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question:Şu kodlarımda kullanıcı deneyimi için geliştirmem gereke nyerler sence nereler ? using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text.Encodings.Web; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading; using Wpf.Ui.Controls; using YoutubeExplode; using YoutubeExplode.Common; using YoutubeExplode.Search; using YoutubeExplode.Videos; using YoutubeExplode.Videos.Streams; using yt.ViewModels.Pages; using Button = Wpf.Ui.Controls.Button; using NAudio.Wave; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; namespace yt.Views.Pages { public partial class DashboardPage : INavigableView<DashboardViewModel> { public DashboardViewModel ViewModel { get; } private YoutubeClient youtube = new YoutubeClient(); private SemaphoreSlim semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(8); // Max 5 concurrent detail requests private DispatcherTimer timer; private bool repeatSong = false; public DashboardPage(DashboardViewModel viewModel) { ViewModel = viewModel; DataContext = this; InitializeComponent(); // Varsayılan bir çalma listesini yükle waveOutEvent.PlaybackStopped += OnPlaybackStopped; LoadPlaylistVideos("RDCLAK5uy_ncwbM766_rhOk_JllLnAXmv_5v21_b2bc"); } private async void LoadPlaylistVideos(string playlistId) { PreviousButton.IsEnabled = false; NextButton.IsEnabled = false; PlayButton.IsEnabled = false; ProgressProgressBar.IsEnabled = false; RepeatButton.IsEnabled = false; MyCollection.Clear(); // Cancel the previous search if it's still running cts.Cancel(); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); int counter = 0; // Sayaç ekleniyor try { await foreach (var video in youtube.Playlists.GetVideosAsync(playlistId).WithCancellation(cts.Token)) { await semaphore.WaitAsync(); // Wait for a free slot _ = GetVideoDetailsAsync(video); // Fire and forget counter++; // Her video eklendiğinde sayaç artırılıyor if (counter >= 20) // Eğer sayaç 20'ye ulaştıysa döngüyü kır break; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } PreviousButton.IsEnabled = true; NextButton.IsEnabled = true; PlayButton.IsEnabled = true; ProgressProgressBar.IsEnabled = true; RepeatButton.IsEnabled = true; } [Obsolete] private async void SearchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string text = SearchTextBox.Text; // Eğer SearchTextBox boşsa, uyarı ver ve arama yapma if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { var messageBox = new Wpf.Ui.Controls.MessageBox { Title = "Uyarı", Content = "Reis neden hiçbirşey yazmadan aramaya çalışıyorsun ?", ShowInTaskbar = false, Topmost = false, ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize, }; messageBox.ShowDialogAsync(); return; } MyCollection.Clear(); var searchQuery = SearchTextBox.Text; // Cancel the previous search if it's still running cts.Cancel(); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); int counter = 0; // Sayaç ekleniyor try { await foreach (var video in youtube.Search.GetVideosAsync(searchQuery).WithCancellation(cts.Token)) { await semaphore.WaitAsync(); // Wait for a free slot _ = GetVideoDetailsAsync(video); // Fire and forget counter++; // Her video eklendiğinde sayaç artırılıyor if (counter >= 8) // Eğer sayaç 20'ye ulaştıysa döngüyü kır break; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } } private ObservableCollection<Video> _myCollection = new ObservableCollection<Video>(); public ObservableCollection<Video> MyCollection { get { return _myCollection; } set { _myCollection = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); private WaveOutEvent waveOutEvent = new WaveOutEvent(); private Video currentVideo = null; private async void ListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { PreviousButton.IsEnabled = true; NextButton.IsEnabled = true; PlayButton.IsEnabled = true; ProgressProgressBar.IsEnabled = true; RepeatButton.IsEnabled = true; if (!(sender is ListView listView) || listView.SelectedItem == null) { return; } Video video = (Video)listView.SelectedItem; // Yalnızca seçilen video değiştiğinde yeni bir WaveOutEvent oluştur if (currentVideo == null) { currentVideo = video; } else if (!currentVideo.Id.Equals(video.Id)) { currentVideo = video; } // Şarkıyı oynat veya duraklat if (currentVideo != null && currentVideo.AudioStreamInfo != null) { if (waveOutEvent != null) { waveOutEvent.Stop(); } MediaFoundationReader waveProvider = new MediaFoundationReader(currentVideo.AudioStreamInfo.Url); waveOutEvent = new WaveOutEvent(); waveOutEvent.Init(waveProvider); if (waveOutEvent.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing) { waveOutEvent.Pause(); PlayButton.Content = "ue102"; } else { waveOutEvent.Play(); PlayButton.Content = "ue103"; } } } private void OnPlaybackStopped(object sender, StoppedEventArgs e) { if (repeatSong) { waveOutEvent.Play(); } } private void RepeatButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { repeatSong = !repeatSong; // Bayrağı değiştirin } private void PlayButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (waveOutEvent.