question:нужен перевод Wat houdt het werk in: Als systeembeheerder ga jij je fulltime bezighouden met een uitgebreid takenpakket. Enerzijds ben jij de aangewezen persoon om alle collega’s uit verschillende landen te ondersteunen met hun IT vragen (IT en telefonie). Via de telefoon of mail beantwoord jij alle gerelateerde vragen en help je jouw collega’s op weg. Krijgt iemand zijn applicaties op zijn laptop niet aan de praat? Jij lost dit voor ze op. Werkt de printer niet? Ook dit regel jij en waar mogelijk doe je dit op locatie. Omdat je met collega’s uit meer dan 8 verschillende landen communiceert is het belangrijk dat je naast Nederlands ook zeer goed Engels spreekt. Anderzijds werk je met je collega’s hard aan het vastleggen en beheren van nieuwe processen, het installeren en onderhouden van apparaten en ben je met het team medeverantwoordelijk voor het opzetten van nieuwe vestigingen; van netwerkplan tot de installatie van printers. Pos Service Holland is een snelgroeiend bedrijf en dat levert veel leuke uitdagingen op die we met een gemotiveerd team aanpakken.
answer:What does the job involve: As a system administrator, you will be responsible for a comprehensive range of tasks on a full-time basis. On one hand, you will be the designated person to support all colleagues from various countries with their IT inquiries (IT and telephony). Via phone or email, you will answer all related questions and assist your colleagues. Can't someone get their applications to work on their laptop? You will solve this for them. Is the printer not working? You will also take care of this and, whenever possible, do so on-site. Given that you communicate with colleagues from more than 8 different countries, it is important that you speak English very well in addition to Dutch. On the other hand, you will work diligently with your colleagues to document and manage new processes, install and maintain devices, and, as a team, be responsible for setting up new branches – from network planning to printer installation. Pos Service Holland is a rapidly growing company, which presents many exciting challenges that we tackle with a motivated team.
question:переведи на русский
answer:В чем заключается работа: Ваша работа в качестве системного администратора будет включать широкий спектр задач на полный рабочий день. С одной стороны, вы будете основным специалистом, поддерживающим всех коллег из разных стран в их вопросах по информационным технологиям и телефонии. По телефону или по электронной почте вы будете отвечать на все связанные вопросы и помогать коллегам. Если у кого-то не запускаются приложения на ноутбуке, вы решите эту проблему. Если принтер не работает, вы также займетесь этим и, по возможности, сделаете это на месте. Поскольку вы общаетесь со коллегами из более чем 8 разных стран, важно, чтобы вы хорошо владели как нидерландским, так и английским языками. С другой стороны, вы будете активно работать со своими коллегами над документированием и управлением новыми процессами, установкой и обслуживанием оборудования, и как член команды будете отвечать за организацию новых филиалов - от планирования с
question:Provide a detailed letter of explanation why 2021 W-2 from Onshore Security LLC is reporting borrower address at 1483 W Farragut Avenue, #1, Chicago, IL 60640 and its not listed on loan application for residence for past 2 years. Also, provide FROM-TO date at address and if own, rent, etc.
answer:[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date] [Loan Officer's Name] [Loan Officer's Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] Subject: Explanation for Incorrect Reporting of Borrower Address on 2021 W-2 from Onshore Security LLC Dear [Loan Officer's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to provide a detailed explanation regarding the discrepancy in the reporting of my address on the 2021 W-2 form received from my employer, Onshore Security LLC. The W-2 form mistakenly displays my address as 1483 W Farragut Avenue, #1, Chicago, IL 60640, which does not correspond to the address listed on my loan application for residence for the past two years. To clarify the situation, I have included the following information: 1. Borrower Address on Loan Application: - [Previous Address]: [FROM]-[TO] (Date range at the previous address) - [Current Address]: [FROM]-[TO] (Date range at the current address) 2. Address Reported on 2021 W-2: - Address: 1483 W Farragut Avenue, #1, Chicago, IL 60640 Now, I would like to explain why this discrepancy occurred: [Provide a detailed explanation of how the incorrect address appeared on the W-2 form. For example, it could be due to a clerical error by the company's payroll department or a mistake in updating employee records.] It is vital to note that the address listed on the W-2 form is not reflective of my residency or any living arrangements during the specified time period. Therefore, it should not be considered as accurate information related to my housing history or current living situation. [If applicable, mention the correct address(es) that should have been reported on the W-2 form.] As per the information provided, I have resided at the addresses listed on my loan application for the past two years. Additionally, please note that I [own/rent] the property at my current address. I understand the significance of having consistent and accurate information in the loan application process, and I apologize for any confusion caused by the discrepancy in the reported address. To ensure clarity and accuracy, I have attached supporting documents such as lease agreements, utility bills, or any other relevant documentation verifying my residency at the addresses stated in my loan application. Please let me know if there is any further information or documentation required to rectify this issue promptly. I appreciate your understanding and assistance in resolving this matter. If necessary, I am available for an in-person meeting or discussion to provide additional clarification. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, [Your Name]
question:A satisfactory explanation letter stating the reasons for the following address information showing on credit report. Please advise if you have any ownership in these properties and FROM-TO DATES at residence: 3101 SW Harbin Avenue, #16, Bentonville, AR 72713
answer:[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date] [Credit Bureau's Name] [Credit Bureau's Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] Subject: Explanation for Address Information on Credit Report - 3101 SW Harbin Avenue, #16, Bentonville, AR 72713 Dear [Credit Bureau's Name], I am writing this letter to provide a satisfactory explanation for the address information showing on my credit report, specifically the address at 3101 SW Harbin Avenue, #16, Bentonville, AR 72713. I would also like to clarify whether I have any ownership in this property and provide the relevant FROM-TO dates at this residence. Firstly, I would like to confirm that the address mentioned above does appear on my credit report. However, it is important to note that I have no ownership or residency association with 3101 SW Harbin Avenue, #16, Bentonville, AR 72713. I do not have ownership or any living arrangements at this address during the specified time period. I understand the significance of accurate information on a credit report and want to rectify any confusion caused by the inclusion of this address. It is crucial that my credit report reflects correct and up-to-date information related to my residence history. To provide further explanation, I suspect that the presence of this address on my credit report may be due to a clerical error or an incorrect association of data. I kindly request that you investigate the source and accuracy of this address information, as it does not relate to my personal residence or any ownership on my part. In an effort to ensure accuracy and clarity, I have included below the details of my residence history, including the FROM-TO dates at each address: 1. Previous Residence: - Address: [Previous Address] - FROM: [Date] - TO: [Date] 2. Current Residence: - Address: [Current Address] - FROM: [Date] - TO: [Date] Please verify that the above information aligns with your records to ensure that accurate and up-to-date details are displayed on my credit report. I kindly request that the credit reporting agency promptly investigates and resolves this issue. It is imperative that the incorrect address at 3101 SW Harbin Avenue, #16, Bentonville, AR 72713 is expunged from my credit report, as it inaccurately reflects my residency history. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I anticipate your swift and efficient resolution of this inquiry. Sincerely, [Your Name]