AXI_ADDR_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic arvalid; logic arready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] arid; logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] araddr; logic [3:0] arlen; logic [2:0] arsize; logic [1:0] arburst; endinterface interface AXI_R_CH #( parameter DATA_WIDTH = `AXI_DATA_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic rvalid; logic rready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] rid; logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rdata; logic [1:0] rresp; logic rlast; endinterface interface APB ( input clk ); logic psel; logic penable; logic [31:0] paddr; logic pwrite; logic [31:0] pwdata; logic pready; logic [31:0] prdata; logic pslverr; modport master ( input clk, input pready, prdata, pslverr, output psel, penable, paddr, pwrite, pwdata ); task init(); psel = 1'b0; penable = 1'b0; paddr = 32'd0; pwrite = 1'b0; pwdata = 32'd0; endtask task write(input int addr, input int data); #1 psel = 1'b1; penable = 1'b0; paddr = addr; pwrite = 1'b1; pwdata = data; @(posedge clk); #1 penable = 1'b1; @(posedge clk); while (pready==1'b0) begin @(posedge clk); end psel = 1'b0; penable = 1'b0; paddr = 'hX; pwrite = 1'bx; pwdata = 'hX; endtask task read(input int addr, output int data); #1 psel = 1'b1; penable = 1'b0; paddr = addr; pwrite = 1'b0; pwdata = 'hX; @(posedge clk); #1 penable = 1'b1; @(posedge clk); while (pready==1'b0) begin @(posedge clk); end data = prdata; psel = 1'b0; penable = 1'b0; paddr = 'hX; pwrite = 1'bx; pwdata = 'hX; endtask endinterface <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> `include "../TB/AXI_TYPEDEF.svh" module AXI_SLAVE #( parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 16, parameter DATA_WIDTH = `AXI_DATA_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH, parameter AWREADY_DELAY = 1, parameter ARREADY_DELAY = 1, parameter AR2R_DELAY = 50 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // _n means active low AXI_AW_CH aw_ch, AXI_W_CH w_ch, AXI_B_CH b_ch, AXI_AR_CH ar_ch, AXI_R_CH r_ch ); localparam DATA_DEPTH = 1<<ADDR_WIDTH; logic [7:0] mem[DATA_DEPTH]; function void write_byte(int addr, input bit [7:0] wdata); mem[addr] = wdata; endfunction function void write_word(int addr, input bit [31:0] wdata); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) begin write_byte(addr+i, wdata[8*i +: 8]); // [i*8+7:i*8] end endfunction function bit [7:0] read_byte(int addr); read_byte = mem[addr]; endfunction function bit [31:0] read_word(int addr); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) begin read_word[8*i +: 8] = read_byte(addr+i);// [i*8+7:i*8] end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------- // write channels (AW, W, B) //---------------------------------------------------------- localparam logic [1:0] S_W_IDLE = 0, S_W_AWREADY = 1, S_W_BURST = 2, S_W_RESP = 3; logic [1:0] wstate, wstate_n; logic [7:0] wcnt, wcnt_n; logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] waddr, waddr_n; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] wid, wid_n; logic [3:0] wlen, wlen_n; always_ff @(posedge clk) if (!rst_n) begin wstate <= S_W_IDLE; wcnt <= 8'd0; waddr <= {ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}; wid <= {ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; wlen <= 4'd0; end else begin wstate <= wstate_n; wcnt <= wcnt_n; waddr <= waddr_n; wid <= wid_n; wlen <= wlen_n; end always @(*) begin wstate_n = wstate; wcnt_n = wcnt; waddr_n = waddr; wid_n = wid; wlen_n = wlen; aw_ch.awready = 1'b0; w_ch.wready = 1'b0; b_ch.bvalid = 1'b0; case (wstate) S_W_IDLE: begin if (aw_ch.awvalid) begin if (AWREADY_DELAY == 0) begin waddr_n = aw_ch.awaddr; wid_n = aw_ch.awid; wlen_n = aw_ch.awlen; aw_ch.awready = 1'b1; wstate_n = S_W_BURST; end else begin wcnt_n = AWREADY_DELAY-1; wstate_n = S_W_AWREADY; end end end S_W_AWREADY: begin if (wcnt==0) begin waddr_n = aw_ch.awaddr; wid_n = aw_ch.awid; wlen_n = aw_ch.awlen; aw_ch.awready = 1'b1; wstate_n = S_W_BURST; end else begin wcnt_n = wcnt - 8'd1; end end S_W_BURST: begin w_ch.wready = 1'b1; if (w_ch.wvalid) begin for (int i=0; i<DATA_WIDTH/8; i++) begin write_byte(waddr + i, w_ch.wdata[i*8 +: 8]); // [i*8+7:i*8] end waddr_n = waddr + (DATA_WIDTH/8); if (wlen==4'd0) begin wstate_n = S_W_RESP; end else begin wlen_n = wlen - 4'd1; end end end S_W_RESP: begin b_ch.bvalid = 1'b1; if (b_ch.bready) begin wstate_n = S_W_IDLE; end end endcase end //---------------------------------------------------------- // read channel (AR, R) //---------------------------------------------------------- localparam logic [1:0] S_R_IDLE = 0, S_R_ARREADY = 1, S_R_DELAY = 2, S_R_BURST = 3; logic [1:0] rstate, rstate_n; logic [7:0] rcnt, rcnt_n; logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] raddr, raddr_n; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] rid, rid_n; logic [3:0] rlen, rlen_n; always_ff @(posedge clk) if (!rst_n) begin rstate <= S_R_IDLE; rcnt <= 8'd0; raddr <= {ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}; rid <= {ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; rlen <= 4'd0; end else begin rstate <= rstate_n; rcnt <= rcnt_n; raddr <= raddr_n; rid <= rid_n; rlen <= rlen_n; end always_comb begin rstate_n = rstate; rcnt_n = rcnt; raddr_n = raddr; rid_n = rid; rlen_n = rlen; ar_ch.arready = 1'b0; r_ch.rvalid = 1'b0; r_ch.rlast = 1'b0; case (rstate) S_R_IDLE: begin if (ar_ch.arvalid) begin if (ARREADY_DELAY == 0) begin raddr_n = ar_ch.araddr; rid_n = ar_ch.arid; rlen_n = ar_ch.arlen; ar_ch.arready = 1'b1; rcnt_n = AR2R_DELAY - 1; rstate_n = S_R_DELAY; end else begin rcnt_n = ARREADY_DELAY-1; rstate_n = S_R_ARREADY; end end end S_R_ARREADY: begin if (rcnt==0) begin raddr_n = ar_ch.araddr; rid_n = ar_ch.arid; rlen_n = ar_ch.arlen; ar_ch.arready = 1'b1; rcnt_n = AR2R_DELAY - 1; rstate_n = S_R_DELAY; end else begin rcnt_n = rcnt - 8'd1; end end S_R_DELAY: begin if (rcnt==0) begin rstate_n = S_R_BURST; end else begin rcnt_n = rcnt - 8'd1; end end S_R_BURST: begin r_ch.rvalid = 1'b1; r_ch.rlast = (rlen==4'd0); for (int i=0; i<DATA_WIDTH/8; i++) begin r_ch.rdata[i*8 +: 8] = read_byte(raddr + i); // [i*8+7:i*8] end if (r_ch.rready) begin raddr_n = raddr + (DATA_WIDTH/8); if (rlen==4'd0) begin rstate_n = S_R_IDLE; end else begin rlen_n = rlen - 4'd1; end end end endcase end // output assignments assign = wid; assign b_ch.bresp = 2'd0; assign r_ch.rid = rid; assign r_ch.rresp = 2'd0; endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/AXI_TYPEDEF.svh>>> `ifndef __AXI_TYPEDEF_SVH__ `define __AXI_TYPEDEF_SVH__ `define AXI_ADDR_WIDTH 32 `define AXI_DATA_WIDTH 32 `define AXI_ID_WIDTH 4 `endif /* __AXI_TYPEDEF_SVH__ */ <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/AXI_TYPEDEF.svh>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> `define IP_VER 32'h000 `define SRC_ADDR 32'h100 `define DST_ADDR 32'h104 `define LEN_ADDR 32'h108 `define STAT_ADDR 32'h110 `define START_ADDR 32'h10c `define TIMEOUT_CYCLE 999999 module DMAC_TOP_TB (); reg clk; reg rst_n; // clock generation initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever #10 clk = !clk; end // reset generation initial begin rst_n = 1'b0; // active at time 0 repeat (3) @(posedge clk); // after 3 cycles, rst_n = 1'b1; // release the reset end // enable waveform dump initial begin dumpvars(0, u_DUT); dumpfile("dump.vcd"); end // timeout initial begin #`TIMEOUT_CYCLE display("Timeout!"); finish; end APB apb_if (.clk(clk)); AXI_AW_CH aw_ch (.clk(clk)); AXI_W_CH w_ch (.clk(clk)); AXI_B_CH b_ch (.clk(clk)); AXI_AR_CH ar_ch (.clk(clk)); AXI_R_CH r_ch (.clk(clk)); task test_init(); int data; apb_if.init(); @(posedge rst_n); // wait for a release of the reset repeat (10) @(posedge clk); // wait another 10 cycles`IP_VER, data); display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("IP version: %x", data); display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("Reset value test"); display("---------------------------------------------------");`SRC_ADDR, data); if (data===0) display("DMA_SRC(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_SRC(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end`DST_ADDR, data); if (data===0) display("DMA_DST(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_DST(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end`LEN_ADDR, data); if (data===0) display("DMA_LEN(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_LEN(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end`STAT_ADDR, data); if (data===1) display("DMA_STATUS(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_STATUS(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end endtask task test_dma(input int src, input int dst, input int len); int data; int word; realtime elapsed_time; display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("Load data to memory"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); for (int i=src; i<(src+len); i=i+4) begin word = random; u_mem.write_word(i, word); end display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("Configuration test"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); apb_if.write(`SRC_ADDR, src);`SRC_ADDR, data); if (data===src) display("DMA_SRC(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_SRC(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end apb_if.write(`DST_ADDR, dst);`DST_ADDR, data); if (data===dst) display("DMA_DST(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_DST(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end apb_if.write(`LEN_ADDR, len);`LEN_ADDR, data); if (data===len) display("DMA_LEN(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_LEN(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("DMA start"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); apb_if.write(`START_ADDR, 32'h1); elapsed_time = realtime; display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("Wait for a DMA completion"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); data = 0; while (data!