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing) { waveOutEvent.Pause(); PlayButton.Content = "ue102"; } else { waveOutEvent.Play(); PlayButton.Content = "ue103"; } } private int currentIndex = -1; private async void NextButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Get the current selected item from the ListView var currentVideo = (Video)listView.SelectedItem; // Find the index of the current video in the MyCollection var currentIndex = MyCollection.IndexOf(currentVideo); // Get the next video (wrapping around if necessary) var nextVideo = (currentIndex == MyCollection.Count - 1) ? MyCollection[0] : MyCollection[currentIndex + 1]; // Unsubscribe from the SelectionChanged event to prevent it from firing listView.SelectionChanged -= ListView_SelectionChanged; // Select the next video in the ListView listView.SelectedItem = nextVideo; // Resubscribe to the SelectionChanged event listView.SelectionChanged += ListView_SelectionChanged; // Play the next video IStreamInfo withHighestBitrate = nextVideo.AudioStreamInfo; if (withHighestBitrate != null) { // Stop the current playing song if (waveOutEvent != null) { waveOutEvent.Stop(); } MediaFoundationReader waveProvider = new MediaFoundationReader(withHighestBitrate.Url); waveOutEvent = new WaveOutEvent(); waveOutEvent.Init(waveProvider); waveOutEvent.Play(); PlayButton.Content = "ue103"; } } private async void PreviousButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Get the current selected item from the ListView var currentVideo = (Video)listView.SelectedItem; // Find the index of the current video in the MyCollection var currentIndex = MyCollection.IndexOf(currentVideo); // Get the previous video (wrapping around if necessary) var previousVideo = (currentIndex == 0) ? MyCollection[MyCollection.Count - 1] : MyCollection[currentIndex - 1]; // Unsubscribe from the SelectionChanged event to prevent it from firing listView.SelectionChanged -= ListView_SelectionChanged; // Select the previous video in the ListView listView.SelectedItem = previousVideo; // Resubscribe to the SelectionChanged event listView.SelectionChanged += ListView_SelectionChanged; // Play the previous video IStreamInfo withHighestBitrate = previousVideo.AudioStreamInfo; if (withHighestBitrate != null) { // Stop the current playing song if (waveOutEvent != null) { waveOutEvent.Stop(); } MediaFoundationReader waveProvider = new MediaFoundationReader(withHighestBitrate.Url); waveOutEvent = new WaveOutEvent(); waveOutEvent.Init(waveProvider); waveOutEvent.Play(); PlayButton.Content = "ue103"; } } private async Task GetVideoDetailsAsync(VideoSearchResult video) { try { var videoDetails = await youtube.Videos.GetAsync(video.Id); var streamInfo = await youtube.Videos.Streams.GetManifestAsync(video.Id); var audioStreamInfo = streamInfo.GetAudioOnlyStreams().GetWithHighestBitrate(); MyCollection.Add(new Video { Id = video.Id, Title = video.Title, Author = video.Author.Title, ThumbnailUrl = video.Thumbnails.GetWithHighestResolution()?.Url, Duration = video.Duration.ToString(), Likes = (int)videoDetails.Engagement.LikeCount, // Beğeni sayısını ayarla ViewCount = (int)videoDetails.Engagement.ViewCount, // Beğenmeme sayısını ayarla StreamUrl = audioStreamInfo?.Url, // Akış URL'sini ayarla AudioStreamInfo = audioStreamInfo// Akış URL'sini ayarla }); } finally { semaphore.Release(); // Release the slot } } [Obsolete] private async Task GetVideoDetailsAsync(YoutubeExplode.Playlists.PlaylistVideo videoPlaylistResult) { try { var videoDetails = await youtube.Videos.GetAsync(videoPlaylistResult.Id); var streamInfo = await youtube.Videos.Streams.GetManifestAsync(videoPlaylistResult.Id); var audioStreamInfo = streamInfo.GetAudioOnlyStreams().GetWithHighestBitrate(); MyCollection.Add(new Video { Id = videoPlaylistResult.Id, Title = videoPlaylistResult.Title, Author = videoPlaylistResult.Author.Title, ThumbnailUrl = videoPlaylistResult.Thumbnails.GetWithHighestResolution()?.Url, Duration = videoPlaylistResult.Duration.ToString(), Likes = (int)videoDetails.Engagement.LikeCount, // Beğeni sayısını ayarla ViewCount = (int)videoDetails.Engagement.ViewCount, // Beğenmeme sayısını ayarla StreamUrl = audioStreamInfo?.Url, // Akış URL'sini ayarla AudioStreamInfo = audioStreamInfo// Akış URL'sini ayarla }); } finally { semaphore.Release(); // Release the slot } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) { PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } } public class Video : INotifyPropertyChanged { public string Id { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Author { get; set; } public string ThumbnailUrl { get; set; } public string Duration { get; set; } private int _likes; public string StreamUrl { get; set; } public IStreamInfo AudioStreamInfo { get; set; } // Yeni özellik public int Likes { get { return _likes; } set { _likes = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Likes)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(LikesFormatted)); } } public string LikesFormatted => _likes.ToString("N0", new CultureInfo("tr-TR")); private int _viewCount; public int ViewCount { get { return _viewCount; } set { _viewCount = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ViewCount)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ViewCountFormatted)); } } public string ViewCountFormatted => _viewCount.ToString("N0", new CultureInfo("tr-TR")); public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } } }

answer:Kodunuzda kullanıcı deneyimini geliştirebileceğiniz bazı öneriler şunlardır: 1. İşlem yapıldığı süre boyunca kullanıcının beklemesini engellemek için arama sürecini arka plan iş parçacığında gerçekleştirin. Bu sayede kullanıcı uygulamanın donduğunu hissetmez. 2. Başlatma sırasında listenin yüklenmesini görsel olarak bildirin. Örneğin, bir yüklenme çubuğu veya bir dönme animasyonu kullanabilirsiniz. 3. Arama sonuçları görüntülendiğinde bir ListView veya DataGrid gibi bir kontrol kullanarak sonuçları daha düzenli ve okunabilir bir şekilde sunun. 4. Arama sonuçlarını sayfa veya parça parça yükleyin. Tüm sonuçları aynı anda getirmek yerine kullanıcıya sayfalama veya sürekli yükleme seçenekleri sunun. 5. Şarkı çalma işlemlerini daha kullanıcı dostu hale getirmek için düğmelerin durumlarını güncelleyin. Örneğin, oynatma düğmesinin simgesini duruma göre değiştirin (oynatılıyor mu, duraklatıldı mı). 6. Şarkı çalmada tekrar özelliği ekleyin, böylece kullanıcı aynı şarkıyı tekrar tekrar dinleyebilir. 7. Seçili şarkıyı vurgulayarak ve kaydırarak kullanıcının hangi şarkının çalındığını daha açık bir şekilde görmesini sağlayın. 8. Daha iyi bir hata yönetimi sağlamak için hataları kullanıcıya bildirin veya hata durumlarını daha düzgün bir şekilde ele alın. 9. Arama veya oynatma işlemleri sırasında gerçekleşen ağ isteklerini takip etmek için bir yükleme çubuğu veya ilerleme göstergesi ekleyin. 10. Kullanıcının sayfa veya arama sonuçları arasında gezinmesini kolaylaştırmak için klavye kısayolları veya gezinme düğmeleri ekleyin.

