question:Write a sensible sentence that begins with "A blue shirt" and ends with "smartphone". After you answer, evaluate if it meets the requirements.
answer:A blue shirt would look great with my new smartphone. The sentence meets the requirements as it makes logical sense and includes both "blue shirt" and "smartphone."
question:the space mission is Apollo 11:
answer:Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon, carried out by the United States' National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in July 1969. The mission was launched on a Saturn V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, and consisted of three crew members - Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. After traveling 240,000 miles to the Moon, Armstrong and Aldrin landed the Lunar Module "Eagle" on the Moon's surface in the Sea of Tranquility, on 20 July 1969. Armstrong famously delivered the line "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" as he became the first person to step onto the Moon's surface. The mission successfully returned all three crew members safely to Earth on 24 July 1969. The scientific and technological achievements of the mission revolutionized the field of space exploration and inspired generations of scientists and engineers.
question:Instructions Space Exploration Instructions for students: The first ever space mission was launched in 1957 to understand our galaxy & universe. Space missions are highly expensive when compared with Earth-based astronomy projects. So why do we do it? What do nations gain from space missions? Firstly, select a Space Mission to research and discuss ● For example, you could look at… o Apollo 11 o Mission to Mars o Vostok 6 Research ONE space mission of your choice (past, present or future). Write a report on that mission, including three subheadings: ● Di: Space mission objectives o Give background information about your space mission. Briefly describe the mission you have chosen. o What were the aims or objectives of this mission? o Describe which science and technology processes were used to achieve these objectives. ● Dii: Implications to _________________ o What are the positive and negative consequences of using science and technology to achieve the mission objectives? What potential future outcomes would there be? o Discuss and analyse the implications of your mission on one of the following factors: ECONOMY or SOCIETY or ENVIRONMENT. o ECONOMICAL can be defined as “giving good value or return in relation to the money, time, or effort expended. For example: What is the cost of the space mission you have chosen? How can companies or people profit or suffer financially from this mission? If the mission didn’t happen, what cost implications could this have? o SOCIETY: is defined as a group of people, who share a common economic, social and industrial infrastructure. Society is an organization of people who share a common cultural and social background. For example: How has space exploration affected society? Will it affect everyone or a select group? Will it unfairly affect one group of society over another? If the mission didn’t happen, how would that impact the society you live in? o ENVIRONMENTAL: is defined as “of, relating to, or associated with the environment.” Is the issue an environmental one in some way, directly or indirectly? Are any pollutants released from the space mission or does the exploration benefit the environment in some way? ● Div: Bibliography o Cite all your research using the MLA format. Document a minimum of 3 credible sources completely, using MLA referencing and in-text citations. o Here is a reminder of what should be included in your reference: correct MLA referencing Your Diii will be assessed throughout your summative. Try to include the keywords listed below and include other scientific words too! In this summative assessment you will pull together all your understanding of the 4 Criterion D strands that have been formatively assessed and produce one piece of work.
answer:Space Mission: Apollo 11 Di: Space mission objectives Apollo 11 was a manned mission to land on the Moon, launched by NASA in 1969. The primary objective was to land two men on the lunar surface and safely return them to Earth. The mission also aimed to gather information about the lunar surface, perform scientific experiments, and establish the United States' leadership in space exploration during the Cold War. To achieve these objectives, NASA developed the Saturn V rocket, which was the most powerful launch vehicle ever built. The mission consisted of a command module, a service module, and a lunar module. The command and service modules remained in orbit around the Moon while the lunar module landed on the surface with two astronauts - Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. The mission succeeded in landing Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon's surface on July 20, 1969, and they carried out experiments, including deploying a series of scientific instruments. They also placed the American flag and collected rock samples from the Moon. The Columbia spacecraft safely carried the astronauts back to Earth on July 24, 1969. Dii: Implications to society Apollo 11 had significant implications for society. The mission demonstrated the capabilities of American technology and engineering, and it was a symbol of national pride during the Cold War. It also inspired a generation of scientists and engineers and sparked new technologies, including micro-electronics and satellite communications. On the negative side, the Apollo program was expensive, and the money spent on space exploration could have been used for domestic programs. For example, the Apollo program cost 24 billion, which was equivalent to 151 billion in 2021. The money spent on space exploration could have been used to address social issues, such as poverty and inequality. Nevertheless, the Apollo program contributed to the growth of the American economy, especially in the field of technology and engineering. It also influenced the global economy by encouraging international cooperation in space exploration. Div: Bibliography “Mission to Mars Science.” NASA, 11 Sept. 2018, “NASA - Apollo 11.” NASA, 29 June 2011, “Vostok 6.” National Space Science Data Center, NASA,