=1) begin`STAT_ADDR, data); repeat (100) @(posedge clk); end @(posedge clk); elapsed_time = realtime - elapsed_time; timeformat(-9, 0, " ns", 10); display("Elapsed time for DMA: %t", elapsed_time); display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("DMA completed"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); repeat (len) @(posedge clk); // to make sure data is written display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("verify data"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); for (int i=0; i<len; i=i+4) begin logic [31:0] src_word; logic [31:0] dst_word; src_word = u_mem.read_word(src+i); dst_word = u_mem.read_word(dst+i); if (src_word!==dst_word) begin display("Mismatch! (src:%x @%x, dst:%x @%x", src_word, src+i, dst_word, dst+i); end end endtask int src, dst, len; // main initial begin test_init(); src = 'h0000_1000; dst = 'h0000_2000; len = 'h0100; display("==================================================="); display("= 1st trial"); display("= Copying %x bytes from %x to %x", len, src, dst); display("==================================================="); test_dma(src, dst, len); src = 'h1234_1234; dst = 'hABCD_ABCC; len = 'h0F00; display("==================================================="); display("= 2nd trial (long transfer)"); display("= Copying %x bytes from %x to %x", len, src, dst); display("==================================================="); test_dma(src, dst, len); src = 'h4278_0000; dst = 'h4278_1000; len = 'h0F10; display("==================================================="); display("= 3rd trial (long transfer-2)"); display("= Copying %x bytes from %x to %x", len, src, dst); display("==================================================="); test_dma(src, dst, len); finish; end AXI_SLAVE u_mem ( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), .aw_ch (aw_ch), .w_ch (w_ch), .b_ch (b_ch), .ar_ch (ar_ch), .r_ch (r_ch) ); DMAC_TOP u_DUT ( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), // APB interface .psel_i (apb_if.psel), .penable_i (apb_if.penable), .paddr_i (apb_if.paddr[11:0]), .pwrite_i (apb_if.pwrite), .pwdata_i (apb_if.pwdata), .pready_o (apb_if.pready), .prdata_o (apb_if.prdata), .pslverr_o (apb_if.pslverr), // AXI AW channel .awid_o (aw_ch.awid), .awaddr_o (aw_ch.awaddr), .awlen_o (aw_ch.awlen), .awsize_o (aw_ch.awsize), .awburst_o (aw_ch.awburst), .awvalid_o (aw_ch.awvalid), .awready_i (aw_ch.awready), // AXI W channel .wid_o (w_ch.wid), .wdata_o (w_ch.wdata), .wstrb_o (w_ch.wstrb), .wlast_o (w_ch.wlast), .wvalid_o (w_ch.wvalid), .wready_i (w_ch.wready), // AXI B channel .bid_i (, .bresp_i (b_ch.bresp), .bvalid_i (b_ch.bvalid), .bready_o (b_ch.bready), // AXI AR channel .arid_o (ar_ch.arid), .araddr_o (ar_ch.araddr), .arlen_o (ar_ch.arlen), .arsize_o (ar_ch.arsize), .arburst_o (ar_ch.arburst), .arvalid_o (ar_ch.arvalid), .arready_i (ar_ch.arready), // AXI R channel .rid_i (r_ch.rid), .rdata_i (r_ch.rdata), .rresp_i (r_ch.rresp), .rlast_i (r_ch.rlast), .rvalid_i (r_ch.rvalid), .rready_o (r_ch.rready) ); endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/filelist.f>>> LAB_PATH/SIM/TB/timescale.v LAB_PATH/SIM/TB/ LAB_PATH/SIM/TB/ LAB_PATH/SIM/TB/ <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/filelist.f>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/timescale.v>>> `timescale 1ns/1ps <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/timescale.v>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.compile>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ export LAB_PATH="PWD/../" FILELIST_TB="../TB/filelist.f" FILELIST_RTL="../../RTL/filelist.f" echo "Cleaning up the old directory" rm -rf RUN_DIR echo "Creating a new directory" mkdir -p RUN_DIR cd RUN_DIR echo "Compiling" COMPILE_CMD COMPILE_OPTIONS -f FILELIST_TB -f FILELIST_RTL <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.compile>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.compile4cov>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ export LAB_PATH="PWD/../" COV_DIR="PWD/VDB" COV_OPTIONS="-cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch -cm_dir COV_DIR" FILELIST_TB="../TB/filelist.f" FILELIST_RTL="../../RTL/filelist.f" echo "Cleaning up the old directory" rm -rf RUN_DIR echo "Creating a new directory" mkdir -p RUN_DIR cd RUN_DIR echo "Compiling" COMPILE_CMD COMPILE_OPTIONS COV_OPTIONS -f FILELIST_TB -f FILELIST_RTL <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.compile4cov>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.sim>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ if [ -e RUN_DIR/simv ]; then cd RUN_DIR ./simv else echo "Compile file does not exist" exit 1 fi <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.sim>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.sim4cov>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ COV_DIR="PWD/VDB" COV_OPTIONS="-cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch -cm_dir COV_DIR" if [ -e RUN_DIR/simv ]; then cd RUN_DIR ./simv COV_OPTIONS else echo "Compile file does not exist" exit 1 fi <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.sim4cov>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.verdi>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ export LAB_PATH="PWD/../" FILELIST_TB="../TB/filelist.f" FILELIST_RTL="../../RTL/filelist.f" cd RUN_DIR VERDI_CMD VERDI_OPTIONS -f FILELIST_TB -f FILELIST_RTL <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.verdi>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.verdi4cov>>> verdi -cov -covdir VDB.vdb/ <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.verdi4cov>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.waveform>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ if [ -e RUN_DIR/dump.vcd ]; then cd RUN_DIR WAVE_CMD WAVE_OPTIONS -i dump.vcd else echo "Dump file does not exist" exit 1 fi <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.waveform>>> /// Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller Design Document V1.0 1 Overview This document specifies the design and implementation of a Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) as a part of System-on-a-Chip (SoC). The main purpose of this DMAC design is to integrate into SoC for exchange a large volume of data between memory and peripherals at high speed. The proposed DMAC works on ARM’s Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) specification. The DMAC provides an AMBA APB interface to configure the IP, and an AMBA AXI interface to transfer data. 2 Architecture Specification 2.1 General Description Some applications require transferring a volume of data between memory and peripherals without any modification on data. In software, it is commonly served by executing the memcpy library function in C, C++ or other languages. In C, the function has the following interface and copies len bytes from the object pointed by src to the object pointed by dst: void* memcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len). While a pure software-based implementation of memcpy transfers data using CPU instructions, DMA does not use expensive CPU cycles but uses a hardware engine (DMAC) for the transfer. This can significantly speed up data transfers and allows using CPU for other jobs. 2.2 Usage Constraints Below describe constraints in utilizing DMAC v1. -The src and dst addresses are physical addresses. -The src and dst addresses must be a multiple of 4. -The len must be a multiple of 4. -The maximum len is 0xFFFF -Source and destination ranges must not overlap. 2.3 Programming Model Software can use the following sequence to transfer data using DMAC. -1.Write the source address to DMA_SRC register -2.Write the destination address to DMA_DST register -3.Write length to DMA_LEN register -4.Write 1 to bit[0] of DMA_CMD register -5.Wait until DMA_STATUS register has bit[0] as 1. 2.4 Register Map In order to control DMAC, software can configure the following registers. +--------+------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-------+ | Offset | Reg Name | 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | +--------+------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-------+ | 0x00 | DMA_VER | version | +--------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0x04~0xFC | Reserved | +--------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0x100 | DMA_SRC | start_addr | +--------+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0x104 | DMA_DST | start_addr | +--------+------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0x108 | DMA_LEN | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | byte_len | +--------+------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-------+ | 0x10C | DMA_CMD | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | start | +--------+------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-------+ | 0x110 | DMA_STATUS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | done | +--------+------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-------+ 2.4.1 DMA VERSION | Field name | Bit range | R/W | Reset value | Desciption | |------------|-----------|-----|-------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | version | [31:0] | R | 0x0001_2024 | The version of this DMA controller. The upper 16 bits represent the major version. The lower 16 bits represent the released year of the version. This document describes behaviors of major version 1. | 2.4.2 DMA_SRC | Field name | Bit range | R/W | Reset value | Desciption | |------------|-----------|-----|-------------|------------------------------------| | start_addr | [31:0] | R/W | 0x0000_0000 | start address of the source range. | 2.4.3 DMA_DST | Field name | Bit range | R/W | Reset value | Desciption | |------------|-----------|-----|-------------|-----------------------------------------| | start_addr | [31:0] | R/W | 0x0000_0000 | start address of the destination range. | 2.4.4 DMA_LEN | Field name | Bit range | R/W | Reset value | Desciption | |------------|-----------|-----|-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | byte_len | [15:0] | R/W | 0x0000 | Number of bytes to be transferred from the source to the destination. | 2.4.5 DMA_CMD Field | Field name | Bit range | R/W | Reset value | Desciption | |------------|-----------|-----|-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | start | [0] | W | N/A | Writing 1 to this field will initiate a DMA transfer based on DMA_SRC, DMA_DST, and DMA_LEN registers. Software must not write 1 when there’s an on-going transfer. Writing 0 to this field does not affect operation | 2.4.6 DMA_STATUS | Field name | Bit range | R/W | Reset value | Desciption | |------------|-----------|-----|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | done | [0] | R | 1 | This field is 1 when there’s no on-going DMA transfer. Software must wait this field to be 1 for a completion of a transfer. Software must not initiate a DMA transfer when this field is 0. | 3 Micro-architecture v1.1 Specification This section describes microarchitecture of a simple DMAC. It reads data from memory, buffers the data, and write the data into memory. It repeats this procedure until it completes transferring the specified number of bytes. For simplicity, it read/writes one-cycle data (4 bytes) at a time (in other words, burst-1 transfers). For simplicity, this microarchitecture does not consider write responses from the AXI interface. Later versions will support burst transfers and write responses. 3.1 External Interface DMAC v1.1 has the following external interfaces to communicate with other hardware IPs. -AMBA APB interface for configuration -AMBA AXI interface for data transfer The image you’ve uploaded is a diagram showing the on-chip interconnect of a computer system. Here’s a detailed description: The diagram illustrates how the CPU core, memory, and DMAC (Direct Memory Access Controller) are connected through an on-chip interconnect. The connections also include specific interfaces like Config interface (APB) and Data interface (AXI). “CPU core” is a box on the left side connected to the central “On-chip interconnect” cloud shape with a bidirectional arrow. Below the “CPU core,” there’s another box labeled “Memory,” also connected to the “On-chip interconnect” with a bidirectional arrow. On the right side, there’s a box labeled “DMAC” connected to both “Config interface (APB)” and “Data interface (AXI)” which are in turn connected to the central “On-chip interconnect” with bidirectional arrows. The arrows indicate that data can flow in both directions between these components. 3.2 Block Diagram DMAC v1.1 has the following blocks inside. The diagram is divided into three main blocks labeled “DMAC_TOP,” “DMAC_CFG,” and “DMAC_ENGINE.” “clk” and “rst” are inputs to the “DMAC_TOP” block. An arrow labeled “APB” connects the “DMAC_TOP” block to the “DMAC_CFG” block. Another arrow labeled “AXI” connects both the “DMAC_TOP” and “DMAC_CFG” blocks to the “DMAC_ENGINE” block. Inside the “DMAC_ENGINE” block, there are four internal components labeled as follows: SRC_ADDR DST_ADDR CNT DATA BUF There’s also a small circular graph with nodes labeled 0 to 3 inside this block. This diagram is likely used to illustrate the flow of data or control signals between these components in a Direct Memory Access Controller configuration. Please let me know if you need more information! 3.3 Configuration Register (lab2) This block receives read/write requests from the APB and configures the registers describes in Section 2.4. 3.4 Finite State Machine (lab3) DMA engine utilizes the following state machine to control operations. The diagram contains five blue circles representing different states: IDLE, RREQ, RDATA, WREQ, and WDATA. Arrows connect these circles indicating the flow from one state to another. Each arrow has text annotations that describe the conditions for transitioning from one state to another. For example, transitioning from IDLE to RREQ requires writing 1 to DMA_CMD & LEN!=0, and copying DMA_SRC/DST/LEN. There are also annotations on the state circles themselves, such as “done=1” on IDLE and “AWVALID=1” on WDATA. +-------+--------------------------------------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | State | Major outputs | Next State | Next state transition condition | Notes | | +---------+--------+---------+--------+------+ | | | | | ARVALID | RREADY | AWVALID | WVALID | done | | | | +-------+---------+--------+---------+--------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | IDLE | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | RREQ | (DMA_CMD.start is written as 1) and (DMA_LEN.byte_len!=0) | On moving out, | | | | | | | | | | - Copy DMA_SRC to SRC_ADDR. | | | | | | | | | | - Copy DMA_DST to DST_ADDR | | | | | | | | | | - Copy DMA_LEN to the internal counter | +-------+---------+--------+---------+--------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | RREQ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | RDATA | ARREADY=1 | On moving out, | | | | | | | | | | - Increment ARADDR by 4 | +-------+---------+--------+---------+--------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | RDATA | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | WREQ | RVALID=1 | On moving out, | | | | | | | | | | - Buffer RDATA into the data buffer | +-------+---------+--------+---------+--------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | WREQ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | WDATA | AWREADY=1 | On moving out, | | | | | | | | | | - Increment AWADDR by 4 | | | | | | | | | | - Decrement the internal counter by 4 | +-------+---------+--------+---------+--------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | WDATA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | RREQ | (WREADY=1) & (counter!