question:Aenkron olmayan kodları asenkron hale getir ve bana yaz

answer:Aşağıda, mevcut kodunuzdaki bazı asenkron olmayan yöntemleri asenkron hale getirilmiş halleriyle birlikte verilmiştir: ```csharp private async Task LoadPlaylistVideosAsync(string playlistId) { PreviousButton.IsEnabled = false; NextButton.IsEnabled = false; PlayButton.IsEnabled = false; ProgressProgressBar.IsEnabled = false; RepeatButton.IsEnabled = false; MyCollection.Clear(); // Cancel the previous search if it's still running cts.Cancel(); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); int counter = 0; try { await foreach (var video in youtube.Playlists.GetVideosAsync(playlistId).WithCancellation(cts.Token)) { await semaphore.WaitAsync(); _ = GetVideoDetailsAsync(video); counter++; if (counter >= 20) break; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } PreviousButton.IsEnabled = true; NextButton.IsEnabled = true; PlayButton.IsEnabled = true; ProgressProgressBar.IsEnabled = true; RepeatButton.IsEnabled = true; } private async Task SearchButton_ClickAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string text = SearchTextBox.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { var messageBox = new Wpf.Ui.Controls.MessageBox { Title = "Uyarı", Content = "Reis neden hiçbirşey yazmadan aramaya çalışıyorsun ?", ShowInTaskbar = false, Topmost = false, ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize, }; messageBox.ShowDialogAsync(); return; } MyCollection.Clear(); var searchQuery = SearchTextBox.Text; cts.Cancel(); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); int counter = 0; try { await foreach (var video in youtube.Search.GetVideosAsync(searchQuery).WithCancellation(cts.Token)) { await semaphore.WaitAsync(); _ = GetVideoDetailsAsync(video); counter++; if (counter >= 8) break; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } } [Obsolete] private async Task GetVideoDetailsAsync(VideoSearchResult video) { try { var videoDetails = await youtube.Videos.GetAsync(video.Id); var streamInfo = await youtube.Videos.Streams.GetManifestAsync(video.Id); var audioStreamInfo = streamInfo.GetAudioOnlyStreams().GetWithHighestBitrate(); MyCollection.Add(new Video { Id = video.Id, Title = video.Title, Author = video.Author.Title, ThumbnailUrl = video.Thumbnails.GetWithHighestResolution()?.Url, Duration = video.Duration.ToString(), Likes = (int)videoDetails.Engagement.LikeCount, ViewCount = (int)videoDetails.Engagement.ViewCount, StreamUrl = audioStreamInfo?.Url, AudioStreamInfo = audioStreamInfo }); } finally { semaphore.Release(); } } [Obsolete] private async Task GetVideoDetailsAsync(YoutubeExplode.Playlists.PlaylistVideo videoPlaylistResult) { try { var videoDetails = await youtube.Videos.GetAsync(videoPlaylistResult.Id); var streamInfo = await youtube.Videos.Streams.GetManifestAsync

question:Write a satirical definition of “moral panic”

answer:Moral Panic (n.): A delightful sport in which the masses enjoy a collective freak-out, often ritualistically performed when society runs low on actual problems. This sport's objective is to spot an innocuous activity, object, or group and elevate it to the status of a civilization-threatening villain. Participation requires an uncanny ability to bypass rational thought, embracing hysteria and hyperbole to concoct a sensational narrative where ordinary things—like comic books, video games, or dancing—magically transform into the harbingers of doom. The preferred playing field is the media, where high scores are achieved by sensational headlines and apocalyptic editorials that can turn the act of consuming avocado toast into a sign of moral decay. Players get bonus points for political grandstanding, weaving conspiracy theories, and coining catchy phrases like "The War on *insert seemingly benign subject here*." Advanced techniques involve nostalgic cherry-picking of "the good old days," when everything was supposedly perfect, and ignoring historical facts that contradict the blissful reminiscence. The endgame is not to resolve any actual issues but to revel in the ephemeral comfort of self-righteous indignation, until the next round of moral panic begins—a self-perpetuating cycle that fuels the insatiable ego and provides endless entertainment for onlookers with a taste for the absurd.

question:Write a satirical definition of /co/

answer:"/co/" - A magical realm within the boundless expanse of the internet, consecrated as a virtual gathering space for the high priests and mystics of the animation and comic book realms, otherwise known as fans. This digital agora is often found lurking in the shadowy corridors of image boards like 4chan, where its denizens engage in the most serious and scholarly discussions known to mankind, such as the intricate narrative implications of Batman’s utility belt or the philosophical ramifications of SpongeBob SquarePants having a regular job. Originally intended as a congregation point for critique and discourse on the art of sequential storytelling and animated features, /co/ has since evolved into a glorious echo chamber where the age-old adage "agree to disagree" is thrown out the window in favor of "agree to argue perpetually." Here, the battle of opinions rages with the ferocity of a thousand fan-theories, and the call to arms is signified not by a bugle, but by the drafting of a response so nitpicky it would make even the most stoic of English professors weep. In /co/, you can witness the zenith of human creativity, as fans craft elaborate AU (alternate universe) fanfics where their favorite characters engage in activities ranging from the mundane to the shockingly out of character. Meanwhile, heated debates over which superhero could out-emo the other serve as the subforum's daily bread - because who doesn't want to see a showdown between a brooding inter-dimensional warlock and a caped crusader with daddy issues? Underneath the sarcasm and the snark, however, /co/ is ultimately a testament to the passion and dedication of fans. A place where love for comics and animation can flourish, often manifesting in such deep analyses that they might just be better than the source material itself, and where every plot hole or character flaw is dissected with the precision of a neurosurgeon performing brain surgery with a chainsaw. This is /co/, the beating heart of the internet's nerd culture—hyperbolic, unrestrained, and teeming with the most colorful and caring cynics you’ll ever have the pleasure of arguing with.

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