=0) | | | | | | | | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | IDLE | (WREADY=1) & (counter==0) | | +-------+---------+--------+---------+--------+------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ { "signal": [ { "name": "clk", "wave": "p....|.........." }, { "name": "state", "wave": "2.3.4|..5.6.2...", "data": ["IDLE", "RREQ", "RDATA", "WREQ", "WDATA", "IDLE"] }, { "name": "write to CMD", "wave": "010..|..........", "data": ["1"] }, {}, [ "AR ch", { "name": "ARVALID(out)", "wave": "0.1.0|..........", "data": ["SRC"] }, { "name": "ARADDR(out)", "wave": "x.3.x|..........", "data": ["SRC"] }, { "name": "ARLEN(out)", "wave": "2....|..........", "data": ["0"] }, { "name": "ARREADY(in)", "wave": "0..10|.........." }, ], [ "R ch", { "name": "RREADY(out)", "wave": "0...1|..0......." }, { "name": "RVALID(in)", "wave": "0....|.10......." }, { "name": "RDATA(in)", "wave": "x....|.4x.......", "data": ["DATA"] }, ], [ "AW ch", { "name": "AWVALID(out)", "wave": "0....|..1.0....." }, { "name": "AWADDR(out)", "wave": "x....|..5.x.....", "data": ["DST"] }, { "name": "AWLEN(out)", "wave": "2....|..........", "data": ["0"] }, { "name": "AWREADY(in)", "wave": "0....|...10....." }, ], [ "W ch", { "name": "WVALID(out)", "wave": "0....|....1.0..." }, { "name": "WDATA(out)", "wave": "x....|....4.x...", "data": ["DATA"] }, { "name": "WREADY(in)", "wave": "0....|.....10..." } ] ], "head" : { "tick" : "0" }, "foot" : { "tick" : "0" } } 그림 1. DMA operation with microarchitecture v1.1 4 Micro-architecture v1.2 Specification (lab4) A problem with microarchitecture v1.1 is that it reads/writes data one-by-one. As memory read takes some time, DMAC v1.1 will suffer from poor performance with a long memory read latency (그림 2). We will improve the microarchitecture to transfer a burst of data to minimize performance degradation. { "signal": [ { "name": "clk", "wave": "p....|.................." }, { "name": "state", "wave": "2.3.4|..|..5.6.3.", "data": ["IDLE", "RREQ", "RDATA", "WREQ", "WDATA", "RREQ", "RDATA", "WREQ", "WDATA", "RREQ"] }, { "name": "write to CMD", "wave": "010..|.........|........", "data": ["1"] }, {}, [ "AR ch", { "name": "ARVALID(out)", "wave": "0.1.0|......1.0|......1.", "data": ["SRC"] }, { "name": "ARADDR(out)", "wave": "x.3.x|......3.x|......3.", "data": ["SRC", "SRC+4", "SRC+8"] }, { "name": "ARLEN(out)", "wave": "2....|.........|........", "data": ["0"] }, { "name": "ARREADY(in)", "wave": "0..10|.......10|.......1" }, ], [ "R ch", { "name": "RREADY(out)", "wave": "0...1|..0.....1|..0....." }, { "name": "RVALID(in)", "wave": "0....|.10......|.10....." }, { "name": "RDATA(in)", "wave": "x....|.4x......|.4x.....", "data": ["DATA", "DATA"] }, ], [ "AW ch", { "name": "AWVALID(out)", "wave": "0....|..1.0....|..1.0..." }, { "name": "AWADDR(out)", "wave": "x....|..5.x....|..5.x...", "data": ["DST", "DST+4"] }, { "name": "AWLEN(out)", "wave": "2....|.........|........", "data": ["0"] }, { "name": "AWREADY(in)", "wave": "0....|...10....|...10..." }, ], [ "W ch", { "name": "WVALID(out)", "wave": "0....|....1.0..|....1.0." }, { "name": "WDATA(out)", "wave": "x....|....4.x..|....4.x.", "data": ["DATA", "DATA"] }, { "name": "WREADY(in)", "wave": "0....|.....10..|.....10." } ] ], "head" : { "tick" : "0" }, "foot" : { "tick" : "0" } } 그림 2. DMA operation with microarchitecture 1.1. At a time, it transfers single burst of data In Microarchitecture version 2, DMAC transfers up to 16 cycles of data with a single access. This can significantly reduce execution time by transferring data in bursts (그림 3). { "signal": [ { "name": "clk", "wave": "p....|....|.......|....." }, { "name": "state", "wave": "2.3.4|....|..5.6..|..3.4", "data": ["IDLE", "RREQ", "RDATA", "WREQ", "WDATA", "RREQ"] }, { "name": "write to CMD", "wave": "010..|....|.......|.....", "data": ["1"] }, {}, [ "AR ch", { "name": "ARVALID(out)", "wave": "0.1.0|....|.......|.....", "data": ["SRC"] }, { "name": "ARADDR(out)", "wave": "x.3.x|....|.......|.....", "data": ["SRC"] }, { "name": "ARLEN(out)", "wave": "2....|....|.......|.....", "data": ["15"] }, { "name": "ARREADY(in)", "wave": "0..10|....|.......|....." }, ], [ "R ch", { "name": "RREADY(out)", "wave": "0...1|....|..0....|....." }, { "name": "RVALID(in)", "wave": "0....|.1..|..0....|....." }, { "name": "RLAST(in)", "wave": "0....|....|.10....|....." }, { "name": "RDATA(in)", "wave": "x....|.444|44x....|.....", "data": ["D0", "D1", "D2", "D14", "D15"] }, ], [ "AW ch", { "name": "AWVALID(out)", "wave": "0....|....|..1.0..|....." }, { "name": "AWADDR(out)", "wave": "x....|....|..5.x..|.....", "data": ["DST"] }, { "name": "AWLEN(out)", "wave": "2....|....|.......|.....", "data": ["15"] }, { "name": "AWREADY(in)", "wave": "0....|....|...10..|....." }, ], [ "W ch", { "name": "WVALID(out)", "wave": "0....|....|....1..|..0.." }, { "name": "WDATA(out)", "wave": "x....|....|....444|44x..", "data": ["D0", "D1", "D2", "D14", "D15"] }, { "name": "WLAST(out)", "wave": "0....|....|.......|.10.." }, { "name": "WREADY(in)", "wave": "0....|....|....1..|..0.." } ] ], "head" : { "tick" : "0" }, "foot" : { "tick" : "0" } } 그림 3. DMA operation with burst transfers. At a time, a request reads/writes 16 cycles of data.
answer:```systemverilog // DMA Engine State Machine Logic always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin state <= S_IDLE; src_addr <= 32'b0; dst_addr <= 32'b0; cnt <= 16'b0; wcnt <= 4'b0; arvalid <= 1'b0; rready <= 1'b0; awvalid <= 1'b0; wvalid <= 1'b0; wlast <= 1'b0; done <= 1'b1; end else begin state <= state_n; src_addr <= src_addr_n; dst_addr <= dst_addr_n; cnt <= cnt_n; wcnt <= wcnt_n; // Default values for control signals arvalid <= 1'b0; rready <= 1'b0; awvalid <= 1'b0; wvalid <= 1'b0; wlast <= 1'b0; done <= 1'b0; case (state) S_IDLE: begin if (start_i && byte_len_i != 16'b0) begin state_n <= S_RREQ; src_addr_n <= src_addr_i; dst_addr_n <= dst_addr_i; cnt_n <= byte_len_i; done <= 1'b0; end else begin done <= 1'b1; end end S_RREQ: begin arvalid <= 1'b1; if (arready_i) begin state_n <= S_RDATA; end end S_RDATA: begin rready <= 1'b1; if (rvalid_i && rlast_i) begin state_n <= S_WREQ; src_addr_n <= src_addr + 32'd4; // Increment src address wcnt_n <= cnt > 16 ? 4'hF : cnt[3:0] - 1; // Calculate wcnt for the next burst cnt_n <= cnt - 32'd4; // Decrement cnt by 4 (size of word) end end S_WREQ: begin awvalid <= 1'b1; if (awready_i) begin state_n <= S_WDATA; end end S_WDATA: begin wvalid <= 1'b1; wlast <= wcnt == 4'd0; // Set wlast when wcnt reaches 0 if (wready_i && wlast) begin if (cnt == 32'd0) begin state_n <= S_IDLE; end else begin state_n <= S_WREQ; dst_addr_n <= dst_addr + 32'd4; // Increment dst address for next burst wcnt_n <= wcnt - 1'b1; // Decrement wcnt cnt_n <= cnt - 32'd4; // Decrement cnt by 4 (size of word) end end end default: state_n <= S_IDLE; endcase end end ``` This code implements the Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller's Engine logic using a Finite State Machine (FSM). The FSM transitions through states based on the availability of the ARREADY/ARVALID for read operations and AWREADY/AWVALID for write operations along with other conditions to manage data transfers effectively. Note that this simplified illustration may need adjustments such as focus on data buffering, actual data transfer handling, error checking, and overlap prevention, which requires comprehensive consideration aligned to specific requirements and AXI protocol adherence. Also, keep in mind `start_i`, `byte_len_i`, `src_addr_i`, `dst_addr_i`, `arready_i`, `rvalid_i`, `rlast_i`, `awready_i`, and `wready_i` are signals that ideally come from configuration registers or interface signals indicating control and status for initiating and managing DMA operations. The code assumes a simplistic behavior model that does not fully cover corner cases or optimizations for efficiency and throughput, such as burst accesses and parallel data processing which might be required in a more robust implementation targeted for production environments.
question:한글로 번역해서 출력해줘.
answer:```systemverilog // DMA 엔진 상태 머신 로직 always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin state <= S_IDLE; src_addr <= 32'b0; dst_addr <= 32'b0; cnt <= 16'b0; wcnt <= 4'b0; arvalid <= 1'b0; rready <= 1'b0; awvalid <= 1'b0; wvalid <= 1'b0; wlast <= 1'b0; done <= 1'b1; end else begin state <= state_n; src_addr <= src_addr_n; dst_addr <= dst_addr_n; cnt <= cnt_n; wcnt <= wcnt_n; // 제어 신호의 기본 값 arvalid <= 1'b0; rready <= 1'b0; awvalid <= 1'b0; wvalid <= 1'b0; wlast <= 1'b0; done <= 1'b0; case (state) S_IDLE: begin if (start_i && byte_len_i != 16'b0) begin state_n <= S_RREQ; src_addr_n <= src_addr_i; dst_addr_n <= dst_addr_i; cnt_n <= byte_len_i; done <= 1'b0; end else begin done <= 1'b1; end end S_RREQ: begin arvalid <= 1'b1; if (arready_i) begin state_n <= S_RDATA; end end S_RDATA: begin rready <= 1'b1; if (rvalid_i && rlast_i) begin state_n <= S_WREQ; src_addr_n <= src_addr + 32'd4; // 소스 주소 증가 wcnt_n <= cnt > 16 ? 4'hF : cnt[3:0] - 1; // 다음 버스트를 위한 wcnt 계산 cnt_n <= cnt - 32'd4; // 워드 크기인 4만큼 cnt 감소 end end S_WREQ: begin awvalid <= 1'b1; if (awready_i) begin state_n <= S_WDATA; end end S_WDATA: begin wvalid <= 1'b1; wlast <= wcnt == 4'd0; // wcnt가 0에 도달하면 wlast 설정 if (wready_i && wlast) begin if (cnt == 32'd0) begin state_n <= S_IDLE; end else begin state_n <= S_WREQ; dst_addr_n <= dst_addr + 32'd4; // 다음 버스트를 위한 목적지 주소 증가 wcnt_n <= wcnt - 1'b1; // wcnt 감소 cnt_n <= cnt - 32'd4; // 워드 크기인 4만큼 cnt 감소 end end end default: state_n <= S_IDLE; endcase end end ``` 이 코드는 상태 유한 기계(FSM)을 사용하여 직접 메모리 액세스(DMA) 컨트롤러의 엔진 로직을 구현합니다. FSM은 읽기 작업을 위한 ARREADY/ARVALID와 쓰기 작업을 위한 AWREADY/AWVALID의 가용성과 데이터 전송을 효과적으로 관리하기 위한 기타 조건에 따라 상태 간에 전환됩니다. 이 간단한 예시는 데이터 버퍼링, 실제 데이터 전송 처리, 오류 검사 및 중복 방지와 같은 포괄적 고려 사항과 AXI 프로토콜 준수에 초점을 맞추지 않습니다. 또한, `start_i`, `byte_len_i`, `src_addr_i`, `dst_addr_i`, `arready_i`, `rvalid_i`, `rlast_i`, `awready_i`, `wready_i`와 같은 신호는 DMA 작업을 시작하고 관리하기 위한 제어 및 상태를 나타내는 구성 레지스터 또는 인터페이스 신호에서 오는 것으로 가정합니다. 이 코드는 모서리 케이스 또는 효율성 및 처리량에 대한 최적화를 완전히 다루지 않는 단순화된 동작 모델을 가정합니다.
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 手持TPU苹果15手机壳,正面展示图 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: a person holding a vintage typewriter, intricate metal keys, rusted body with peeling paint, surrounded by old dusty books, dimly lit room with sunlight filtering through stained glass windows, a sense of nostalgia and creativity, captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 50mm prime lens, composition highlighting the typewriter's details, in a style reminiscent of old film noir scenes. --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: a woman walking through a vibrant market in Marrakech, colorful spices piled high, exotic fruits on display, locals haggling with sellers, bustling crowds and a maze of narrow alleyways, the scent of incense lingering in the air, captured with a Sony A7 III camera, 35mm lens, composition capturing the energy and essence of the bustling marketplace, in a style reminiscent of street photography. --ar 9:16 --v 5 /imagine prompt: a futuristic cityscape at night, towering skyscrapers illuminated with neon lights, flying cars zooming through the air, bustling streets below filled with people of diverse cultures, a sense of awe and wonder, captured with a drone camera, wide-angle lens, composition showcasing the grandeur of the city, in a style reminiscent of cyberpunk art. --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: a serene Japanese garden in autumn, colorful maple trees with leaves gently falling, a traditional wooden bridge over a tranquil pond with golden koi fish swimming, peaceful atmosphere with the sound of a trickling stream, captured with a Fuji X-T3 camera, 23mm lens, composition focusing on the natural beauty of the garden, in a style reminiscent of traditional Japanese watercolor paintings. --ar 1:1 --niji
question:Write really overly-funny super hilarious comedy 17+ short Pokemon game parody transcript based on my prompt:(but make it more funnier adult comedy where the characters constantly make fun of and question logic in the game or the pokedex that ain’t possible or don’t make any sense and why, AND they’d make fun of the plot in the prompt: (Do this with EVERY prompt i give (do exactly EVERYTHING the plot says they do and I mean EVERYTHING, literally. "The air is tasty here!" Said by a young boy walking by the water on Route 117.
answer:Title: PokéJokes: Logic, What's That? [Route 117, where the logic of the world is as thin as the Pokedex entries are questionable.] Young Boy: [Sniffs deeply] Ahh, the air is tasty here... [Pauses, looks directly at the camera] Wait, what? Who wrote this? Can people taste air now? Is that a new feature in the game? Because, let me tell you, if it's a flavor, I hope it's not "Polluted Seaside" or "Eau de Grimer." [A wild Comedianachu appears!] Comedianachu: Pika-boo, kid! Heard you tasting the air. Trying to decide if it's more Vanilla Ice Cream or Suspiciously Fishy? Young Boy: Well, when you put it that way... [Scratches head] I mean, who came up with this? And why? Comedianachu: You ever read those Pokedex entries? A Snorlax’s stomach can digest anything, even if it eats moldy food, it won’t affect it. But hey, mention a microwave that doesn’t work, and suddenly it's a crisis. Young Boy: Yeah, and what's with Magcargo? Its body temperature is supposedly hotter than the surface of the sun! How is it not constantly vaporizing everyone around it? Comedianachu: Ever think about how we fit GODZILLA-sized creatures into tiny balls? Or how a kid can carry around a bicycle in their pocket but not an extra sweater? Young Boy: [Nodding] Yeah, the economy based on fighting animals is wild, too. And don’t get me started on the healthcare. You walk into a center with your pets on the brink of death, and some nurse just waves a magic wand, boom! They’re ready to fight again. Comedianachu: [Laughs] True! And what about the ghosts? You got creatures like Gengar around, but everyone's chill. If Pokémon were real, I'd be in therapy. Young Boy: Not to mention, everyone's okay with a ten-year-old wandering into the wilderness to cage fight with electric rats and dragons. Comedianachu: Oh! And let's not forget the legendary Pokémon. Apparently, they can control time, space, and the very fabric of reality, but yeah, sure, a kid from Pallet Town can totally catch 'em with a ball. Young Boy: Right? And I’ve never seen a Pokémon eat in battle. Do they ever get hungry? Imagine a Snickers sponsored Pokéball. Comedianachu: [Chuckles] And what’s with the villains? They want to steal Pokémon to take over the world, but they always wait politely for you to finish your previous battle. Young Boy: [Laughing] Yeah, the logic here is less solid than a Jigglypuff after a karaoke session. But it's all good. After all, where else can you taste the air and complain about it? Comedianachu: Only in the world of Pokémon, my friend. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to question why my electric shocks never need recharging. Pikachu, use "Existential Crisis!" [They both laugh as Comedianachu dashes off, leaving a trail of illogical sparks behind.] Young Boy: [Looks around, breathes in] Hmm, the air kinda tastes like adventure... and plot holes. Gotta catch 'em all, I guess! [Exit Young Boy, pondering the dietary habits of Pokéballs.] [End Scene: Because in the world of Pokémon, logic is the rarest beast of all.]